problem about jsrender-Collection of common programming errors
javascript jsrender
I would like to use a variable from my jsrender template in order to produce a snippet of javascript, but I can’t figure out how to place a <script type=”text/javascript”> within my <script id=”data-item-tpl” type=”text/x-jsrender”>Hopefully the below is fairly clear. The below code produces an Uncaught SyntaxError. If I remove the tags from the embedded script, then it is simply printed onto the page as text.In the code below, I am trying to generate a div with the id ‘chartId’, an
javascript jsrender
I have {{if name && secondName}} {{=name}}/{{=secondName}} {{/if}}but this not worked. I catch error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token &&That I do wrong?
jquery templates jsrender
I am trying to put together a template with jsRender instead of my own version that I was on, but, I keep getting this: “Uncaught JsRender Error: Syntax error Unmatched or missing tag: “{{/for}}” in template:” followed by my entire template.Here is a truncated version of my code, any ideas as to what is going on? Or is it just the nested for loops?<div class=”page” id=”{{}}”>{{for sources}}<header class=”feed-title”><div class=”feed-title-content”><span cla
The Flower Guy
javascript jquery jsrender
I have a couple of jsRender templates that are used on all pages. Instead of using the script tag method, I would prefer to precompile them and put resulting functions in an external js file.I saw a previous question that asked this but the method described doesn’t seem to work anymore or I am doing something wrong.I called $.templates(“#myTemplate”) from the console which msanjay suggested and copied/renamed the anonymous function and get something like this (which looks a bit odd to my untrain
jsrender jsviews
Sample JSON: want using $.observable().insert method to object inner array “items”. but, I looked error “Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method ‘insert'” when method callingpages = //Sample JSON $.ajax calling $.observable(pages).insert(pages.length, {//I want this data to insert to “items” array”item”: {“id”: 3,”item_name”: “Item Name 3″,”item_desc”: “Item Desc 3″,”item_img”: “”},”values”: [{“id”: 0,”key_id”: 0,”value”: “
Arun P Johny
javascript jquery jsrender
I have template this a part:<td>{{=name}}</td>]I need check name of null/empty and not display it.How do this?example:{{#if ($name!= “” && $secondName!= “”) }}I get error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token &&
javascript jquery google-chrome jsrender
Im getting an Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded when ever I get to the 4th time calling my paging function getCollection(), I’m not exactly sure why the problem is happening.. if I commet out the following line:jQuery(‘#card ul’).append(template.render(data));And uncomment the alert below it (for sanity), it seems to run fine past page 4.I’m using jQuery 1.7.1 and Boris Moore’s jsrender library and have never had trouble before rendering even larger data sets asynchronously.v
javascript jquery jsrender
I need to keep a “colcounter” variable inside the loop that will be used to fill a jsrender template.Here is my template code<script id=”datascapeTemplate” type=”text/x-jsrender”><div id=”dsViewport”><div class=”ds-column” style=”width:{{:(name.length*100)}}px;”><h1 id=”datascapeName”>{{:name}}</h1><div><span id=”dsToggle”>toggle</span></div></div> {{=colcounter}}{{for sections}}<div class=”ds-section”><h3>{{:label}}</h3&
I am using jsRender and want to bind events like click, mouse over on elements that get render inside the template. while binding the event , I want to pass the data as a argument. Example :<li id=”liv_{{:nid}}” onmouseover=[call some function and pass #data]> <div class=”qwqw”><a href=”#”></a></div> <div class=””><p class=”we”>{{:spd}} <span>mph (todo)</span></p> </div><div class=”clear”></div>I tried the code as me
phonegap jsrender
I would like to use JsRender in a PhoneGap Jquery Mobile project. When I run my application in a simple browser (for example Firefox), everything works fine. When I run the application in Android emulator I get the following error in console:D/CordovaLog(603): file:///android_asset/www/js/program.js: Line 45 : TypeError: Result of expression ‘$(“#vehicletemplate”).render’ [undefined] is not a function.Please advice. Is there anybody who try JsRender in Phonegap with Jquery Mobile on Android 2.1?
javascript jquery jquery-plugins jsrender
I’d like to have my jsRender templates optionally include an “options” property to provide optional fall-backs if a property is not included; specifically rendering one element if the “options” property is included, or another if it is not. Everything works fine if the model passed in contains the property in question, but even {{if typeof ~options.someOption !== ‘undefined’}} gives me Error: Cannot read property ‘someOption’ of undefined.Has anyone dealt with this? If so, how do you handle pr
picasa jsrender
I can’t figure this out, I am trying to get the pictures from googles picasa in json format. and using jsrender to render html out.I have this jsfiddle for you to look’s is giving me undefined, and I used Chrome Developer Tools to analyze the data. I appreciate all the help.
javascript jsrender
I want to find out whether a string is empty or not i am trying to do{{if closedOn != “” }} but it is not giving me proper output
javascript templates script nested jsrender
I have this code on jsFiddle: that’s not working properly.On my machine it gives the message: Error: Cannot read property ‘Description’ of undefined.Does any know what should I do to reach the right results?Thank you very much.
jquery paging jsrender custompaging
I am trying to get jsRender and paging to work, but I am somewhat new to jsRender and jquery for that matter. I have tried to modify this to work with jsRender instead, but I am having only limited success.I am getting an exception when I click the “next page” link (see the code). The exception is “JsRender Error: Unknown template: “#items” – I think it happens because the code is overwritten on subsequent data fetch, but I am not sure how to fix it – any help is appreciated. Can anybody suggest
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