events,click,jwplayerRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Sebastian
    delphi events web-browser iwebbrowser2
    I am using this code trydocument := (pDisp as IWebbrowser2).Document AS IHTMLDocument2;Body := Document.body;Links := Document.links;for i := 0 to (Links.length-1) dobegintmp := (Links.item(i, 0) as IHTMLElement);tmp.onclick := TEventObject.Create(MyProcedure) as IDispatch; // THIS LINEend;excepton E : Exception doShowMessage(E.ClassName+’ error raised, with message : ‘+E.Message);end;In the DocumentComplete event of an IE web browser, it works fine but when I open a new tab I get a Microsoft I

  • meler
    events visual-c++ com atl com-server
    I’m totally new in COM programming.I have big problem. I’m trying to handle events from CANoe application via COM Server. Firstly I tried do it in native C++ but without results. Now I’m trying it by using ATL. I’m doing something wrong but I don’t have any idea what. When the event occurs, my client application suspends itself and CANoe. After closing client application CANoe works fine. So I know that my client application handles Events from CANoe but it can’t serve it. The commented parts of

  • Kendall Hopkins
    php events asynchronous daemon
    I’m working on an online PHP application that has a need for delayed PHP event. Basically I need to be able to execute arbitrary PHP code x many seconds (but it could be days) after the initial hit to a URL. I need fairly precise execution of these PHP event, also I want it to be fairly scalable. I’m trying to avoid the need to schedule a cron job to run every second. I was looking into Gearman, but it doesn’t seem to provide any ability to schedule events and as I understand, PHP isn’t really m

  • Adam Paynter
    java com outlook events jacob
    I am writing a Java program that interacts with Microsoft Outlook using the Jacob library (bridges COM and Java). This program creates a new MailItem, displaying its Inspector window to the user. I wish to subscribe to the inspector’s Close event to know when the user is finished editing their mail item.To subscribe to the event, I followed the instructions in Jacob’s documentation (about 2⁄3 down the page):The current [event] model is conceptuallysimilar to the Visual Basic WithEventscons

  • Alaska Zach
    javascript function events
    I’m trying to make it so I don’t have a write a function for every input field I want to use this on. Rather sending the element id to the function and only having one function that I can recycle.Works like this<input name=”field” id=”field” type=”text” onKeyPress=”onlyNum()” /><script type=”text/javascript”> function onlyNum() {var name = $(“#field”);name.keypress(function (e) {if (e.which > 0 && // check that key code existse.which != 8 && // allow backspace!(e.w

  • Gzork
    c# events visual-c++ c#-2.0 com-interop
    I have a TcpSocketServer written in C# and I want to use it in native C++ without CLI. The class rises events on client connection/disconnection and when data is received. Untill now I got the server working and accepting connection, however I still can’t send/receive data.Notice that this is one of several classes I need to work with, so please do not suggest me to use native C++ sockets.The (relevant) C# code is bellow:[ComVisible(true)] public delegate void TcpClientConnectedEventHandler(Sock

  • Ondra Žižka
    events jboss observer-pattern jboss7.x
    In order to use events only listened if a transaction succeeds or fails, I’m following the given doc about transactional observers :… but cannot manage to make my code work on JBoss AS7.Here’s my EJB:@LocalBean @Stateful @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NEVER) public class MyController {@Injectprivate transient Event<MyEvent> myEventLauncher;@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NE

  • Kev
    windows events windows-server-2003 file-management
    Colleagues, I have need to run a script/program on certain basic OS level events. In particular when a file in Windows is opened. The open may be read-only or to edit, and may be initiated by a number of means, either from windows explorer (open or ), be selected from a viewing or editing application from the native file chooser, or drag-n-drop into an editing or viewing application.Further, i need the trigger to “hold” the event from completing the action until the runtime on the program has co

  • drzhb
    jquery events knockout.js mouseover
    Could someone explain this piece of code use knockout and I have an issue in Opera. I tried to reproduce, but it works fine, so I’m not sure that I have the right case.<div class=”wrapper” data-bind=”event: { mouseover: function() {}, mouseout: function() {} }”>wrapper<div class=”nested” title=”nested”>nested</div> </div> thought that problem is: when we bind event to wrapper,

  • chustar
    c# xaml events windows-phone-8
    In my application, I have an event handler that listens for an event that tells it to update some UI. This event is fired every time one an item is downloaded from a web service. Is it possible to have the event handler delay processing these events until they stop firing (e.g. only update the UI three seconds after the last event was fired?)My current plan is to record the time since last updating the UI from the event handler, and when it gets beyond a certain threshold, update it again, but

  • llasarov
    jquery table click row jquery-events
    In my project I updated the used jQuery version from 1.4.2 to 1.7.2. Now I observe some unexpected behaviour when handling the click event handler of elements.Multiple sites contain tables with a radio button in the first columt. So the HTML looks like this<table><tbody><tr onclick=”selectOnClick(this)”><td><input type=”radio” …. /></td>……</tr> …In a separate js file there’s the definition of the JS functionfunction selectOnClick(row) {$(row).ch

  • user1824806
    jquery function tags click href
    Hi everytime i try to add the below code to my site, every link on the page opens. How do I get this code to work without it opening every link, and instead of using for the click funtion could i use a button and its id instead?<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><style> { position:relative; width:400px; height:90px; }div.two { position:absolute; width:400px; height:65px; font-size:36px; text-align:center; color:yellow; background:red;padding-top:25px; top:0; left:0; di

  • user2423264
    html css animation hyperlink click
    Fiddle:’m doing a project for class, and I’ve made a webpage where there is a title in the center and two images of a left and right hand underneath. Upon hovering over one of the hands, it will move off of the screen revealing a link underneath. I’ve got the link hidden under the hands, but when the hand moves, the link is not clickable. How can I make it so?Here are the relevant parts of the html and css:<body><a href=””><p id=

  • Michael Durrant
    javascript selenium hyperlink click
    In my app, in the [firefox] browser javascript console I can do this:elems=document.getElementsByTagName(“a”)[3];;and the 3rd anchor is clickedHow can I do that using the SeleniumIDE ?I have a Test Case which does:store javascript{elems=document.getElementsByTagName(“a”)[3];;} dummybut I just get the somewhat standard invalid javascript error of [error] Unexpected Exception: fileName -> chrome://selenium-ide/content/selenium-core/scripts/selenium-api.js, lineNumber

  • user968834
    jquery ios events web-applications click
    Building a web application and having trouble getting a click event to fire. It works perfectly when running from a normal instance of Safari, but when running from the home screen, it fails.$(“a.applink”).live(‘click’, clickHandler); var clickHandler = function(e) {console.log(e);e.preventDefault(); }When running from the home screen, ‘e’ is empty. If I replace ‘click’ for ‘touchend’, it does work, but touchend doesn’t give the correct behaviour (i.e. if you happen to touch a link to start a sc

  • Emil
    jquery variables for-loop click counter
    I have something like a beginner problem, because javascript uses the variable ‘i’ in an unexpected way:for(var i=0; i<3;i++){$(“a[href=#markers”+i+”]”).click(function() {;“click: “+i);}); }Here is my console:<a href=”#markers0″> click: 3 <a href=”#markers1″> click: 3 <a href=”#markers1″> click: 3But I want this:<a href=”#markers0″> click: 0 <a href=”#markers1″> click: 1 <a href=”#markers1”> click: 2Can someone help and resolv

  • Benjamin
    javascript jquery click
    I have a floating div that gets displayed, and I want it to be hidden when the user clicks off the div. This would be similar to the .hover() function callback when hovering off an element. Only I want to do this for click.I tried just setting a click event for the body, which would hide the div, but that gave unexpected results.Anyone have ideas on how I could easily do this?

  • samyb8
    jquery css button click submit
    After customizing a button with CSS the decoration is applied properly but the button becomes inactive, I cannot click on it and it won’t submit.Here is the code:.addToCart { width: 100px; border-radius: 4px/4px; border: 2px #E8CD00; height:20px; text-align: center; vertical-align: center; font-family: “Trebuchet MS”, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; padding: 1px; background-color: #E8CD00; color: black; }<form name=”cartAdding”> <input type=”hidden” name=”productid” />

  • labrassbandito
    javascript jquery function click
    I would like to use the click() function of jQuery within a for loop in order to make three HTML elements clickable. I created a simple test case:<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN” “”> <html xmlns=”” xml:lang=”en”> <head><meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″ /><script type=”text/javascript” src=”” />

  • elbatron
    syntax checkbox click token
    I browsed though many “unexpected token”, “illegal” etc. topics, one helped me by checking for invisible characters and copying the script to jslint throwed me some missed brackets error, but there are still one problem with this line:JS:document.getElementById(‘pois’).innerHTML =(‘<p><label><input type=”checkbox” id=”01″ onclick=”toggleGroup(“01″)” CHECKED/></label>01</p>’);The pois div is located in the html file.Alternatively, how would I write the above line wit

  • Gabi Purcaru
    javascript html5-video jwplayer
    I’m trying to make jwplayer show the native iPhone play button (see below) on iPhone, and a custom skin elsewhere. I’ve tried to use chromeless: true, but it didn’t help (I still get the skinned play button). Now I’m stuck in jwplayer code and can’t find my way through. Can you help me out?

  • Kriem
    php javascript jquery jwplayer
    I sometimes get this error in my jwplayer: TypeError: non-native scope objectThis means that one video out of multiple videos I have has failed to load. This makes it unreliable. My question is that is there a way to make it more reliable and permanently fix this error?Below is code:<?php$key = $_GET[‘key’]; $i = $_GET[‘i’]; $v = $_GET[‘v’];?> <div id=”myElement-<?php echo $key.’-‘.$i; ?>”>Loading the player…<script type=”text/javascript”> jwplayer(“myElement-<?php e

  • Exitos
    javascript jwplayer
    I have an object being passed to a method from a flash object. I would like to be able to view all of the properties in this object a bit like you can do in c# with the ‘add watch’ feature in visual studio.Is this possible with javascript and firefox/firebug?I was thinking of doing a for loop and console.logging the results but what is the best way to iterate the object would I treat it as an array etc?Any advice much appreciated. Pete

  • Shawn Patoka
    stream video-streaming embed jwplayer flowplayer
    i have this stream: have JW Player 6 premium but it just flash crashes upon trying to load.We can get the stream to load on PCs embedding it with VLC. Also, on a Mac in Safari only, iOS, and some androids, embedding it with HTML5. But i was hoping for kind of a cross-platform solution.

  • user2676098
    streaming video-streaming jwplayer cloudfiles’ve been trying to get HLS streaming on JWplayer working for quite a while now. I know JWPlayer supports it. (We have a premium account)We’ve used the wizard builder and the embed code we use works with their example video file. However when we create our own m3u8 version of our videos, they wont play back. We use Zencoder and their recommended method of m3u8 creation. use rackspa

  • Mr Lister
    css twitter-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-3 jwplayer
    The following page was constantly crashing for me in IE9 on Windows 7: much testing around, it turns out the line-height line in the Bootstrap 3 CSS File was causing the crash…or at least conflicting with JWPlayer somehow, and between them, causing the crash!body {font-family: “Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size: 14px;line-height: 1.428571429; /* THIS IS THE LINE THAT CUASES THE ERROR*/color: #333333;background-color: #ffffff; }I hav

  • Peter
    javascript jquery jwplayer
    So following JW Player’s I can get a video to load (obviously) it looks like this:<script type=”text/javascript” src=”/scripts/jwplayer.js”></script> <div id=”myElement”>Loading the player …</div> <script type=”text/javascript”>jwplayer(“myElement”).setup({file: “/uploads/example.mp4”,height: 360,image: “/uploads/example.jpg”,width: 640}); </script>I’m trying to accomplish something to this effect to load a video inside of a modal once that modal is triggere

  • arisetyo
    requirejs jwplayer durandal
    I want to use jwplayer on a Single Page App built using Durandal framework. The idea is to create a persistent audio player, unaffected by the application’s navigation. But I haven’t been able to load jwplayer in Durandal.I’ve successfully loaded jwplayer on a simple html file using Require.js. But this method doesn’t seem to work on Durandal (which also uses Require.js).This is my code on shell.js:define([‘jwplayer/jwplayer’,’durandal/plugins/router’,’durandal/app’], function (jwplayer,router,a

  • Nimbuz
    javascript jquery jwplayer
    jwplayer(“myElement_0”).onPlay(function(){ pausePlayers(1); alert(‘0 has started’); }); jwplayer(“myElement_1”).onPlay(function(){ pausePlayers(2); alert(‘1 has started’); }); jwplayer(“myElement_2”).onPlay(function(){ pausePlayers(3); alert(‘2 has started’); }); jwplayer(“myElement_3”).onPlay(function(){ pausePlayers(4); alert(‘3 has started’); }); function pausePlayers(playing) { for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {if(i != playing) { jwplayer(“myElement_”+i).pause(true); }} };I have this script to pau

  • Curtis
    javascript jwplayer
    The jwplayer website suggests that you embed jwplayer inside javascript this way:jwplayer(“videoDIV”).setup({file: “vid.flv”,height: 300,width: 400,//Etc…However, when I try that in ASP.NET I getUncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘setup’ of nullI should just be able to call jwplayer like a variable, and it should be accessible as long as I have the <script src… stuff, right?The error appears on the jwplayer(“videoDIV”).setup({ line

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