ITunes keeps saying failed to save Library unknown error occured. Why is this how Can I stop it?-Collection of common programming errors
Ben G Hi, I have recently come across a problem which is really annoying me and at this moment I am at my wits end. For some reason when I open iTunes it tells me ” The iTunes Library cannot be saved an unknown error has occured (-48) Now I have no idea what this means, but what happens now, is when ever I add music or make a play list etc, every time I close iTunes and then open it again, all that music etc that I put in it before has all gone, and I have to do it again! It is extremely annoying and frustrating for me. Due to my large music collection I have the iTunes folder located onto my External Hard Drive, which is always plugged in and turned on when I want to use iTunes. I have also had a look and all the folders are all available they are NOT read only or anything like that. I have also tried uninstalling iTunes and reinstalling it but it is always the same If someone can help me get this sorted I will be very appreciative. I am running Windows XP Professional ThanksBen
~o0o~if you did not uninstall properly the iTunes, then the problem will be the same. save all the music in another folder of your computer first. be sure it is outside the borders of iTunes. after that, uninstall the iTunes and all it’s components, so do with the Quictime (maybe you missed this to uninstall). after clearing iTunes, clean your PC also then restart your computer and reinstall the iTunes again. after reinstalling the iTunes, try to click “update” as maybe the installed one is not updated yet. i guess this time it will be ok.