FSEvents in MacRuby: wrong callback is executed-Collection of common programming errors
Yeah, this is really weird. I also have this behavior. It seems like the latest registered callback always gets called. But on the bright side, it is possible, from the fourth argument to the callback, to get the path to the directory that actually got called. I had to use a construct like this.
I’m not much of a rubyist, but this code works for me.
framework 'Cocoa'
framework 'CoreServices'
class Monitor
@@registry = {}
def self.register(dir, other_data)
@@registry[dir] = other_data
def initialize(dir, other_data)
@dir = dir
self.class.register(dir, other_data)
callback = Proc.new do |stream, context, count, paths, flags, ids|
p "the callback that triggered has closure variable @dir=#{@dir}"
p "but the actual callback said the dir was #{paths[0]}"
p "the metadata that I stored associated with that directory is #{@@registry[paths[0]]}"
@stream = FSEventStreamCreate(KCFAllocatorDefault, callback, nil, [@dir], KFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow, 0.0, 0)
FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(@stream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), KCFRunLoopDefaultMode)
Monitor.new(Dir.pwd + "/dir1/", 'dir1 data')
Monitor.new(Dir.pwd + "/dir2/", 'dir2 data')
Monitor.new(Dir.pwd + "/dir3/", 'dir3 data')
app = NSApplication.sharedApplication
Here’s the output I see:
rmcgibbo@Roberts-MacBook-Pro-2 ~/local/fsync
$ macruby fsevents.rb &
[1] 14638
rmcgibbo@Roberts-MacBook-Pro-2 ~/local/fsync
$ touch dir1/mao
rmcgibbo@Roberts-MacBook-Pro-2 ~/local/fsync
$ "the callback that triggered has closure variable @dir=/Users/rmcgibbo/local/fsync/dir3/"
"but the actual callback said the dir was /Users/rmcgibbo/local/fsync/dir1/"
"the metadata that I stored associated with that directory is dir1 data"