Eclipse freezes Ubuntu, hard reboot required-Collection of common programming errors

I’m on a team of 6 developers and we are all using Eclipse Indigo on Ubuntu 11.04. At least once a day, if Eclipse is running, each of us experiences a total system lock-up. The only cure is a hard reboot of the PC. Some of us have had it more than ten times in one day. This does not happen if Eclipse is not running, so I can confidently say that Eclipse is the problem.

I have tried increasing the memory available to Eclipse by going into the ecplise.ini and increasing the Permsize, MaxPermSize, Xms, and Xmx. This has made no difference and everyone’s PC is still locking up.

Has anyone experienced this before? I could understand maybe on one PC, but it happens on every single PC!

  • Java version: java-6-sun-1.6.026 JDK version
  • Ecplise version: Indigo SR1 BuildID 20110916-0149
  • Ubuntu version: 11.04 64-bit

EDIT: Ctrl-Alt-FnX keys do not work once the PC has locked up.

EDIT: I’ve revisited the eclipse.ini settings and increase the memory some more. So far I haven’t had a crash yet. I will use the other developers as guinea pigs, but I’m hopeful that these settings will stop the crashing.
