problem about css-position-Collection of common programming errors

  • lior r
    mobile scroll css-position
    I have went all over the web to find a solution for this one …i want to create a fixed bottom menu for my web application, As i learned the support is not cross platform and each device and browser presents a different obstacle,I have placed an element withposition:fixed; bottom:0; left:0;problem : it is very buggy on some browsers (pops to place after the scroll ends , stays on the center of the screen, etc ‘ …)is there a good solution for this issue , or should i give it a rest 🙂 ?thanks

  • Lem
    javascript objective-c ios4 css-position iscroll4
    In my iPad app I have a UIScrollView (a horizontal slider – similar to an image carousel) which contains several UIWebViews – each of which takes the whole screen. Each webview has a head-bar on top and vertically scrollable content that should scroll behind the bar if necessary. This is done in html and css with position:fixed for the head-bar.It works fine in iOS5 but fails in iOS4. This is a known issue and there are several javascript solutions for this problem, e.g. from website doctyper or

  • Jeff Miller
    css google-chrome firefox css-position
    I’ve stumbled upon some unexpected behaviour when testing a layout in Firefox. It seems that when a parent is set to display:table-cell and position:relative, its children do not respect the parent width when positioned absolutely and given 100% width. Instead, the child width is set to the parent’s parent width. I’ve recreated this issue with a fiddle: is structured as:<div class=”table”><div class=”cell-1″><div class=”content-1″>this must be p

  • jacob
    css google-maps-api-3 css-position appearance
    I just noticed that the gMap view tools are displaying…rather unusually. Their regions still seem to be properly defined—I can interact with them just fine, it’s just their appearance that looks messed up.I haven’t applied any CSS to any of the map pieces, and the only css I’ve applied to the map container is width:100%; height:100%; z-index:0; (which I normally do).I do have other elements on the page which have position:absolute; and position:fixed; and some high z-indexs (500 & 1000). Is

  • Carlton Gibson
    css firefox css-position
    I have the following HTML test page: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><title>Position Break</title><style type=”text/css”>section {position: relative;width: 100%}li {display: inline;}#list_two {position: absolute;top:0;width:100%;} </style></head> <body><section> <ul><li>Item One</li><li>Item Two</li> </ul> </section><section><ul id=”list_two”><li>Item One</li><li>Item

  • codeinthehole
    css css-position
    I provided this idea for providing overlay CSS, as an answer to another question. I hadn’t thought of using this type of syntax in the past but I can’t think of any problems that might be associated with using it.As far as I can tell this works – and if admissible I think it provides an innovative solution – but I don’t see it used often.Could someone explain to me why it might be bad?.ui-widget-overlay { position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;right: 0;bottom: 0;background-color: #444;/* add some op

  • user1381666
    javascript jquery css resize css-position
    I have a position:fixed Header which I want to center horizontally. So I wrote a function which is executed at the windwo.resize- and document.ready-event to change margin-left of the header. But thats not the point because everything works fine.Sometimes after my MacBook is closed (hibernating) or I’ve switched to another Chrome-tab or another OSX-workspace my header isn’t centered anymore. It seems like OSX is furtively resizing the window so the CSS Code changes, but it never changes back wit

  • PuZ
    jquery html-lists itunes css-position
    I am creating image gallery and I want to add to each element expanding menu on click. I want to recreate iTunes 11 album view effect.I put my images as a grid using html unordered list <ul><li><div class=”box”></div></li><li><div class=”box”></div></li><li><div class=”box”></div></li>…<li><div class=”box”></div></li><li class=”clear”></li> </ul>Then using jQuery I wrote a fu

  • ofko
    html css layout css-position
    I have a div that streatches the full height of the screen. I want to put three divs in there: header, content, and footer, with the header sticking to the top and footer to the bottom and content fitting in between. The solutions I’ve found to do this requires me to define a height for the footer and/or header, and then giving the center div a margin equal to the that height, which I want to leave undefined (they should stretch to fit their content). Is there a way to do this without using java

  • Fergus Morrow
    javascript dom height css-position
    I’m trying to get the height of a page (which might be loaded in an iframe) that has absolutely positioned elements that extend below the normal bottom of the page. Here are the things I’ve tried:document.body.scrollHeight document.body.offsetHeight document.documentElement.clientHeight document.documentElement.scrollHeight document.documentElement.offsetHeight$(document.documentElement).height() $(“html”).outerHeight() $(“body”).outerHeight() $(document.html).height()None of these pay attentio

  • bitinn
    css overflow opera css-position w3c
    I have recently encountered an issue in Opera, where it attempts to display scrollbar on a position:absolute+overflow:auto parent, when the child element has more content but with max-height set.To illustrate the scenario, view this demo: the positioned element to have a fixed height, or changing the inner element to use height:100% instead of max-height:100%, will not trigger the scrollbar in Opera.Other browser such as Chrome, Firefox or IE, does not displ

  • JohnSmt
    css firefox css-position
    Possible Duplicate:Does Firefox support position: relative on table elements? Here is an example: full-width menu as a table and ul-s as dropdown menus. fine in ie and opera, but in firefox dropdown uls streched on whole screen!Any help?

  • Didier Ghys
    css firefox html-table css-position
    Possible Duplicate:Does Firefox support position: relative on table elements? Does Firefox ignore relative positioning on table cells?I am trying to nest an absolute positioned element inside a relatively positioned table cell but Firefox is ignoring the relative positioning on the table cell and the absolutely positioned element is positioned according to the browser window.HTML:<table><tbody><tr><td><span></span></td></tr></tbody></tabl

  • Artyom
    javascript dom css-position
    I need to create a “popup” div over a span element.I try to determinate its position and size to give correct boundary to place floating div.<html><body><p>text a</p><div style=”padding-left:200px;padding-top:500px”><table class=”message”><tr><td>test <span id=”test”>hello</span> world</td></tr></table></div></body></html>I try to get this information for an element id=testI tried two methods:First I

  • CaptainSpectacular
    jquery firefox webkit jquery-animate css-position
    I’m working on having three boxes that animate and display text when clicked. When one is clicked, the others move down to allow for space to display the text. When the middle is clicked, the other two move down but the clicked one also moves to the left side.My problem is that while it works fine in Webkit browsers, in Firefox and Internet Explorer the boxes don’t animate down and out of the way when the text appears. It seems as though I’ve done something that’s dependent on the way Webkit

  • hh54188
    css inline css-position
    I see the w3c writing In the case that the ancestor is an inline element, the containingblock is the bounding box around the padding boxes of the first andthe last inline boxes generated for that element. In CSS 2.1, if theinline element is split across multiple lines, the containing block isundefined.I don’t quite understand what’s this mean, what’s the diff from when the containing block is block element, Can someone give me an example?

  • Rocket Hazmat
    css firefox position css-position
    Please see this FiddleAfter I upgraded to FF 16.0.2, the absolute position has problem.Any suggestions?Html Part<table> <tr><td><div>Product 1<span>Button</span></div></td><td><div>Product 2<span>Button</span></div></td> </tr>?CSS Parttr { height:250px; } td {position:relative;width:200px;text-align:center;border:1px solid #999; } div {position:absolute;top:10px; bottom:10px; left:10px; right:10px; /* as pa

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