ajax,angularjs,http,jsonpRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors
php jquery ajax .htaccess cross-domain
im currently working with jQuery ajax and i get some unexpected error. I use firebug to debug javascript. In my console the GET request link is red.My jQuery isn’t realy hard…$.ajax({method: “post”,url: ‘/scores/update/’ + $(this).val(), <– could be ‘/scores/update/1’success: function( msg ) {$(‘.feedback’).html( msg ).fadeIn();} });The map scores/update dont realy exists. I use htacces make the link into. index.php?uri=scores/update/1. After this $_GET[‘uri’] is going in my router.php and
mike rodent
php ajax json
Sorry, no doubt a really basic question… but I haven’t found a possible duplicate. If at the end of a php script called using $.getJSON() I have a line like this: return json_encode( $paras_of_interest );… everything works fine … until there is some php output (inadvertently by an echo command, or perhaps due to a warning or error being generated by the php code)… this then completely disables/stops/messes up the return of the JSON object. What’s the best way of dealing with this situati
php javascript ajax eval
What I have and want to doI have an input area. I have a JS script what reads the input area’s innerHTML and encodes it using encodeURICompontent then sends the value to evaluate.php?code=+value; I have an evaluate.php what GET’s the code’s value from the URL and returns an evaluated value using eval($code) to the javascript. And at the end it puts the xmlHttp.responseText to a div. But I get this error when the eval is executed:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘”‘, expecting T_STRING in /
php jquery ajax wordpress
I want to retrieve the value of my dropdown on change, and post it to my PHP (at the moment, the PHP is just var_dump, for debugging purposes)I’m stuck at posting the selected value to my AJAX, seemingly there no change. I Using WP framework to load scripts and run them through admin-ajax.php — I’ve been using this approach for others AJAX functions, and it is working.I have a dropdown list, like this: HTML<form action=”” method=”post”> <select name=”count” clas
jquery ajax json jsonp
Ahoy!I am using a WCF service to handle ajax calls from a web server on a seperate domain (therefore employing JSONP). My call looks like this:$.ajax({dataType: ‘jsonp’,type: ‘GET’,url: ‘http://localhost/s.svc/login?callback=?&l=en&e=foo&p=bar’,success: function (serverData) {// […]},error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {// […]} });The response I get from the server looks like this:?({“DataIsValid”:true,”ErrorOccurred”:false,”EmailAddressValidationMessage”:””,”Passwor
Austin Munro
javascript ajax api scope
Working with an api and I need to one of the first responses alongside with the second response in order to serve up a new page. The problem I’m facing is that my variable $x is always set to whatever the last # is in the loop, ie 103 in this specific case. Here is my code:$.ajax({ dataType: ‘text’, type: ‘post’, url: ‘getAllMessages.php’, success: function(responseData) {var newString = responseData;var newerString = newString.substring(0, newString.length – 1);$newObject = jQuery.parseJSON(new
Kyle Hotchkiss
jquery ajax
In the jQuery Docs, it mentions that one can use multiple dataTypes in a jQuery.ajax() request (datatype section). This fits well for what I am trying to do, but it’s not working as expected for me. It’s still parsing the response with the JSON parser but is failing out before it can handle the response as plaintext, like the configuration should require it to. here is my code:jQuery.ajax({dataType: “jsonp html”,url: “http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/rap/rap20120821/rap_f01.ascii?ugrdprs[7]
javascript jquery ajax internet-explorer-7
I have an ajax call in my document ready function. But in about 1 out of 10 times in ie7, the ajax function doesnt get called at all. Is there a way to check if the ajax call has been made, otherwise run it again until it either runs in to the error or success functions? The problem only occurs when i run the page in ietester -> ie7 mode. Thankscode: http://jsfiddle.net/jxEj5/
Farhan Aslam
php jquery ajax load accordion
I just encountered a problem with jquery accordion. What I am doing is loading new content from a php page “jobsload.php”. After updating the page with new content, accordion doesnot work. I have tried the destroy property too but in vain.here is the code$(‘#postjob’).click(function () { //Get the data from all the fields var title = $(‘#jobtitle’); var date = $(‘#jobdate’); var status = $(‘#status’); var desc = $(‘#jobdesc’); //Simple validation to make sure user entered someth
The One and Only ChemistryBlob
javascript ajax performance anonymous-function
This question already has an answer here:Does it matter which equals operator (== vs ===) I use in JavaScript comparisons?26 answersMy site has several ajax functions essentially identical (except different variable names, etc.) to the following:function ajaxFunction(string) { var ajaxRequest;try {ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();} catch (e) {try {ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject(“Msxml2.XMLHTTP”);} catch (e) {try {ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”);} catch (e) { alert(“Your
jquery angularjs input
I’m playing around with Angular JS and have a small blog feed where I have an input field with which to filter the displayed contents. Now, I’ve built my own “buzz cloud” (or whatever the word is), and am trying to implement it so that when one of the words are clicked, the updating of the input field will make the list filter correctly.But, when I set the value of my input field, the change event on it is not triggered. So I try triggering it manually with jQuery – still doesn’t work.Code below
javascript angularjs angularjs-directive
How can I force specific tag for a directive in AngularJS? For example, I want to create a directive that will be applied only on <img> tags. If the user put this directive on a <div>, I don’t want the directive to be active. How can I do that?
Ian Richards
angularjs angularjs-e2e protractor
I’m trying to get an e2e test running against my local server and test that the resulting url (after a navigational button has been clicked) is the correct result. However the resulting url is always false.My code is shown below:HTML://http://localhost/#/current_Page <html><head><title></title></head><body>//should change the current url to//http://localhost/#/new_page<button class=”button” ng-click=”change_page()”>Change Page</button> </html>
angularjs angularjs-directive
I’m creating a directive for facebook feed dialog and I’m trying to add the item title to the directive however I’ve noticed that angularjs throws the following error whenever {{current_hotel_title}} has spaces in the string:Uncaught Error: Syntax Error: Token ‘word2’ is an unexpected token at column 4 of the expression [word1 word2] starting at [word2]. Directive:.directive(‘fb2Share’, function(){return function(scope, element, attrs){attrs.$observe(‘fb2Share’, function(value) {//Directive clic
Tim Castelijns
angularjs unit-testing
I have Rest url like mydomain.com/restapi/somemethod/paramValue .In my angular js app the same url look like mydomain.com/restapi/somemethod/:paramValue and when i invoke the function everything works fine. But now i am writing some unit test and wanted to use the same url(I created some var and sharing them throughout the app using factory) like :$httpBackend.expectGET(SomeService.getDataUrl).respond(mockResponse);The problem is I am getting error likeError: Unexpected request: GET restapi/som
angularjs jenkins jsonp cors
I’m trying to retrieve information about one job build from the api rest provided by Jenkins with Angularjs.Jsonp is actually disabled on Jenkins: Jenkins Security Advisory 2013-02-16so this piece of code can’t work:var url = ‘http://jenkins-server:8080/job/job-name/api/json?jsonp=callback’; $http.jsonp(url).success(function (data) {console.log(data); });throw:Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : Cors is not enabled by default… to be honest I can’t find the way to install this plugins:http
javascript html5 angularjs
I am trying to dynamically fillup / create table in Angular JS. I created a directive ns-row to represent row in my table. I used ng-repeat directive to loop through all data within my custom directive ns-row as follow:<tbody><ns-row ng-repeat=”row in data” row=”row”></ns-row> </tbody>I used replace:true in my custom directive ns-row to replace it by valid html table row – tr. I have used one root element in the directive’s template as : <tr><td> {{row.id}} &l
testing angularjs jasmine
I’m writing some test for our app, and I’ve included angularjs-mocks.js so I can use the nice dsl functions that come with it. But I don’t want to actually mock the $http requests, since I’m integrating this app with a client’s backend that is constantly in flux, and I want to test against real responses.What’s the best (easiest) way to use the real http backend in this situation?EDIT:I’ve found a potential solution, which is to use this:$httpBackend.whenPOST(/.*/).passThrough()But as I mention
Fabien Papet
angularjs scope ng-class
I have a problem with my AngularJS Application, I try to call a function in my Controller but the parameter when I console.log(id); , id is an array…I Use [ ] instead of {{ }} because i’m working with TWIGAngular Template (html source)<div class=”ext-[f.ext]” ng-repeat=”f in files”><input type=”checkbox” ng-click=”select([f.id],’file’)”><div>[f.name]</div> </div>Rendered by Angular <div class=”ext-html” ng-repeat=”f in files”><input type=”checkbox” ng-cli
json angularjs angular-translate
I have an angular app with some i18n JSON files. The files work fine- the language of the site is changed perfectly depending on which one is selected. However, I get a funny console error which I can’t figure out-Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : at en.json: 2Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type application/octet-streamThe same error appears in the console for each file.Is there something wrong with the way my file is structured?example of data in en.json:{ “WELC
http sockets tcp rfc
I’ve observed a HTTP 1.1 Server implementation, which terminates a client connection as soon as it detects a client-side connection shutdown of its outgoing channel (or rather, either before or after sending a proper http response). Is this a conforming HTTP 1.1 implementation?RFC 2616 Section 8.1.4 seems to suggest this is to be the proper behaviour:When a client or server wishes to time-out it SHOULD issue a gracefulclose on the transport connection. Clients and servers SHOULD bothconstantly w
java security http cookies
I’m finishing a Cattle Drive assignment where a small Java web application manages a movie library for the client. The assignment is to put some security on the application using cookies, so that a “hacker” couldn’t just guess one of the URLs that would lead to another part of the application. The user will be directed to login to the site and not be allowed to view other pages until logged in.The parts of the web app are:1. index.html 2. VideoServlet 3. listvideos.jsp 4. addvideo.jsp 5. videolo
json windows-phone-7 http delegates
I am using this method to get dataprivate void getNews(int cat_id, int page){this.progress.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;var m = new SharpGIS.GZipWebClient();Microsoft.Phone.Reactive.Observable.FromEvent<DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs>(m, “DownloadStringCompleted”).Subscribe(l =>{try{//List<NewsKeys> deserialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<NewsKeys>>(r.EventArgs.Result);ObservableCollection<NewsKeys> deserialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<L
Jorge Chayan
json http go request
I’m starting to learn Golang and I would like to know how to get a json response by calling an url, if you could give me an example it would be great in order to guide myself.Thanks in advance
Dan Maguire
c# http http-post imageshack
Does anybody know how to upload to imageshack.us with C#? Two other threads here couldn’t help:/ That’s my piece of code. “PostParamCollection” is a library for sending HTTP Post. Lots of thanks for any help!Im getting the error-message: ” Sorry, but we’ve detected that unexpected data is received. Required parameter ‘fileupload’ is missing or your post is not multipart/form-data”String imageshackurl = “http://www.imageshack.us/upload_api.php?”;PostParamCollection postParamCollection = new PostP
c# asp.net-mvc http
What is happening is occasionally at random instead of the HTML being returned to the browser as you would expect, it looks a little something like this:Thread was being aborted.HTTP/1.1 200 OK(the rest of the header)… (like 1/10th of the HTML)That’s it, they are literally getting a bunch of text in the browser window.It doesn’t happen all the time, just randomly. Computers… in my experience always have a reason for everything, ALWAYS. So what’s the heck is going on here?I have searched the
http nginx
I have a very simple question to the nginx experts out there. This is possibly a bug.In nginx 1.0.5, given the following nginx.conf:server {server_name myserver;location / {uwsgi_pass;uwsgi_param HTTP_MY_CUSTOM_HEADER $http_my_custom_header;include uwsgi_params; } }Why does this works as expected…$ curl -H “My-Custom-Header: Yes” http://myserver/…but this doesn’t.$ curl -H “MY_CUSTOM_HEADER: Yes” http://myserver/In the latter case, the parameter is passed to my uwsgi app
Paul Biggar
django http google-app-engine request head
I’m receiving HEAD requests in my application, and wondering on the best way to handle them. Options are:convert them to GETs, process GET normally, then:strip the body (though I’m not sure how – response.content = ” doesn’t seem to do it. it seems app engine auto-strips the body, giving a warning “Dropping unexpected body in response to HEAD request”It seems this is clean, and can be written nicely using decorators or middleware.Handle each HEAD request specially:this means I could avoid a Dat
http post
Possible Duplicates:How should I choose between GET and POST methods in HTML forms?When do you use POST and when do you use GET? Obviously, you should. But apart from doing so to fulfil the HTTP protocol, are there any reasons to do so? Less overhead? Some kind of security thing?
web-services http emulator
I wrote a SOAP web service and deployed it to my standalone ADF Server. I tested it with the HTTP Analyzer, works great. I used it in a Web Service Data Control in normal ADF Web – works perfect. It returns a table of data as programmed. However, ADF Mobile gives me errors: “Http Status Code 500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request”. Emulator has internet access and WSDL url is running on emulator’s browserPlease hel
jquery ajax json jsonp
Ahoy!I am using a WCF service to handle ajax calls from a web server on a seperate domain (therefore employing JSONP). My call looks like this:$.ajax({dataType: ‘jsonp’,type: ‘GET’,url: ‘http://localhost/s.svc/login?callback=?&l=en&e=foo&p=bar’,success: function (serverData) {// […]},error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {// […]} });The response I get from the server looks like this:?({“DataIsValid”:true,”ErrorOccurred”:false,”EmailAddressValidationMessage”:””,”Passwor
angularjs jenkins jsonp cors
I’m trying to retrieve information about one job build from the api rest provided by Jenkins with Angularjs.Jsonp is actually disabled on Jenkins: Jenkins Security Advisory 2013-02-16so this piece of code can’t work:var url = ‘http://jenkins-server:8080/job/job-name/api/json?jsonp=callback’; $http.jsonp(url).success(function (data) {console.log(data); });throw:Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : Cors is not enabled by default… to be honest I can’t find the way to install this plugins:http
jquery jsonp
I have no trouble making jsonp requests, however I’m unsure about setting up a web service to deliver responses in jsonp.First, does a server need to be configured in a certain way to allow jsonp requests, or does the page just have to have the response properly formatted?In my testing I have the following jsonp response from geonames.org (I’ve placed it a blank page on server/domain 1 with nothing else):<?php echo $_GET[‘callback’];?>({“postalcodes”:[{“adminName2″:”Westchester”,”adminCode
angularjs jsonp jsfiddle
I am trying to run with success the example in http://jsfiddle.net/srlopez/zXPSB/4/function MyController($scope, $http) { $http({method: ‘JSONP’,url: ‘’ }). success(function (data, status) {console.log(‘data:’, data); }). error(function (data, status) {console.log(‘status:’, status);console.log(‘data:’, data); });}It reads a JSON from that url but always get errorUncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : stat
jquery html ajax json jsonp
I’m trying to make a request here https://s3.amazonaws.com/lawkickstas/lawkick_html.json for this…{“html”:”<div id=\’nates_widget\’><div id=\’question\’></div><form><input type=\’text\’ /></form><div id=\’result\’></div><div id=\’hints\’></div> </div>”}with this$.getJSON(“https://s3.amazonaws.com/lawkickstas/lawkick_html.json?callback=?”, function(result){//response data are now in the result variablealert(result); });but i’m
json parsing backbone.js jsonp
I have a standard API that I have to call cross-site, so I need to make the requests by JSONP. However, the response I get from the server is JSON, not JSONP. My code right now looks likegetProfile: ->profile = new Entities.Profileid: App.current_userprofile.fetchdataType: ‘jsonp’profileThis returns the correct data in JSON format (when I inspect the response), but it throws the error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : because backbone is trying to parse it as JSONP.How should I go ab
please delete me
javascript json jsonp cors
I should send cross browser request and get a result.So i use jsonp request.my result is:Response: Success Message: Authentication acceptedBut my problem is the server returns json that is not valid and i get Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier . I use angularJs,Jquery and implement a request. var ud = ‘json’ + (Math.random() * 100).toString().replace(/\./g, ”); window[ud] = function (o) {success && success(o); }; document.getElementsByTagName(‘body’)[0].appendChild((function (
Daniel Gustafsson
jquery ajax parsing jsonp
I am working with an crossdomain api that returns a jsonp string. I want to parse it into a javascript object so that it gets easier to work with. I know that with a json string you can just do this:success: function (val) {var result = JSON.parse(val);}But if i do that with the jsonp i got from the api i get “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o”Am i doing it wrong or is this not the way to do it with jsonp?——–EDIT 1————————— This is what my jsonp string looks like i
javascript jquery json jsonp
I’m using jQuery’s ajax function to hit a cross domain url. The url will return json. I’m in the discovery phase with this but I think, because the json values contain several ‘"’ strings, the json eval is throwing an error and stopping the execution of my client side script. The error that I get is “unterminated string literal”. I know that if I hard-code the returned json by putting it in a local div and remove the ‘"’ strings (and a couple of hidden special characters), I can
json node.js google-chrome safari jsonp
I am using Node js and this is how I build my response :response.writeHead(200, {“Content-Type”: “script”}); response.write(JSON.stringify({“test”:”fail”})); response.end();The client makes a jsonp request and in Chrome as in Safari I get this error :Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/plain. SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘:’The browser gives access to the response it recieved :{“test”:”fail”}Where does the syntax error come from ?
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