problem about entity.module-Collection of common programming errors
entities entity.module
I’m trying to install the module Entity API. But if I clear the cache after the installation, my Drupal site crashes (i.e. something is causing a signal segmentation fault). I can’t figure out why, because I have used the Entity API module before without any problems. I’m using Drupal 7.13. I have tried both available versions, but it doesn’t work. I have manually installed the module.Can anyone please help me to understand what’s going on?
menu entity-translation entity.module
I am trying to use an entity type created with Entity Construction Kit together with Entity translation. There are some issues, i am trying to resolve them …the fatal error on entity view was easy but the other one is a little more tricky :Eck constructs its menus with both the entity type and the bundle type in the path, so the proper menu entries for translation arent created.I tried a workaround adding this into my feature (currently i only have 1 bundle anyway) :function my_feature_transla
entity-reference entity-api entity.module
PrefaceI have a fresh site install of Drupal. I’m fairly new to Drupal, but I feel rather confident with anything but module hacking right now. I’ve just finished about a month+ of editing and tweaking a play site to get comfortable with the Drupal theme engine and feel I am ready to move on. So I started putting together a real site using Drupal (rather than my play one).I installed Entity API, Entity Reference, Views, and a few more.GoalMy goal is to create Video Tutorials (custom content) tha
database entity.module
I updated some modules, and the site was working fine afterward; then, I made some changes to my .info file, uploaded, and suddenly I’m getting this error.Additional uncaught exception thrown while handling exception. OriginalPDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column “base.access_exposed” in “field list&”: SELECT AS id, AS name, base.label AS label, base.plugin AS plugin, AS active, base.weight AS weight, base.status AS status, base.d
Laurance Rosenzweig
entity-reference entity.module
I’m running a Drupal 7.21 site that uses the Entity Reference module (v.7.x-1.0) to support reusing image nodes in other node types. After several months of smooth sailing , I’m seeing a new error when I try to view image nodes on my site. The error is:EntityMetadataWrapperException: Unknown data propertyfield_entity_image. in EntityStructureWrapper->getPropertyInfo()The property named in the error, “field_entity_image”, is the name of an Entity Reference field that exists on other node types (a
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