php,symfony2Related issues-Collection of common programming errors
I am trying to use PHP to grap some information from the webpage. I have found recommendations to use htmlSQL which makes easy to get specific value from HTML. I have read all the examples coming with it, hovewer, I’ve got a very simple issue. When I execute my script, the output showsPHP Fatal error: Class ‘htmlsql’ not found in /home/jeff/htmlsql2.php on line 5I have downloaded the htmlsql.class.php document from the website and put it in the HOME. could anyone can help me fix this issue?Th
php symfony2 composer-php
I’m getting the following fatal error when trying to update my vendors with composer.phar:$ php bin/composer.phar update Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) Generating autoload filesFatal error: Interface ‘Metadata\AdvancedMetadataFactoryInterface’ not found in /sf2path/vendor/jms/metadata/src/Metadata/MetadataFactory.php on line 26 PHP Fatal error: Interface ‘Metadata\AdvancedMetadataFactoryInterface’ not found in /sf2path/vendor
php oop classes
I’m open to any advice to help improve this code for general use. /** * * This code was created by Joshua Getner. * @license BSD * * */namespace Blacksmith;class Autoloader {// an array that maps classnames to there filepathsprotected static $classes = array();/*** register your classnames and class paths to the autoloader.* keeps the loading quick and accurate.* @param string $class* @param string $path* @return null*/public static function set
php gmail-imap
Right gentelmen, I have been at this liturary the whole day by now I’m desperate ! Here is the situation. I am using free webhosting, whenever I try to use imap_open this message comes up : Fatal error: Call to undefined function imap_open(). I obiosly dont have any access to a server setting and it would appear that php does not have the imap module installed, even though I contacted my provider (web000) with a direct question: Do you support imap functions ? He replied yes. I did send him an e
php doctrine2 symfony2
Symfony2. I cleared cache throu console. And now I get Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /var/www/symfony/vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/DoctrineBundle/DoctrineBundle.php on line 52I don’t really understand how those two things are connected.Any help?
When I attempt to use the problem class I get the following error:Fatal error: Class ‘database’ not found in path/problem.php on line 25I don’t understand why I got this error, at the top of problem.php I require database.php. What is happening?problem.php<?php require(“common.php”); require(“database.php”);class problem {// variable declarationprotected $question;protected $answer;protected $tags;protected $problem_id;protected $commonStuff;protected $userID;protected $db;// parameters for $
php xml
I am getting information from an XML document and for the most part everything runs as it should. Occasionally, I get a php fatal error Call to a member function children() on a non-object. I have tried to use thisif(isset($current->AttributeSets->children(‘ns2’, true)->ItemAttributes->ListPrice->Amount)) {$listPrice = $current->AttributeSets->children(‘ns2’, true)->ItemAttributes->ListPrice->Amount; } else {$listPrice = 0; }to catch any times there is no informatio
php json zend-framework wamp
Trying to have a look on zend2 I’m working on the zend skeleton.On the Controller, I’m adding the following code:// Decode JSON objects as PHP objects $data = $request->getPost(‘album’); $result = Zend\Json\Json::decode($data); // line 82And I get the following error:Fatal error: Class ‘Album\Controller\Zend\Json\Json’ not found in C:\wamp\www\zf2-skeleton\module\Album\src\Album\Controller\AlbumController.php on line 82Having a look on the official documentation, but I don’t find anything t
php facebook facebook-graph-api
PHP Fatal error: Class ‘Facebook’ not found in /mnt/releases/server/asrivastava/first-task/390f5294f2b74ffbbe729e1ce9773c39573973b8/public/subscribe.php on line 36<?php try{include_once “./php-sdk/src/facebook.php”; } catch(Exception $o){echo ‘<pre>’;print_r($o);echo ‘</pre>’; }error_log(“Subscribe.php”); error_log(“included facebook classes”); define (“FB_APPID” ,”APPID”) ; define (“FB_SECRET”, “KEY”); define (“VERIFY_TOKEN” ,”myFirstFB”);$access_token = “MyAccessToken”; $user =
I am getting this error: Access to undeclared static property: DBug::$errorMsgFollowing is the codeclass DBug {private static $errorMsg = array(1 => ‘inv-req’,2 => ‘inv-reqPrm’,3 => ‘no-set’,4 => ‘less-h’,5 => ‘less-w’);public static function showTinyErrMsg($errCode=0) {if(SHOW_ERROR_MSG_IN_RESPONSE === TRUE) {if(array_key_exists($errCode, self::$errorMsg)) {echo “// “.self::$errMsg[$errCode].”;\n” ;}}} }I call this function by DBug::showTinyErrMsg(1);. I get the above mentioned e
php symfony2 composer-php
I’m getting the following fatal error when trying to update my vendors with composer.phar:$ php bin/composer.phar update Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) Generating autoload filesFatal error: Interface ‘Metadata\AdvancedMetadataFactoryInterface’ not found in /sf2path/vendor/jms/metadata/src/Metadata/MetadataFactory.php on line 26 PHP Fatal error: Interface ‘Metadata\AdvancedMetadataFactoryInterface’ not found in /sf2path/vendor
php doctrine2 symfony2
Symfony2. I cleared cache throu console. And now I get Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /var/www/symfony/vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/DoctrineBundle/DoctrineBundle.php on line 52I don’t really understand how those two things are connected.Any help?
symfony2 bundle snappy
I have a fatal error when I try to install Knp Snappy BundleFatal error: Interface ‘Knp\Bundle\SnappyBundle\Snappy\GeneratorInterface’ not found in /…/vendor/bundles/Knp/Bundle/SnappyBundle/Snappy/LoggableGenerator.php on line 13 Any idea?
class symfony2
The project works in my local environment but when I deploy it on shared web server it doesn’t work.Server/home/app/src/gestor/UsuarioBundle… /vendors…./public_html/webapp.php…If I go to host/app.php ->Fatal error:Class ‘Gestor\UsuarioBundle\UsuarioBundle’ not found in /home/esdrhazc/app/AppKernel.php on line 19AppKernel.phpuse Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel; use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface;class AppKernel extends Kernel {public function registerBundles(){$bundle
I’m trying to install symfony for a week now and i have plenty of errors everytime !!! i couldn’t find a solution to this specific error :Fatal error: Class ‘Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry’ not found in C:\wamp\www\Symfony\app\autoload.php on line 35here’s what i have in the autoload.php file :$loader->register();AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader(function($class) use ($loader) { $loader->loadClass($class);return class_exists($class, false);});Any ideas please?
symfony2 doctrine2
Names changed due to NDA.I’m trying to come up with a survey form. Each survey question can have multiple answers/scores, so there’s a natural 1:* relationship to them. That said, for the public-facing form, I need to have a 1:1 relationship between the score and the question it relates to, which is what I’m working on now. Right now, the survey is open to the public, so each completed survey is not related to a user.The interesting parts of my current setup are as follows…Question:namespac
php symfony2 assetic
when I dump my assets using the following commandapp/console assetic:dump –env=dev –watchI receive this errorFatal error: Method Symfony\Bundle\AsseticBundle\Factory\Resource\FileResource::__toString() must not throw an exception in vendor/assetic/src/Assetic/Factory/Loader/CachedFormulaLoader.php on line 0It doesn’t happen when dumping using app/console assetic:dump –env=prod –no-debug
symfony2 phpunit
using the classical phpunit style I generate:test with the symfony2 helper. I can get the service and I can assert it ok. // testspublic function testGetServiceUrl() {$ecservice = $this->getModule(‘Symfony2’)->grabServiceFromContainer(“ecservice”);$this->assertEquals(“”, $ecservice->getServiceUrl());$this->assertEquals(“xxx”, $ecservice->getServiceUrl());}However in the second case where the assertion fails I get an exception:Trying to test get
Mattia Premoli
symfony2 doctrine2 entity classnotfound
This is NewEventController.php:namespace Passtuff\RestBundle\Controller;use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; use Passtuff\RestBundle\Entity\Event;class NewEventController extends Controller { public function createAction(){$event = new Event(); //line 14//…}}and this is Event.phpnamespace Passtuff\RestBundle\Entity;use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;/*** @ORM\Entity* @ORM\Table(name=”event”)*/ class Event {//… }I get this
Wouter J
php symfony2 symfony-cmf
I’m trying to install Symfony CMF but I’m getting the following error while creating the database:Fatal error: Class ‘PHPCR\Util\Console\Command\MoveCommand’ not foundin/vendor/doctrine/phpcr-bundle/Doctrine/Bundle/PHPCRBundle/Command/NodeMoveCommand.phpon line 34My composer.json is as follows:”require”: {“php”: “>=5.3.3″,”symfony/symfony”: “2.2.*”,”doctrine/orm”: “2.3.*”,”doctrine/doctrine-bundle”: “1.2.*”,”twig/extensions”: “1.0.*”,”symfony/assetic-bundle”: “2.1.*”,”symfony/swiftmailer-bund
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