sql-server-forums,microsoft-drivers-for-php-for-sql-serverRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums sql-server-integration-services
    I have Data Flow task that contains 50 components.My computer configuration: 1 GB RAM Microsoft Windows Server 2003Periodicaly when i try to save package after making some changes Out of memory …  exceptions message box appears , and soon after this Not fatal error occurs … message box shows . If i close solution and open it again all my 50 components disappears –instead I see clear list, and all my work losen.Such “Not fatal errors” making hell out of job — every time I need to

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums sql-server-integration-services
    Hi I have a SSIS package which extracts data from a progress database (Version 10) and writes to a SQL table. I use a data reader to extract the progress data from the source however I have a problem. When I try to extract one extra field (a text field of 2000 characters) into my SSIS routines I get the following error message. I have supressed this before on other routines using the fetch array size on the odbc connection however I cant resolve the problem with this field. I know progress is a

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums sql-server-integration-services
    Hello, I am trying to concatenate two integer fields using a case statement. It gives me an error -“Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type with error code  0xC0209075The SQL statement works fine when executed in SSMS. I have no problem in  previewing the data from OLEDBSOurce. but when i run the package, it’s giving me an error.SQL :select case when len(DCODE)=5 then (CAST(200 AS VARCHAR)CAST(DCODE AS VARCHAR)) else 99 as DateThe date field is

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums sql-server-integration-services
    i have a very strange problem. when i try to use a sql statement on a as400 db2 table i always recieve an ole db error when i try to execute the package. in the preview it works fine. and also when don’t use table or view instead of an sql statement it works. the ole db error message is not very helpful:SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E00.SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED.  The PrimeOutput method on component “OLE DB Source” (1)

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums sql-server-integration-services
    I have few tables that have previous 2 years of records in it. I want to load that data to my existing database that has all of those table existed, in other words i just want to override this 2 years of historical data in my existing tables in data base.I have SQL 2008R2 and done following steps to import but not successful. Please help me to find a better solution so i can import all data to my existing tables. Thanks in advance.1. Import/Export Data wizard but i got following errors- Validati

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums sql-server-integration-services
    Hi,I have developed a SSIS package.Source : XLSX FileDestination : SQL Server TableThe XLSX files contains 4 tabs. I am loading 4 tabs into 4 different tables by creating 4 data flows.Steps:inside For each loop container1. Used Script Componenti have  checked whether the given file is valid or not. if valid, it executes the step 2. if not valid, it send out an email2. Used 4 Dataflows one for each tab. All are independent data flowsplease find the strucure below:Ques:If any one of the tabs

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums microsoft-drivers-for-php-for-sql-server
    Hello guys,I’m using like many other people the Zend Server Community Edition (right now in Version 5.0.4) which is as we all know compiled with VC8. They deliver a sqlsrv extension, but it’s only the version 1.1.I now tried to compile the extension myself with the following tutorial: http://hulan.info/item/zend-server-ce-php-5-3-with-sql-server-driverI can create the makefile, but when I try to call nmake I’m getting the following error:C:\inetpub\php.dev>nmakeMicrosoft (R) Program Maintenan

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums data-mining
    I am in the process of creating an Integration Services package to automate the process of training mining models and getting predictions.  Until recently, I have been processing the models directly from Business Intelligence Studio without any problems.  However, when I try to use the exact same training set as an input to the Data Mining Model Training destination, I get several errors.  Here is the output:[Mining Models [1]] Error: Parser: An error occurred during pipeline processing.[Mining

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums sql-server-setup-amp-upgrade
    As a part of Installation of Symentec Back up server it Installs SQL Express,but it shows I need to upgrade my SQL Server 2000 service pack 3 to latest version.But when I download and tried to Install SP4 it shows there is no SQL Server is in the system.When I am trying to remove SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine I am getting an error message “fatal error during installation” . Can anybody help me to remove SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine fully from the system ? Thanks in advance.zaye

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums getting-started-with-sql-server
    Hi,Iam unable to uninstall the Microsoft SQL Server Setup support files. when am trying to uninstall this setup am getting this error message.”The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file:D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup”Bootstrap\Help\1033\setupsql9.chm.”Fatal error during installation”Please tell me how to uninstall this.Thanks,

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums microsoft-drivers-for-php-for-sql-server
    Hello guys,I’m using like many other people the Zend Server Community Edition (right now in Version 5.0.4) which is as we all know compiled with VC8. They deliver a sqlsrv extension, but it’s only the version 1.1.I now tried to compile the extension myself with the following tutorial: http://hulan.info/item/zend-server-ce-php-5-3-with-sql-server-driverI can create the makefile, but when I try to call nmake I’m getting the following error:C:\inetpub\php.dev>nmakeMicrosoft (R) Program Maintenan

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums microsoft-drivers-for-php-for-sql-server
    Hi,This is a problem I’m having in SQL Server 2008 R2 (on Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise). I’m using SQLSRV 3.0 and SQL Server 2012 Native Client. This is how you can (probably) reproduce the problem:1. Create a table which has at least one nvarchar field. In my case, the DB collation is Arabic_CI_AS, although I don’t know if it matters.2. Insert at least one record in the table, in which the nvarchar field is assigned the empty string value (not NULL).3. Execute a query using sqlsrv_query on

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums microsoft-drivers-for-php-for-sql-server
    Hi,I ´ve got some problems with the sqlsrv_fetch. this is the first time I´am using ms sqlsrv driver. code:list.php… <?php $result = db_getAbstimmungen();  if( sqlsrv_fetch( $result ) === false) {    echo “Error in retrieving row.\n”;    die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));  } while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result,SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) {  $username = $row[0];  $frage1 = $row[1

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums microsoft-drivers-for-php-for-sql-server
    I have MSSQL Server 2008, MS WINDOWS SERVER 2008 RC2 AND PHP 5.4.9php.info have rows    [PHP_PDO_SQLSRV_54_NTS]    extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_54_nts.dll    [PHP_PDO_ODBC]    extension=php_pdo_odbc.dll    [PHP_SYBASE_CT]    extension=php_sybase_ct.dll    [PHP_SQLSRV_54_NTS]    extension=php_sqlsrv_54_nts.dllPhp info found here ``**i see lines with Extensions php.ini but i dont see lines wit

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums microsoft-drivers-for-php-for-sql-server
    Hi,I have a test php script.<?php$serverName = “PREM\\SQLEXPRESS”;if (!$conn = sqlsrv_connect($serverName, array(‘Database’=>’testdb’))) {     die(“could not connect”);} else {     print(“connection opened<br />”);}$result = sqlsrv_query($conn, “SELECT SERVERPROPERTY(‘productversion’) AS version”);print($result);$row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result);print_r($row);?>resulting this..connection openedResource id #3Fatal error: Couldn’t understand

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums microsoft-drivers-for-php-for-sql-server
    OK This has been posted however I am having some issues here getting my IIS 7 box with PHP 5.3.5 to connect to MSSQL. I have checked my path and my ini to make sure it is pointing to the ext dir. I have tested this by using a code color ext and ran a testpage which worked fine showing lines of code in colors etc. I have installed the following to my ini file extension=php_sqlsrv_53_nts_vc9.dllextension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_53_nts_vc9.dll and made sure they are where they need to be. I have double

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums microsoft-drivers-for-php-for-sql-server
    I get basic queries to run but this page i am on now has multiple queries and for s&g i want to make it work.i keep running across this sqlsrv_num_rows fatal error Undefined function but i can connect and run queries the code involved is below$getUser = $loginConnector->query(“SELECT * FROM cmsusers WHERE user = ‘”.$_SESSION[‘user’].”‘ AND pass = ‘”.$_SESSION[‘pass’].”‘ AND thegroup <= ‘”.$group.”‘ AND enabled = 1″,array(),array(“Scrollable&

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums microsoft-drivers-for-php-for-sql-server
     Due an PHP update up to 5.3.2 i had to switch from the php_mssql.dll to the “SQL Server Driver For PHP” to get our mssql_connects work again.  But now i get a new error. :(Fatal error: Couldn’t understand type returned by ODBCThis is result of the following query: $sql_query = tep_db_mssql_query(‘SELECT * FROM ‘ . TABLE_SALES_INVOICE_HEADER . ” WHERE ([Order No_] = ‘” . $order_no . “‘)”) or die(“SQL-Query Error!”); // Result: SELECT * FROM

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums microsoft-drivers-for-php-for-sql-server
    Hello and Good Day! I have a problem regarding the connection to MS SQL server 2005 using php. I had downloaded Microsoft SQL Server 2005 driver for php on the link below http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=61BF87E0-D031-466B-B09A-6597C21A2E2A&displaylang=en This is my code: $servername = “(”; $uid = “rates”; $pwd = “rates”; $connectionInfo = array(“Database”=>”iefastrak”); /* Connect using SQL Se

  • msdn
    sql-server-forums microsoft-drivers-for-php-for-sql-server
    Hey all, I have this little procedure used in conjunction with the new PHP driver:– some declares up here and count(*) for n_ct and e_ctIF @n_ct <> 0 AND @e_ct <> 0 BEGIN       SELECT @message = ‘Notice: User Name and Email already exist.’;      END        ELSE IF @n_ct <> 0 BEGIN       SELECT @message = ‘Notice: User Name already exists.’;      END        ELSE IF @e_ct <> 0 BEGIN        SELECT @message = ‘Notice: User Email already exists.’;       END            IF @mes

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