iphone,uiwebview,links,regexkitliteRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors
javascript iphone ipad orientation
I’m having the same problem that a couple of others have had with getting the correct behavior in a web app on an orientation change, and there doesn’t seem to be an obvious solution – I’ve seen this question asked a couple of times on Stack Overflow and no one’s yet been able to answer it.When I start the app in portrait mode, it works fine. Then I rotate into landscape and it’s scaled up. To get it to scale correctly for the landscape mode I have to double tap on something twice, first to zoo
Shekhar Gupta
iphone xcode terminal
Is there some way by which I can use Xcode only to organise my code and not display errors at the time of compilation? I want that the error messages and the output get displayed in the Terminal instead. I am a college student and am learning how to program in C. I really want the error messages to be displayed in the Terminal, as they are shown there in a fairly cryptic manner, instead of the user friendly manner which is there is in Xcode.
c# iphone mono monotouch monodevelop
I have a project set up in MonoDevelop, it compiles and runs fine for the simulator but when I try to target a device I get a compile error saying:Error 1: mtouch failed with no output (1) (ChicksnVixens-MonoTouch)And this is the last bunch of stuff the build output has (paste bin: http://pastebin.com/Ea8hgaFH):Compiling to native code /Developer/MonoTouch/usr/bin/mtouch -v–nomanifest –nosign -dev”/Users/dev/Documents/Proj/cnv/MyCode/ChicksnVixens/bin/iPhone/Debug/ChicksnVixens-MonoTouch.app””
Imran Raheem
iphone crash iphone-sdk-3.1 crash-reports
The app crashes on the tester’s device (with OS 3.1) but does well on the simulator and my device with OS 3.0.I have the crash log but I am finding it difficult to understand the reason of this crash as I cannot see the mentioned crashed thread (usually shown in a crash log).What does this mean? “Unknown thread crashed with unknown flavor: 5, state_count: 1″Is there anyone who understands Crash Logs very well?Any help is much appreciated!Incident Identifier: EF273E16-AA9F-47CD-9587-8AC824F8DCB4
Darren Reely
iphone cocoa cocoa-touch avfoundation
First time asking a question here. I’m hoping the post is clear and sample code is formatted correctly.I’m experimenting with AVFoundation and time lapse photography.My intent is to grab every Nth frame from the video camera of an iOS device (my iPod touch, version 4) and write each of those frames out to a file to create a timelapse. I’m using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput, AVAssetWriter and AVAssetWriterInput.The problem is, if I use the CMSampleBufferRef passed to captureOutput:idOutputSampleBuffe
Rakhe Kara
ios iphone objective-c cocoa-touch
Actually this crash is not reproducing every time, even not frequently but we got this crash in our production app. I am not sure where is the problem. It is telling crash is happening in thread 4 in Environments class line number 38.Code:NSBundle* bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];NSString* envsPListPath = [bundle pathForResource:@”Environment” ofType:@”plist”];Line 38: NSDictionary *environments = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:envsPListPath];But according to exception type:00000020
iphone cocoa-touch memory-management ios4 uiviewcontroller
UPDATE (at bottom): Added entire viewWillAppear: method implementation to show how the three UIViewControllers are allocated / deallocated into the UIScrollView.I have a root ViewController which contains a UIScrollView. This UIScrollView itself contains 3 different UIViewControllers (setup as NSFetchedResultControllerDelegates for separate UITableViews.)I need to reload the root ViewController’s UIScrollView at one point when we come back to the view so I do this at the beginning of:-(void) vie
Kevin Craft
iphone ios facebook
I’m currently developing my first native iPhone app (though I have many years of experience as a web developer). I’m having some difficulty understanding the best way to handle login and I’m looking for some advice on the best way to go about it. The more I think about all the things that can go wrong during login, the more my brain wants to jump out of my head. I’m getting really frustrated with this and could really use some advice from some more experienced iPhone developers. Thanks in advanc
iphone objective-c uiscrollview
How can I force a UIScrollView in which paging and scrolling are on to only move vertically or horizontally at a given moment?My understanding is that the directionalLockEnabled property should achieve this, but a diagonal swipe still causes the view to scroll diagonally instead of restricting motion to a single axis.Edit: to be clearer, I’d like to allow the user to scroll horizontally OR vertically, but not both simultaneously.
iphone objective-c cocoa-touch pdf quartz-graphics
I want to convert local html file on iPhone to PDF document. I have used the following code I found online to generate PDF file from Picture, I tried to replace the image with the html file but it failed. I would very much appreciate your help. Thanks in advance,// Our method to create a PDF file natively on the iPhone // This method takes two parameters, a CGRect for size and // a const char, which will be the name of our pdf file void CreatePDFFile (CGRect pageRect, const char *filename) {//
Nicholas Petersen
ios iframe uiwebview
It sounds like the native iOS app code can receive events whenever a link is clicked within a UIWebView, but is this still true when the link is within an iframe within the UIWebView?See here, here, here, and etc.In our case, we just want to display a blog post (etc) within an iframe, with that iframe wrapped by a bare html document. But if they click any links from there, we want to have the app detect that and have it navigate outside of our app to the external browser (perhaps with an alert w
iphone uiwebview bundle
Background: I am developing a news reader type app native for the iPhone which displays many of the news articles as html in UIWebViews. My current goal is to have a css file in my project that can style html that is programmitically meshed up (article + comments, etc). I have done a bunch of little proof of concepts and I know that I can use <link id=\”stylesheet\” rel=\”stylesheet\” href=\”Test.css\” type=\”text/css\” /> as part of the input string to webview’s loadHTMLString and achie
iphone objective-c css3 ios6 uiwebview
When using UIWebView and CSS3 Columns, if I select text that is split/broken by a column break, then that UIWebView has a seizure and starts behaving…erratically.Since the text or element is broken by the column break, UIWebView seems to get confused, and does not know which text rectangle to select – the one in the column the text break ends in, or the one it starts in. Here’s a very rough representation of what I’m trying to relate:The dark portion is scrolled outside the viewport of the iPh
javascript ios uiwebview monotouch onerror
Here’s an answer for a similar question in Objective C but I’m not sure what’s the right way to translate it to MonoTouch.Basically, I want to be able to catch JavaScript errors and know at least filename and line number—unfortunately, window.onerror doesn’t give this crucial information.In particular, I’m not sure if I should expose a native library or if I can write this in pure MonoTouch.
ios uiwebview
In my app I’m using a web view (a simple UIWebView) to display a web page that lists some files. For some reason, the server (which is not in my control) wants to force the user to download the file, and as far as I can see, it does it in 2 ways – (a) setting Content-Disposition: attachment; in the header and (b) changing the content type to be Content-Type: application/x-forcedownload.The web view will display the known ‘Frame load interrupted’ error when trying to open one of these files insid
ios objective-c ios7 uiwebview delegates
I have a code which places a phone call using below code : // Make a call to given phone number – (void)callPhoneNumber:(NSString *)phoneNumber {if (!self.webview)self.webview = [[UIWebView alloc] init];self.webview.delegate = self;// Remove non-digits from phone numberphoneNumber = [[phoneNumber componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[[NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet] invertedSet]] componentsJoinedByString:@””];// Make a callNSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@”
Andrew Miner
objective-c ios uiwebview
I’ve got an application which has been launched out in the world (so I can’t change that version), and I’ve noticed that certain 3rd-party pages seem to fail when loaded in the native UIWebView, but work fine when loaded in the regular Mobile Safari browser. I know I can change the UIWebViewDelegate to send problematic URLs off to Mobile Safari next time I release (and I plan to), but I’m hoping there’s some solution for the meantime.Ideally, I’d like to be able to change the URL I send up from
iphone xcode uiwebview dashcode
In order words, can anyone tell me the basics of how to create a “hybrid” iPhone application? I want to load the web content (the Dashcode app itself) from the native application’s application bundle.I’ve gotten this to partially work, but some content won’t display and it otherwise seems like Dashcode is assuming a certain Safari environment or something that I don’t seem to have in my UIWebView.Can anyone provide a link to some sample code that embeds a Dashcode project into a cocoa touch Xcod
Paras Joshi
iphone ios html5 uiwebview local-storage
I have an iphone app that enables users to login via a native UIView on ios, that then fires up a UIWebView to display the main content. The webapp uses database storage to retain some of the content locally.However, every now and then, the webapp will fail to load when attempting to access the database with the following message appearing in the logs…… sandboxd[3203] : APPNAME(3201) deny file-write-create /Databases.dbI am unable to reproduce the error with any consistency (at first I thoug
Ilea Cristian
ios html5 uiwebview powerpoint
I am trying to embed a pptx presentation that contains videos and animations in a iOS native app.UIWebView – it renders it, you can scroll trough the slides, but there is no actual interaction with the slides (ex: clicking on a button that sends you on a certain slider, etc).I’ve tried to convert the pptx to a HTML format (mht and normal html format – both fail miserably) with powerpoint2003 (later versions don’t suport conversion to html format anymore).I have to mention that it’s a single powe
php function links
i have a question in regards to the following.i have the functionfunction print_link($link_num) {global $error_str;if($link_num) {$error_str .= “<a href=\”page.php?toloc=$link_num\”><img src=’img/Move.png’/>$link_num</a>”;}which displays an image next to a number according to $link_numi have created a folder with images assigned to this number ($link_num).im trying to display an image without having the need to display $link_num and the image.so far ive tried$error_str .= “<
John Taylor
php javascript links
Does anyone know if this is possible?I have a javascript which highlights the table row when a user hovers down it. it now also links to a page when you click it. but i want to add php to my link. Can it be done?I have attempted it myself but it gives me this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘”‘, expecting T_STRING<script>$(function() {$(‘tr’).hover(function() {$(this).css(‘background-color’, ‘#eee’);$(this).contents(‘td’).css({‘border’: ‘0px solid red’, ‘border-left’: ‘none’,
Michiel Pater
php html links
I’m looking to echo an hyperlink in a PHP file. The target and text are variables. And no, I can’t just make a html file and then echo out the variables. It has to be done with echoing out the statement. I’m having problems with the ” ” around the target. The first ” is okay, but the second is causing problems. Here is my code.while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ if (!empty($row[adder])) { echo “<a href=\”/”.$row[adder].\””>”.$row[adder].”</a>”; }The problem is the \” after $row
javascript jquery navigation links
I am trying to write a skp nav link script but instead of grabbing the id i want to grab the class. How can I write the following script in jquery syntax to get the class name? $(document).ready(function() {$(“.ajax-video”).click(function(event) {event.preventDefault();document.getElementById(“currently-playing-title”).scrollIntoView();}); });Also for some reason the following does not work: $(‘.videoplayer’).scrollIntoView();
hyperref pdf links
The vertical scroll position after navigating to a \hypertarget from a \hyperlink (described in the hyperref manual) seems to be too low. The scroll position is at the baseline of the \hypertarget, so the target cannot be seen after clicking a \hyperlink.If I run latex -output-format pdf document.tex twice on Mac OS X 10.8.2 to create a PDF from this document—\documentclass{minimal} \usepackage[colorlinks=true,raiselinks=true]{hyperref} \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} \hyperlink{target1}{ta
Mark Daly
7 blocks links
In one of our Drupal sites (core 7.14) links in two blocks displayed on the front page recently started using one of the alternate domains defined in the Apache config for the site instead of the primary domain. Neither block was changed recently. There are other blocks on the front page, and throughout the site, that were not affected.The links in the block were of the style href=”node/123″ (without a leading slash). After investigating any modules or settings that seemed related to blocks or l
iphone uiwebview links regexkitlite
I am using IFTweetLabel and have it to the point were it recognizes links but I am having an awful time opening a webview with the button IFTweetLabel creates. I a running the NSLog and can clearly see it is understanding each link when the button is presses but it will not open the URL for some reason .Below is the code I am using to show the view and load the string in a webView….which all works besides the loading of the webview.Any suggestions would be very much appreciated! thank you!- (v
ios5 links cordova jqmobi
I’ve checked everywhere here in stackoverflow, google, phonegap and other websites but I cannot find a solution, but if I did miss the right link, please post me to it, because I’m lost.1: I’m using Cordova + JQmobi to write my apps. 2: the only link that doesn’t work is the TEL: in a tag links. 3: they work in Safari for ios (any version I’ve found from ios4 to ios5.1) 4: ONLY in ios5 the link to TEL: won’t work in native appsHere the codes I’ve tried:<a href=”tel:+39000000″>Link to the t
javascript jquery links expression
$(document).ready(function(){var page = window.location.hash;if(page != “”){$(‘a[href=’+ page +’]’).addclass(‘selected’);pageload(page.replace(‘#/page/’, ‘pages/?load=’));}$(‘#top a’).click(function(event){ $(‘#top a’).removeClass(‘selected’);$(this).addClass(‘selected’);pageload($(this).attr(‘href’).replace(‘#/page/’, ‘pages/?load=’));event.preventDefault;}); }); <div id=”top”><a href=”#/page/link”>Link</a><a href=”#/page/link”>Link</a><a href=”#/page/link
css links z-index
The problem is, the links in the main menu don’t work, you can hover on them and see the address that it links to, but when you click them nothing happens.I’m assuming it’s something to do with the css. I tried deleting all the z-index to see if it’s something to do with them(in case it was behind something and you couldn’t actually click them), I switched positionings around, nothing works.Here is a link to the demo site. http://tinyurl.com/nlmw2sg
iphone uiwebview links regexkitlite
I am using IFTweetLabel and have it to the point were it recognizes links but I am having an awful time opening a webview with the button IFTweetLabel creates. I a running the NSLog and can clearly see it is understanding each link when the button is presses but it will not open the URL for some reason .Below is the code I am using to show the view and load the string in a webView….which all works besides the loading of the webview.Any suggestions would be very much appreciated! thank you!- (v
iphone regex hyperlink regexkitlite
This isn’t working for some reason it just crashes my app:NSString *urlRegex = @”\\bhttps?://[a-zA-Z0-9\\-.]+(?:(?:/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-._?,’+\\&%$=~*!():@\\\\]*)+)?”;NSString *urlParsedStatus = [status stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex:urlRegex withString:@”<a href=\”$1\”>$1</a>”];NSLog(@”new string: %@”, urlParsedStatus); any idea why this isn’t working? Thanks
Hasan Can Saral
objective-c cocoa runtime-error regexkitlite
I’m overlaying the mapview and using RegexKitLite. I couldn’t make it work. I’ve downloaded .m and .h files and added to the project. Also I tried, adding libicucore.dylib or libicucore.A.dlib or adding -licucore to other compiler flags field. Still getting the error:2012-04-01 19:38:04.633 sennerdeysen[907:15803] -[__NSCFString stringByMatching:capture:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x88b6a002012-04-01 19:38:04.634 sennerdeysen[907:15803] * Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘
ios objective-c cocoa-touch uikit regexkitlite
I have a project that must use regular expressions, so I decided to use RegexKitLite, I downloaded it, have added RegexKitLite.m into “Compile Sources”, and RegexKitLite.h into “Copy Files” sections. Added libicucore.A.dylib to project Libraries. Imported RegexKitLite.h into my class, and write code (just for test):NSString *str = @”testing string”;if ([str isMatchedByRegex:@”[^a-zA-Z0-9]”]){NSLog(@”Some message here”);}After that I have error message: -[__NSCFString isMatchedByRegex:]: unrecogn
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