problem about gemspecs-Collection of common programming errors

  • Matt Huggins
    ruby gem bundler gemspecs
    I’ve got a custom gem that has been working just fine with regards to bundling, building, distributing, & implementing. The gem is the core of a framework from which other gems are derived. Since most derived gems will have the same basic structure, I want to include a Ruby script in the bin path of the gem that can be used to basically copy files from a template folder into a new folder where the user will develop their own gem.The problem I’m having is that the template folder has a gems

  • Tshepang
    ruby-on-rails testing rails-engines gemfile gemspecs
    I’m building an engine, and I want to use VCR and Webmock for testing.The documentation within the Gemfile generated when an engine is created, seems to suggest that all an engine’s gems should be loaded via gemspec, but the only options for this are add_dependency and add_development_dependency. If I use the latter, VCR and Webmock get loaded into my development environment, and I then have to explicitly disable Webmock in the development environment. I’d rather not do that as a host app may wa

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