Differences between Named Scopes,Lamdas and Procs-Collection of common programming errors

1. Proc doesn’t check the parameters passed, but lambda does

 proc1 = Proc.new { |a, b| a + 5 }

 proc1.call(2)      # call with only one parameter
 => 7               # no error, unless the block uses the 2nd parameter

 lambda1 = lambda { |a, b| a + 5 }

 => ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)

Proc will throw error only if the block uses the second param.

 proc2 = Proc.new { |a, b| a + b }

 proc2.call(2)      # call with only one parameter
 => TypeError: nil can't be coerced into Fixnum

2. Proc returns from the calling method, while lambda doesn’t

 def meth1
   Proc.new { return 'return from proc' }.call
   return 'return from method'

 puts meth1
 => return from proc

 def meth2
   lambda { return 'return from lambda' }.call
   return 'return from method'

 puts meth2
 => return from method

If they are not called inside a method,

 proc1 = Proc.new { return "Thank you" } 

 => LocalJumpError: unexpected return

 lambda1 = lambda { return "Thank you" } 

 => "Thank you"

3. Scopes/Named scopes are a feature of Rails

It is used to specify commonly used queries which can be referenced as method calls on the association objects or models

eg, in user.rb:

scope :developers, -> { where(:role => 'developer') }

You can use it as

@developers = User.developers

Scopes are chainable, so you can do queries like

@developers = User.developers.where(:age => 40)

The scope defined in the example, is exactly same as defining a class method, like below.

def self.developers
  where(:role => 'developer')