android,eclipse,debugging,x86,jniRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • rene
    I have MainActivity (which extends Activity) and GameView (which extends SurfaceView).MainActivity has TextViews for score and for time left. GameView calculates score and time left, and updates the TextViews in MainActivity.This works wells, but the problem is when I re-start the game over and over. The more games are re-started, the slower they become and eventually the app force-closes.Below is what I see in logcat messages.08-21 10:01:59.826: E/MP-Decision(293): UP Nw:2.700000 Tw:180 rq:2.90

  • user3157940
    android bluetooth android-ndk shared-libraries
    I’m trying to build a shared library I can use to access native bluetooth API functions. I’m currently trying to compile a c file from: Whenever I attempt to compile any of this code as a shared library I get numerous undefined reference errors.. it looks like to every function referenced by the header files. In my latest attempt, I copied the entire bluedroid/bta file to my eclipse project/jni folder. Using the include

  • Raghunandan
    I am trying to start an activity from other one(MainAcitivty) but this is not working it stops immediately whenever i click the button.code for class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener {EditText title,body;Button btn,getnotes;NotepadDb notepad;Cursor cursor;@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);title=(EditText)findViewById(;body=(EditText)find

  • virusss8
    android android-emulator
    My emulator is online, adb is seeing it, but emulator itself can’t get through the startup to homescreen. Startup routine stops when the title ANDROID is on the screen. I thought that the key to repaired emulator is update to the newest version of android sdk, but it wasn’t worked. It is still the same problem. Thanks12-31 15:47:32.269: I/DEBUG(30): debuggerd: Jun 30 2010 14:39:19 12-31 15:47:33.351: D/qemud(37): entering main loop 12-31 15:47:33.359: I/Netd(29): Netd 1.0 starting 12-31 15:47:33

  • aSystemOverload
    I’ve tried all the other posts on here and other places to solve this, but can’t get it working.I’m using the Eclipse IDE, it suggests there are no problems, but once it loads up the virtual device, and the application it force closes.On advice from another post, I’m just re-running the app with logCat loaded… Well attempting to, Eclipse freezes up sometimes with logCat loaded when I try to run the app. Also my Virtual Device seems to take a silly long time to boot into the GUI (when loading

  • Pmike86
    I am new at this (I mean brand spanking new). No this is not a homework assignment. My app continues to crash on my phone and on the AVD. I am not sure what is going on. I followed this tutorial: .Can I get a little help please? This is a simple notepad style app which I am aiming for a 4.2 platform. I would post the LOGCAT but it is at 10,000 entries currently and is going to be more of an annoyance for you than anything else. Thank youMainActivity:pa

  • Student
    java android google-maps
    I am working on a project that includes location detection using the GPS so I found this code that included a working .apk file but when I tried to compile it and run it, it always crashes. The application crashes when I try opening it in an emulator or on a Samsung S4 mobile. N.B. I’ve chosen the correct target which is API 17 and downloaded Google play services and included it in the library of the project.Here is the code if anyone can helpManifest file<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″

  • user998953
    android target
    When I update my android app target form 2.2 to 4.2.2 and update the manifest.xml fileMy app can’t open anymore . there is some Native code error info in my is the logs: I don’t know what happend06-25 19:41:09.229: I/DEBUG(4120): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 06-25 19:41:09.229: I/DEBUG(4120): Build fingerprint: ‘SKY/SKY_IM-A760S/ef33s:4.0.4/IMM76D/S0211228.EF33S_004:user/release-keys’ 06-25 19:41:09.229: I/DEBUG(4120): pid: 13302, tid: 13341 >&g

  • Bananeweizen
    android listview sqlite
    In my application’s database I have 2 tables one called “PLAYERS” which holds the data of every user and “FRIENDSLIST” which is intended to be a personal “friends” list for every registered account.How the process goes in my app is that when a player (Joe) registers a Username his information goes into the “PLAYERS” table and now he could go into my FindFriends activty,search the app for his friend’s Username (Bob) and then clicks the ADD button.The friend (Bob) then gets added to the “FRIENDSLI

  • Janusz Chudzynski
    I am trying to parse a JSON using the JSONParser class presented below.Based on breakpoints it seems like it’s crashing on this line of code:HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpPost);I don’t know how to proceed with it. I will appreciate any help.FRAGMENT public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.agenda, container, false);final ListView listview = (ListView)view.findViewById(

  • Maulik patel
    android eclipse adt
    I have downloaded Android bundle. But when i run eclipse its open and after opening it immediately crashed.OS :- windows xpEclipse log file are like below:# # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x573af06b, pid=304, tid=2624 # # JRE version: 7.0_25-b17 # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.25-b01 mixed mode windows-x86 ) # Problematic frame: # C [gdiplus.dll+0xf06b] GdipCreat

  • user3080575
    java android eclipse ide
    I’ve been trying to use the Eclipse 22.3.0-887826 SDK bundle to learn about android develeopment, however the IDE shuts down frequently. This happens a lot but mostly when cut/copy/paste are being used.I’ve also tried the Eclipse 22.0.4-741630 version also, but still have the same issue.I’ve also tried to “unbind” the items in preferences, but the problem still occurs the same way.I’m running Windows 7 64-bit, latest Java JDK (7u45 32-bit)Anyone else having this problem? I’m new to this so any s

  • Thomas
    java eclipse r rjava
    I have a problem caused by java and R integration in eclipse. I linked the lib and all the staff, and every thing is fine when compiled using R2.8.1 but when I update the R to 2.15.3 ,it keep popping out a window telling that Java(TM)Platform SE binary stopped.the packages installed in R are:sna lpSolve rJava Rglpk lpSolveAPIthe java version is jre7Is the problem in the function called in R only can be used in R 2.8.1 but not 2.15.3? It seems the Rzlib.dll in R cause the problem? Since i got thi

  • Kaii
    android eclipse buzztouch
    While starting my app in emulator i got this error on eclipseActivityManager: Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=com.fmvsample/.BT_activity_root }then in my emulator an error pop up message will occur sayingSomething is not right. There was a problem loading the app`s configuration data. See logCat Console putput in Eclipse..In my .logs this is inserted.!ENTRY org.eclipse.egit.ui 2 0 2013-10-23 08:55:25.345 !MESSAGE Warning: The environm

  • Student
    java android xml eclipse google-maps
    I am developing a Google map v2 Android application. It is crashing and not opening at all. I followed the tutorial by Google developers and got an API key that I used in the Manifest fileMainActivity.javapackage com.example.maps;import; import android.os.Bundle;public class MainActivity extends Activity {@Overrideprotected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);} }activity_main.xml<?xml version=

  • Markus
    eclipse gwt maven m2eclipse gwt-maven-plugin
    I’m trying to migrating a gwt-project to maven for a couple of days, but keep running into problems. I tried to follow different guides and tried different pom-configurations but didn’t get it to work. At the moment, it’s like this:When I run gwt:compile, I get [ERROR] Line 8: The import de.bml.web.versandanzeige.server.model.Zyklus cannot be resolved, which is just one of many classes in my package. The error shows only up for this class. I’ll post complete log belowthe complete error log, with

  • Esquive
    java eclipse spring hibernate maven
    Hello all I’m trying to get started with maven and eclipse.I have some experience with spring, hibernate and maven for a single maven project so far. What I try to achieve is to separate my project into 3 projects representing the classic layers. Web, Service and DAO. I want to build a proper project stub managed by maven. To get started I created the Web project and the DAO project and I’m already hitting a wall. My maven project has the following structure:-SuperProject –Web –DAOHere is th

  • user2059935
    I suddendly start facing this bad problemeclipse starts working and them after some seconds it stops.i create a new eclipse from unzipping the orginal eclipse and i still have the same problemwhen the eclipse stops, a new log file is automatilcally created in the eclipse directly.this is what that log file states # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x000000005ca3bb22, pid=6424, tid=3684 # # JRE version: 7.0_25-b1

  • user42276
    java android linux eclipse ant
    Readme saysAndroid Screencast Homepage :*********************** HOW TO BUILD THE PROJET ***********************Copy file “andrdoiscreencast.conf.example” to parent folder. Rename it to “androidscreencast.conf”. Use your text editor to tune the configuration Launch ant (with target dist or jnpl).`androidscreencast.example.conf says this// The tag added to produced jar (androidscreencast-xxxx.jar) version=DEV// The location of your android sdk installati

  • Matt
    android xml eclipse debugging
    I’m making an Android app for my work. Fairly new to the app development process so I’m testing it at early stages of development.Here’s the eclipse code:public class ClientFeedbackActivity extends Activity {@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);this.setContentView(R.Layout.main);ImageButton mPortrait = (ImageButton)findViewById(;mPortrait.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Overridepublic void onClick(View v) {

  • Matt
    android xml eclipse debugging
    I’m making an Android app for my work. Fairly new to the app development process so I’m testing it at early stages of development.Here’s the eclipse code:public class ClientFeedbackActivity extends Activity {@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);this.setContentView(R.Layout.main);ImageButton mPortrait = (ImageButton)findViewById(;mPortrait.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Overridepublic void onClick(View v) {

  • Denys Karpov
    android debugging geolocation
    Have code to find location(from example in Internet which fined here) So, my java code:import; import android.content.Context; import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationListener; import android.location.LocationManager; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast;public class MainActivity extends Activity {@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(

  • Peter Panne
    java android debugging exception view
    I got an java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException at this line:timer.start();in this method:@Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {switch(parent.getId()){case id));ArrayAdapter<String> adapter2 = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.list_item,, quizWorld.getCategories());list_category.setAdapter(adapter2);state = GameState.Category;view

  • HelloMojo
    java android eclipse debugging
    I’m setting a breakpoint at the line:doc = Jsoup.connect(params[0]).get();but for some reason when I attempt to step over starting at this line it skips to the line } catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();and throws an exception (therefore never getting a value for title) and I’m not sure why.Any suggestions?package com.example.test;import; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import a

  • Sergiy Byelozyorov
    debugging manifest
    I am creating an application that depends on third-party library, which in turn depends on MSVCP90D.dll. While running the application it fails to start and provides an error message:I have found such library in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\redist\Debug_NonRedist\amd64\Microsoft.VC90.DebugCRT and C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\redist\Debug_NonRedist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.DebugCRT. As you can see one of them is 64-bit, while the other is 32-bit. When I

  • Ari B. Friedman
    debugging r
    I’m trying to multiply impute some data, and it’s failing in a very odd way. I have options(error=recover) set, and mi() doesn’t throw an error, but it does stop imputing after the first attempt. It also doesn’t return a value. consequently I have no idea where to even start with debugging. minimal reproducible example below.> library(mi) > temp <- mi(dat) Beginning Multiple Imputation ( Wed Dec 14 10:44:44 2011 ): Iteration 1 Chain 1 : HLTHA5.fac* BMI* INCOME* > temp Error:

  • steve_ash
    dll debugging windbg
    I am trying to debug a problem in a native DLL using WinDBG. I believe that I have the private symbols loaded, but WinDBG is not displaying the source lines or parameter information. Here is what I am observing; any help would be greatly appreciated!I have the PDB which I believe corresponds to the DLL in the symbol search path. Running lm I see:01050000 01058000 3NMSMTHR C (private pdb symbols) e:\ads_symbols\3NMSMTHR.pdbAs this states “private pdb symbols” I expect that this is the priva

  • user2760148
    c# winforms debugging
    At least once or twice when i was running my program it was freezing, I couldn’t click any button nor even close it because the Form was freezing.At other times sometimes when i was quiting (form closing) the program just freezes. I have tried to add try and catch to every method but it never stops there.This is my top of Form1 and the constructor:public partial class Form1 : Form{private bool quitwithtimer;private int y;private int x;private IntPtr ID;private int counter;private int minutes;pri

  • Catfish
    java eclipse debugging jsf
    I’m trying to get an imported project to work and i’m new to JSF. My problem is that when I go to the url of what I think is the correct URL, I just get HTTP Status 404. Can anyone help me figure out what i’m doing wrong? I’m new to JSF so i’m not sure what to even check. The URL that I tried is http://localhost:8080/adminapp/ccadmin/ccmain.jsfFolder Structure:adminapp — src/ — WebContent/ —— ccadmin/ ———- ccmain.jsp —— WEB-INF/ ———- lib/ ———- classes/ ———- face

  • Dominic P
    debugging xaml exception windows-runtime winrt-xaml
    Edit Sept 26See below for the full background. tl;dr: A data grid control is causing odd exceptions, and I am looking for help isolating the cause and finding a solution.I’ve narrowed this down a bit further. I have been able to reproduce the behavior in a smaller test app with more reliable triggering of the erratic behavior.I can definitely rule out both threading and (I think) memory issues. The new app uses no Tasks or other threading/asynchronous features, and I can trigger the unhandled ex

  • Atom
    concurrency thread-safety x86 sse memory-access
    Consider a single memory access (a single read or a single write, not read+write) SSE instruction on an x86 CPU. The instruction is accessing 16 bytes (128 bits) of memory and the accessed memory location is aligned to 16 bytes.The document “Intel® 64 Architecture Memory Ordering White Paper” states that for “Instructions that read or write a quadword (8 bytes) whose address is aligned on an 8 byte boundary” the memory operation appears to execute as a single memory access regardless of memory t

  • Joachim Sauer
    ubuntu x86 dalvik
    I want to build and run Dalvik VM on Ubuntu x64, following this guide: PATH/TO/AOSP/dalvik/docs/hello-world.html.My code branch & host machine is like this:============================================ PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME=AOSP PLATFORM_VERSION= TARGET_PRODUCT=full_x86 TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=eng TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release TARGET_BUILD_APPS= TARGET_ARCH=x86 TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT=x86 HOST_ARCH=x86 HOST_OS=linux HOST_OS_EXTRA=Linux-3.0.0-28-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-11.10-on

  • martiert
    x86 sse simd
    I have the code:float *mu_x_ptr; __m128 *tmp; __m128 *mm_mu_x;mu_x_ptr = _aligned_malloc(4*sizeof(float), 16); mm_mu_x = (__m128*) mu_x_ptr; for(row = 0; row < ker_size; row++) {tmp = (__m128*) &original[row*width + col];*mm_mu_x = _mm_add_ps(*tmp, *mm_mu_x); }From this I get:First-chance exception at 0x00ad192e in SSIM.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000. Unhandled exception at 0x00ad192e in SSIM.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000. The

  • ergosys
    c++ x86 x64 x86-64 cpu-architecture
    I am aware of some the obvious gains of the x64 architecture (higher addressable RAM addresses, etc)… but:What if my program has no real need to run in native 64 bit mode. Should I port it anyway? Are there any foreseeable deadlines for ending 32 bit support? Would my application run faster / better / more secure as native x64 code?

  • Dhananjay
    .net x86 clr native
    Are there different .net CLRs for x86 and x64 ?decimal i = 89; i=i++;Will above code have different native code generated by CLR on x86, x64 ? UPDATE:If yes then when i install visual studio on my machine will install both the CLR versions independent of machine bits ? Has it to do something with performance ?

  • HighCommander4
    windows x86 arm porting windows-8
    This article (from the Windows engineering team) says:WOA [Windows On ARM] will not support any type of virtualization or emulation approach,and will not enable existing x86/64 applications to be ported or run.Does that mean I won’t even be able to recompile an x86/64 application from source for ARM?If yes, what exactly prevents me from doing that? My understanding is that the Win32 API is present on Windows 8 ARM.If no, what do they mean by not being able to port x86/64 applications to ARM?

  • Valentin Golev
    .net x86 x64
    I can build my C# project for x86 and for x64. Why? I thought it generates a special code which is not platform specific at all.

  • mskfisher
    c++ x86 floating-point double
    We have a measurement data processing application and currently all data is held as C++ float which means 32bit/4byte on our x86/Windows platform. (32bit Windows Application).Since precision is becoming an issue, there have been discussions to move to another datatype. The options currently discussed are switching to double (8byte) or implementing a fixed decimal type on top of __int64 (8byte).The reason the fixed-decimal solution using __int64 as underlying type is even discussed is that someon

  • sTaX
    c# dll 64bit x86 32-bit
    I need to use a COM-DLL from an external company (so I have no source code) that only works with the compile-option CPU-Target x86.But my program is a “Any CPU” program and I don’t want to change this.So I read and google a lot and found out that I need 2 processes that communicate with IPC and WCF.The problem: WCF isn’t available with the .Net Framework 2.0.So what is the best and easiest way to do it without change CPU-Target from my main program?

  • axe
    .net x86 project x64 anycpu
    Possible Duplicate:Loading x86 or x64 assembly I’m trying to compile Any CPU .NET project, but I have to link SQLite library which has different versions for x86 and x64 platforms. Changing only DLL versions to x64 doesn’t help, application doesn’t start, I need to recompile code using x64 reference. When I add both x86 and x64 references it fails to compile, because of conflicts. I can’t compile application using x86, because one of the system COM libraries I’m using doesn’t work under WOW64.A

  • ingsaurabh
    android pdf build jni android-ndk
    when running the program open a second but not show any content of PDF file, it has only UI button and black BG , and close itself in next time btw I build muPDF version 0.8.165 using ndk-r5b and run in android 2.2in my LogCat06-01 12:21:18.953: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(4984): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<<<<<<<<< 06-01 12:21:18.953: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(4984): CheckJNI is OFF 06-01 12:21:18.953: DEBUG/

  • runix
    java c++ jni
    I had a problem executing a c method from java (jni) . The content of the CMakeLists.txt is the follow :set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} “/home/runix/instalers/stasm4.1.0”) set(STASM_DIR ..) find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED) if(OpenCV_FOUND)include_directories(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif()find_package(STASM REQUIRED) if(STASM_FOUND)include_directories(${STASM_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif()find_package(JNI) if(JNI_FOUND)include_directories(${JNI_INCLUDE_DIRS}) endif()LINK_DIRECTORIES( ${OpenCV_LI

  • Linus
    java c arrays jni minidump
    I’m trying to run a native method in java and then receiving a 2D double array that I can use in java. I’ve successfully manipulated the data in C but now I need to send it back to java. How would I convert a 2D double array in C to a 2D double array in java?I’ve tried this simple code I came up with but it unfortunately doesn’t work:jobjectArray convertToArray(JNIEnv *env, double **data, int length1D,int *length2D) {jsize outerSize = (jsize) length1D; /* EDIT thanks to John Bickers */jclass cla

  • user1142134
    android sockets jni printwriter
    In my android app, Logcat printed some warning about JNI, but I didn’t use any JNI code, only used Socket to get server data. Here is the warning:12-30 16:49:11.100: W/dalvikvm(8026): ReferenceTable overflow (max=1024)12-30 16:49:11.100: W/dalvikvm(8026): JNI pinned array reference table (0x6b551a80) dump:12-30 16:49:11.100: W/dalvikvm(8026): Last 10 entries (of 1024)12-30 16:49:11.100: W/dalvikvm(8026): 1023: 0x43605f90 byte[] (8192 elements)12-30 16:49:11.100: W/dalvikvm(8026): 102

  • ObscureRobot
    java c++ vector jni swig
    I have some native C++ code that I’m converting to Java using SWIG so that my Java application can use it. In particular there are some functions that return std::vector. Here’s a snippet of my interface file:%include “std_vector.i” namespace std {%template(Vector) vector<double>;%template(Matrix) vector<vector<double> >; }%include “std_string.i”std_string.i and std_vector.i were included in my build of SWIG I’m using. My first surprise was that the Java output included SWIG’s

  • vaib
    java c++ dll jni
    There is crash happened in jvm outside when it tried to access jni code the error comes the problems comes when format my C drive setup the environment again for c compiler mingw gcc and new version java 7.0_03-b05.I have checked my code.But i cant get where is the actual problem is.The jni code compiles successfully but when i run my java it gives an exception. below is given the log file of error i cant understand why it comes so help me out from this ..# # A fatal error has been detected by t

  • Tancho
    android jni native android-ndk
    I am gaving a strange problem with a code. The task is quite simple, from native code I call a java function, which gets a param from prefs, and returns to c++, the method is with no params and returns a string. Even stranger, it runs nicely on the first run, but the second time I call the whole native procedure from java when the c++ routine tries to contact the java method it crashes. which tells me it’s a memory corruption but I have no idea why it happens.Ok. So, in the onLoad method in the

  • Kernald
    java c++ jni swig
    I’m using SWIG to make a Java wrapper of a C++ library (about Json (de)serialization) to use it on Android. I defined an abstract class in C++, representing an object which can be (de)serialized :class IJsonSerializable { public:virtual void serialize(Value &root) = 0; virtual void deserialize(Value &root) = 0; };Now, I’m trying to generate from this class a Java interface. Here’s my SWIG interface:%module JsonSerializable %{ #include “JsonSerializable.hpp” %}%import “JsonValue.i”class IJsonSer

  • mchr
    java memory-leaks jni
    I am currently trying to diagnose a slow memory leak in my application. The facts I have so far are as follows.I have a heap dump from a 4 day run of the application. This heap dump contains ~800 WeakReference objects which point to objects (all of the same type, which I will call Foo for the purposes of this question) retaining 40mb of memory. Eclipse Memory Analysis Tool shows that each of the Foo objects referred to by these WeakReferences is not referred to by any other objects. My expectati

  • bcr
    java c curl android-ndk jni
    I have Java code that interacts with Plivo SMS services through C code.The ndk-build command cannot generate the shared .so library (The .o file is created without a problem)I added the -Wl, -lcurl option to the g++ command but the curl functions cannot be resolveddue to an undefined reference.I used the curl-configuration commands to identify where the libraries are located$ curl-config –libs $ curl-config –cflagsI added the curl library location information to the fileLOCAL_PATH :

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