problem about geocode-Collection of common programming errors

  • Rudiger Kidd
    javascript json parsing google-maps-api-3 geocode
    How can I parse through the response from a reverse geocode using Google Maps JavaScript API v3.geocoder.geocode({‘latLng’: latlng}, function(results, status) {if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {if (results[0]) {infowindow.setContent(results[0].formatted_address);, marker);}} This displays the formatted address fine in the popup, but I’m trying to take other bits out of the response, ideally the street name or route (if no street name found). But when using obj = J

  • Shobhit Puri
    android geocode
    I can retrieve the other location information: country, city postal code …I use this method to retrieve an object:public Address getAddress(double lat, double lng) {try {Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(Contexts.getAppContext(),Locale.getDefault());ThreadTrack th = new ThreadTrack();;// pour attendre 50secList<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(lat, lng, 1);Address obj = addresses.get(0);return obj;} catch (IOException e) {return null;}}but when displaying data it disp

  • RedBlueThing
    google-maps label geocode
    Today I struggled with the following:$.ajax({url:’’,dataType: ‘json’,success: function(data){//eval(“(“+data+”)”);alert(data);} });Firefox gives the error “Invalid Label” and Chrome “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :”. I found a lot of posts about this, and I tried all kinds of things like eval(), but also:$.getJSON(‘

  • j0k
    jquery json google-maps geocode
    i got a “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :” error. why and how to handle this error?thanks!$.getJSON(“,116.4864269&language=zh-CN&sensor=false&callback=?”);you can open this page and see console: return json like this,{“results” : [ Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :{“address_components” : [{“long_name” : “16?”,”short_name” : “16?”,”types” : [ “street_number” ]},{“long_nam

  • Matt
    jquery autocomplete geocode picker street-address
    I am weak on jQuery and Javascript. I would like to take this existing code and have it deliver the users full address in a postal format… like what you would put on a letter or fedex envelop.User begins to type address in the address box and the jQuery auto complete kicks in. When user sees full address they then click on the address and I would like it to then propogate a test box with the users selection, but in the postal format.Here is the HTML page<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD

  • Indicati
    ruby api google-maps passenger geocode
    I am currently running a rails app in production. Whenever i try to access my home page i get an error 500. This started happening recently so i have successfully run the app before.I realised that i could access some of my inner pages and this problem seems to be common on pages using google maps api. So i figured it could be one of two things: since I am on a shared server host, i might have done something that compromised my rights and now gmaps cant make calls. Alternatively, it could be som

  • Laser
    ruby-on-rails ruby geocode
    I’ve been trying to write some code that automatically detects the IP address of the website visitor and displays the corresponding city. I thought this would be as simple as using Geocoder to detect the IP then display the corresponding city, however I am having no success. I’ve been looking through documentation that claims to be compatible with IP addresses, but either I’m doing something incorrectly, or the documentation is wrong: h

  • Chris Yeung
    jquery ajax google-maps-api-3 geocode
    <script> var geocoder; var loc1; var loc;$(document).ready(function() { $(“#testForm”).submit(function(e) {e.preventDefault();loc1 = searchAddress($(‘#Q1’).val());$.post(‘demofindcar_p.php’,{,lng:loc1.lng()},function(result){$(‘#output’).empty().append(result);});}); });// – Functions here – // function searchAddress(adr) {geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({address:adr}, function(result){loc = result[0].geometry.location;});return loc; }</script>I

  • trs
    google-maps-api-3 geocode
    I am using google maps geocoder to geocode a zipcode and I want it to return the state that the zipcode is located in and store it in the variable “local”. I am getting an error indicating that local is undefined. Why?see code below:var address=document.getElementById(“address”).value; var radius=document.getElementById(“radius”).value; var latitude=40; var longitude=0; var local; geocoder.geocode( { ‘address’: address}, function(results, status){ if (status==google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latl

  • user2009114
    javascript node.js callback mongoose geocode
    I am trying to have a function in Node.js with Mongoose that is a .save function for an HTTP request and I am trying to extract the geocoordinates and save them as an array in the Mongoose Schema in MongoDB. However, it seems that I am having a syncing issue because the coordinates are printed as undefined at first and I have to refresh the page to have them displayed. I thought callbacks would solve this, but they do not. (I’ve added the related code snippets below.) Am I doing something wrong

  • Sport Billy
    google-maps geocode
    I want to get the result of Google Maps API geocode() function in order to use it to other functions. I have put the code below on an OnClick event to reverse geocode the address of the point clicked on map.It is always having the previous value of point clicked. Example: the first time i click it has ‘undefined’, 2nd time it has the address of the point i clicked before and so on.var address ;my_listener = google.maps.event.addListener(map, ‘click’, function(event) {codeLatLng(event.latLng); })

  • user948557
    arrays google maps geocode
    var cords = [];var gc = new google.maps.Geocoder();var ap;for(i in drs){ap = drs[i].split(‘@’);gc.geocode({‘address’: ap[1]}, function (res1, status){if(status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){console.log(‘OK’);var prs = {0:res1[0].geometry.location.Xa,1:res1[0].geometry.location.Ya};cords[i] = prs;}});}I want inserting getted position into array.I want access to lat, lang, for example:lat: cords[0][0] and cords[0][1] for langBut outside for loop cords[0][0] is undefined.

  • Jakub
    javascript google maps undefined geocode
    I have a problem with the below function:function geo(address) {geocoder.geocode( { ‘address’: address}, function(results, status) {if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {return results[0].geometry.location;}}); }It returns me “undefined”. Any help would be approciated. Thanks a lot!

  • Karem
    google-maps geocode google-geocoder
    Link removedThis is my site. Im working on so you can enter a location on the search input field, and then see theres xx km from a restaurant.Now i got almost everything working. If you see the source code you can see how it works. It showAddress(what you searched). And then show addresses makes it into lat/lng cords, and pass it to computeRestaurants() which computes the distances between the location you entered and the restaurants.Somehow, when I run:computeRestaurants(new google.maps.LatLng(

  • Trott
    javascript google-maps-api-3 geocode
    The point is to point out the markers from a JSON file, but if the current json, dont have any lat and lng it should calculate it, but it dont work //For example when item.county = ‘Orust’ //and item.region = ‘Bohuslän’Why is that?if(lat == null){geocoder.geocode({ ‘address’: item.county+’, ‘+item.region}, function(result, status) {if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {if(result[0]){latlng = result[0].geometry.location}}});Have I missed something?

  • Karem
    google-maps google-maps-api-3 geocode google-geocoder
    This is what i have: using Google maps v3, Geocode.I made a function showAddress( param ). This takes the param, check if its a address if it is then it returns cords and if its not it returns 0.If you check the link, you can see I have written the code for this, but I just get a alert “undefined”. What is wrong here?

  • user1697061
    javascript html geocode
    So I was using the example of google itself by putting this on my website:var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();if (geocoder){geocoder.geocode({ ‘address’: ‘australia’ }, function (results, status){if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){console.log(results[0].geometry.location);} else{console.log(‘No results found: ‘ + status);}});}But I get an error “c is undefined” Anyone can help ?Script from google has been successfully added to my header. I am already using a second script to disp

  • user1976660
    api draggable marker geocode
    I’m kinda new to Geocoding/API but am giving it a shot as I just need to do something which I thought would be simple. I have the following code which produces a map of Lat Lon from a device with a draggable marker. All good so far. What I’d like to do is be able to override the Lat Lon fields by the new co-ordinates of where ever the Marker is dropped. I know I need to add an event listener in but not sure how to get the results to over write the existing Lat Lon fields.Thank you so much in adv

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