problem about i18n-Collection of common programming errors

  • gabriel_agm
    linux ubuntu locale i18n
    I’m usung Ubuntu 12.04 and after an automatic update it changed the system default encoding form UTF-8 to “ANSI_X3.4-1968”. I realized that when my code comments in Eclipse appeared with strange characters, and after realizing that the IDE was innocent, I’ve opened a terminal to check. When I type latin characters in a terminal window, such as çãõéèê…, a question mark shows instead. Same is I ‘cat’ a text file. Changing Ubuntu locale settings by GUI crashes the accounts-daemon:ExecutablePath:

  • Gisle Hannemyr
    views modules i18n
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function i18n_menu_translated_tree() inC:\xampp\htdocs\drupal\sites\all\themes\business\templates\page–front.tpl.phpon line 87my code is<nav id=”navigation” class=”clearfix” role=”navigation”><div id=”main-menu”><?php if (module_exists(‘i18n’)) {$main_menu_tree = i18n_menu_translated_tree(variable_get(‘menu_main_links_source’, ‘main-menu’));} else {$main_menu_tree = menu_tree(variable_get(‘menu_main_links_source’, ‘main-menu’));}print drupal_render(

  • Molot
    views entity-reference i18n translation
    I know I can simply add language to displayed title of a node in Entity Reference field based on views. What I failed to discover is how to limit possible values to only show and allow matching ones.When current node is language independent, all nodes should be listed as possible in reference field. When node has language defined, only nodes of the same language, or undefined language, should be available.I don’t really mind wrong selection to be saved in database if language of node will be cha

  • Artur
    menu i18n error-messages
    Has anyone run into trouble following i18n update to version 1.4? My site crashes badly with multiple notices about use of undefined constant MENU_PREFERRED_LINK. This is caused by Menu translation submodule.Submitted a bug report but thought maybe someone found out a cure for that.

  • Morpheu5
    7 fields i18n entity-reference entity-field-queries
    I’m using Drupal 7.14 and Entity API and Reference 1.0-rc3. I get this error when saving a node that has some custom fields using references.PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column’field_data_body0.nid’ in ‘on clause’: SELECTfield_data_body0.entity_type AS entity_type,field_data_body0.entity_id AS entity_id, field_data_body0.revision_idAS revision_id, field_data_body0.bundle AS bundle FROM{field_data_body} field_data_body0 INNER JOIN {node} node

  • kiamlaluno
    7 i18n debugging
    I have a multilingual client that “suddenly and randomly” started suffering errors and a site crash.The client assured us they “have not touched the site since it went live.” And, more or less we can confirm that given that we have not updated the site on their behalf, as we are the the only ones with update privilages. Has anyone had their multilingual site “just randomly crash” after months of being live with no problem?This is the error message. Has anyone seen this before?WD php: PDOExcepti

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