problem about ikvm-Collection of common programming errors

  • Raed Alsaleh
    java .net deserialization classnotfoundexception ikvm
    I convert a java’s class to dll using IKVM, by making a jar file for the this class and then I used IKVM to make the conversion operation. this operation is done successfully without errors or warnings. then I add the (DLL) with an ‘IKVM.GNU.Classpath.dll’ and ‘IKVM.Runtime.dll’ (DLLs) to my project. then I rebuilt the project, up to that point no errors, no warnings, no crashes happened. but when I tried to deserialized an arraylist of object from it is type, I get an exception is : java.lang.C

  • blueberryfields
    java iphone monotouch ikvm
    It seems that running the IKVM on monotouch is one possible method for deploying Java applications on the iPhone. Is this combination one that has been tested and is being successfully used in the field?

  • leandrokoiti
    java artificial-intelligence weka ikvm multi-layer-perceptron
    I’m trying to create an “automated trainning” using weka’s java api but I guess I’m doing something wrong, whenever I test my ARFF file via weka’s interface using MultiLayerPerceptron with 10 Cross Validation or 66% Percentage Split I get some satisfactory results (around 90%), but when I try to test the same file via weka’s API every test returns basically a 0% match (every row returns false)here’s the output from weka’s gui:=== Evaluation on test split === === Summary ===Correctly Classified I

  • Trenton Lawrence
    c# java dll noclassdeffounderror ikvm
    I used IKVM to convert slf4j to dll’s for use in a c# program. It’s throwing me an exception. (NoClassDefFoundError was unhandled org.slf4j.LoggerFactory)The code is as followsacceptor = new SocketAcceptor(); connectionHandler = new ConnectionHandler(); serverlistenerPort = 32156; SocketAcceptorConfig sac = new SocketAcceptorConfig(); sac.getSessionConfig().setTcpNoDelay(false); sac.setReuseAddress(true); sac.setBacklog(100);//The following line is what seems to hate me. acceptor.bind(new InetSo

  • yaKashif
    c# java ikvm
    I’m using opennlp tool in C# using IKVM. I wrote the following code:string modelpath = @”D:\models\en-sent.bin”; modelInpStream = new; SentenceModel model = new SentenceModel(modelInpStream); SentenceDetectorME sentenceDetector = new SentenceDetectorME(model);but it caused a TypeInitializationException in the line:SentenceModel model = new SentenceModel(modelInpStream);the Exception message:TypeInitializationException was unhandledThe ty

  • granan
    ios monotouch libgdx ikvm xamarin-studio
    I decided to move my application from Android to iOS. Application use libgdx library. I generated ios subproject using libgdx and opened it using Xamarin Studio. All images are linked from my-project-android/assets/data. All images have set build Action > content. Now every time when run project from xamarin studio i get GdxRuntimeException Coldn’t load file: data/background.png. This file is the first image which i load in my application. All operation i have done on my mac both with simulator

  • Haze
    I want to create a stub for System.Web and use HttpContext in in my java code and then be able to use it. I have tried the following:Folder structureprogram [folder]ikvm-7.0.4335.0 [folder] compile.bat IKVM.OpenJDK.Core.dll IKVM.Runtime.dllThe java class test.javaimport cli.System.Web.HttpContext;public class test { public static void main(String args[]){HttpContext.get_Current().get_Items().get_Item(“MyKey”);System.out.println(“Hello World!”);} }The compilation compile.batikvm-7.0.43

  • poupou
    java ios monotouch ikvm aot
    I’m porting a Java game to iOS via ikvm-monotouch and MonoTouch. I’ve run into an error that is a bit over my head, although I’m not certain if it’s an actual bug in MonoTouch so I’m asking here before hitting the bug database.I’m getting the JIT compilation error below during a method that reflects on the fields of an object. I’ve (so far) only seen this error while reflecting on an object that implements Cloneable, although I don’t know for sure if that’s specifically what is triggering this e

  • Alex Yeung
    jetty ikvm
    I am new in jetty. I am trying to run Jetty with IKVM. However, it throws exception. I am not sure what should I do.alex@AlexUbuntu:/usr/share/jetty$ ikvm -jar start.jar 5 [main] INFO org.mortbay.log – Logging to org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger(org.mortbay.log) via org.mortbay.log.Slf4jLog java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetExceptionat java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( org.mortbay.start.Main.invokeMain( org.mortbay.start.Main.start( org.mortbay.start.Main.

  • P.T.
    ios monotouch libgdx ikvm
    Hey I am new to MonoDeveloper. I am trying to port libgdx code to iOS platform. My Libgdx code runs perfectly on desktop & Android phone.But when i run it on iPhone simulator with MonoDeveloper its giving me this error:Unhandled Exception: 0 iosgame [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: unknown protocol: file. 0x000e8932 mono_handle_exception_internal_first_pass + 3058 1 iosgame 0x000ea012 mono_handle_exception_internal + 1602

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