problem about filehandle-Collection of common programming errors
Russell C
python hashtable irc filehandle
So I’m working on a script that will automatically download certain files from IRC XDCC bots when run. These requests are asynchronous and there can be a varying number, depending on a config file so I wanted to keep the file handles in a hash table or library so they could easily be referenced based on who the file sender was and the file they are sending (read during a triggered event). Python is complaining saying SyntaxError: can’t assign to function call so I’m guessing it won’t work quit
Jonathan Leffler
c++ c stdout filehandle
I have a Windows C++ program that is doing something like:FILE* pf = …;*stdout = *pf; // stdout is defined in stdio.hI’m looking for an explanation about what happens when you change the value of the stdout file handle. Is this just a way of redirecting stdout?-cr
brian d foy
perl arrays filehandle
I quickly jotted off a Perl script that would average a few files with just columns of numbers. It involves reading from an array of filehandles. Here is the script:#!/usr/local/bin/perluse strict; use warnings;use Symbol;die “Usage: $0 file1 [file2 …]\n” unless scalar(@ARGV);my @fhs;foreach(@ARGV){my $fh = gensym;open $fh, $_ or die “Unable to open \”$_\””;push(@fhs, $fh); }while (scalar(@fhs)){my ($result, $n, $a, $i) = (0,0,0,0);while ($i <= $#fhs){if ($a = <$fhs[$i]>){$result +=
perl filehandle
please look at the following code first.#! /usr/bin/perl package foo;sub new {my $pkg = shift;my $self = {};my $self->{_fd} = undef;bless $self, $pkg;return $self; }sub Setfd {my $self = shift;my $fd = shift;$self_->{_fd} = $fd; }sub write {my $self = shift;print $self->{_fd} “hello word”; }my $foo = new foo;My intention is to store a file handle within a class using hash. the file handle is undefined at first, but can be initilized afterwards by calling Setfd function. then write can b
perl file filehandle
In the following code if there is space between FILE and ( in the printf statement likeprintf FILE (“Test string inline\n”);Perl will treat FILE as a filehandle otherwise printf FILE(“Test string inline\n”);will be treated as subroutine call(If no subroutine is defined by FILE perl will through an error Undefined subroutine &main::FILE called at ./ line xx ). Isn’t there a better way Perl can implement this ? (Maybe this is why bareword filehandles are considered outdated ?)#!/usr/bi
java c++ dll jni filehandle
I made JNI functions and linked them with the c++ dynamic library successfully. I got all of them working just fine, but I had an issue for one function, I got symbol lookup error from the FileHandle class that I used in the c++ that I use to read data from file. Knowing that it’s working on a normal c++ project, but not in the DLL./usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java: symbol lookup error: /home/…/NetBeansProjects/TRIOGUI/dist/ undefined symbol: _ZN5Gdsii9GdsParserC1EPKcN7SoftJin10Fi
c visual-c++ stream filehandle fflush
I’m trying to run some code but fflush() with the error:Invalid file descriptor. File possibly closed by a different threadHere is the relevant part of the code:fhandle = fopen(“dbfile.bin”, “rbc”);/* There is a valid dbfile.bin file – get file size */_fstat(_fileno(fhandle), &file_stat);printf(“dbfile.bin size = %d\n”, file_stat.st_size);g_tpd_list = (tpd_list*)calloc(1, file_stat.st_size);if (!g_tpd_list){rc = MEMORY_ERROR;}else{fread(g_tpd_list, file_stat.st_size, 1, fhandle);fflush(fhand
for-loop openmp filehandle gz
test.fa.gz file contains multiple 4 lines as blow:@HWI-ST298:420:B08APABXX:3:1101:1244:2212 1:N:0:TCATTC GGCAAGGCACTTACTTTACAGCTAAAGAAGTGCAGC + @@@FDFFDFHCFDACGHC<<CCFEHHFCCFCEE:C?What I want to do is to read every four lines of *.fq.gz file in parallel with OpenMP. The code blow could be compiled successfully, but will show incorrect results sometimes. In each for loop, I used 4 times of getline() to read the file. I’m not sure how OpenMP will handle the multiple jobs in each for loop and
Kurt W. Leucht
perl string multiline filehandle
I’m trying to figure out the proper PBP approved way to process a multi line string one line at a time. Many Perl coders suggest treating the multi line string as a filehandle, which works fine unless you have “use strict” in your script. Then you get a warning from the compiler about not being able to use a string as a symbol while strict refs is in use.Here’s a simple working example of the problem:#use strict; use warnings; my $return = `dir`; my $ResultsHandle = “”; my $matchLines = “”; my
java serialization libgdx filehandle
When trying to execute this piece of code:public void load(String filename) { FileHandle file =Gdx.files.external(filename + “.bim”); Json json = new Json();String text = file.readString(); datamap.clear(); datamap =json.fromJson(HashMap.class, text);I get an error:Exception in thread “LWJGL Application”com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException:com.badlogic.gdx.utils.SerializationException: Class cannot be created(missing no-arg constructor): com.bvo.easyBim.Model.Cursor atcom.badlog
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