php,youtube,comments,youtube-apiRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Iain
    apache-2.2 php centos suphp
    We have a server that’s handling uploads. The memory limit is set at a ridiculously high level in php.ini (800 M).. however we have gd, which is managing the image resizing, but it is dying at about 60M of memory usage (our error log is reporting a fatal error at this stage).From all our Apache config files (CPanel/WHM managed), I can’t find a RLimitMem that’s set anywhere either.I’ve looked as well if there’s any limits set in our kernel, but can’t find anything there as well.Is there somethin

  • Haresh Vidja
    ubuntu php wordpress
    I have moved my server data PHP + WordPress and database(mysql) from one server to another server… All things working fine… but some time i got page blank in click submit button.. This problem occures some time ..I didnt get any error or fatal error in errorLog file and not get access entry in accsessLog file also on time of blank page.. Black page issue occurs some time on same taskSo how can I fix this problem..

  • Scott Pack
    apache-2.2 php centos
    So the same code works on my Ubuntu server but when I upload it to my dedicated hosting server running CentOS it seems to add an extra prefix of .:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php: I tried setting includepath to different things but it just doesn’t work. The file is in a directory called language in the same folder as the file that is including it and I’m using:include dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.”language”.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.””; include dirname(__FILE__).”/language/language.

  • mike
    php cpanel pdo
    Getting this error: Fatal error: Class ‘PDO’ not foundHave these lines in extension=pdo_mysql.soThis shows up in– –enable-pdo=shared’ ‘Have access to whm but there is no “software” tab from which to access easyapatche? Any suggestions??

  • Mahbubur R Aaman
    php centos zend-framework
    Shows PHP Fatal Errormain(): Failed opening required ‘Zend/Loader.php’I have installed ZF on /usr/share/phpzf command is working. I can create project and do other works using zf command. But while including the library path then shows the error.Am i missing something?

  • Passionate Developer
    apache-2.2 php
    I am getting below errors despite setting memory_limit in php.ini to 64mb:Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 6291456) (tried to allocate 91284 bytes) in /home/favstayc/public_html/coverbuddy2/cake/libs/configure.php on line 1067What could I change to fix this issue?

  • BlaM
    php iis7 stdout stderr
    Okay, this is slowly getting annoying. I’m used to work with Apache Webservers and never had any of these problems. IIS seems to try to be intelligent – or whatever.Here’s my situation: My customer wants a PHP website and it is supposed to run on an Windows IIS webserver.For my development environment I could use my Apache – but just to be sure I want to do it with IIS, too. So I set up a dev-server with Windows Vista, all the latest Updates and installed IIS. Everything fine!I quickly found ins

  • WerkkreW
    apache-2.2 php varnish
    We recently migrated our site to a load balanced apache cluster behind varnish. Since that time a very small subset of users is reporting they cannot view any pages. I have narrowed the issue down quite a bit. This issue was not present before the move, the old infrastructure was a single large box.We are on Rackspace Cloud running 8 apache2 instances behind varnish 3.0 all load balanced using Rackspace Cloud load balancers (Zeus) and 2 mysql instances for a total of 10 servers, all linux.Use

  • Uvais Ibrahim
    php php-extensions pecl expect
    I got some serious error while installing expect extension in PHP.I ran sudo pecl install channel:// got error like this while running make,running: make /bin/bash /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-rootvXp7LZ/expect-0.3.1/libtool –mode=compile cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/expect -DPHP_ATOM_INC -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-rootvXp7LZ/expect-0.3.1/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-rootvXp7LZ/expect-0.3.1/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/expect -I/usr/include/php5 -I/usr/include/php5/main -I/u

  • Justin808
    php http httpd hostgator
    OK, so I’m uploading a 350meg zip file. The file one uploaded is unzipped and the contents are processed. The processing consists of reading in a data file, then copying and thumbnailing images, the adding data to a database. This is all once process start to finish. I can see in the log that the datafile is processed. I can see on the filesystem the thumbnails get created. But then it looks like the whole this starts over from scratch with blank post data and it fails.When I look at the httpd l

  • sonu
    java android youtube android-asynctask android-youtube-api
    got the code from the to load video list dynamically using JSON in AsyncTask:/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing

  • MrOrelliOReilly
    android video plugins cordova youtube
    Possibly related: Plugin videoPlayer PhoneGap not workingI’m trying to play youtube videos from my PhoneGap 3.0 application for Android but have had a lot of trouble. Following several suggestions on stackoverflow I installed the android video player plugin ( However the program fails to run when I use phonegap run android from the terminal. Does this plugin not work on PhoneGap 3.0 / should I revert to an older version of phonegap?This is pertinent outpu

  • user578386
    android youtube
    i m using the below youtube gdata url to get the feed,i m not getting the feed response and getting the warning HttpHostconnect Exception. could you guys help me out below is the url and the code. static ServerResponse PostDataWithXml( ) {String strUrl = “”;String finalResult = null;ServerResponse sr = new ServerResponse();HttpClient client = new Def

  • user2032323
    google-app-engine youtube
    After following the ‘Getting Started’ instructions for Youtube Direct I’m having trouble with getting the local server to run after trying lots of combinations of Eclipse, jdks and plugins. The errors below have left me more than a little confused for a couple of days now. Any help appreciated, thanks.1/02/2013 11:26:00 AM info INFO: Logging to JettyLogger(null) via 01/02/2013 11:26:00 AM

  • SundayMonday
    android android-intent youtube android-mediaplayer
    In my Android app I’d like the user to tap an image once, have a youtube video play automatically and when the video is done the user is immediately returned to the app. What’s the best way to do this in Android?I tried using intents. This works in that the video comes up on what I think is a youtube web page. However playing the video requires another tap. I’d like to avoid this if possible.I tried the whole MediaPlayer, prepareAsync, setOnPreparedListener and never got it to work. For some rea

  • Meindert
    video phonegap youtube sencha
    I want to play a Youtube video in/from my Sencha/Phonegap built app in Android and iOS. But it fails on both Android and iOS. I’m using an Ext.XTemplate to dynamically load the youtube video code in the following code sample:'<iframe class=”youtube-player” type=”text/html” src=”{youtube_url}” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>’,This fails for me: On Android, my video thumbnail displays with a play button, but when I click it it will not play. On

  • Omid Aminiva
    youtube android-webview html5-video
    HTML5 video open in the background does not stop. I am opening the webview in a fragment. I tried following code: public void onPause(){mWebView.onPause();try {Class.forName(“android.webkit.WebView”).getMethod(“onPause”, (Class[]) null).invoke(mWebView, (Object[]) null);} catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch(NoSuchMethodException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch(InvocationTargetException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {e.printStackTrace();}super

  • Jashan PJ
    android youtube android-youtube-api
    I am trying to use YouTubeData API in my android app. (My app need to show the youtube vedio in a part of the screen, then below other widgets). I tried to follow the Google IO 2012 training session on New Youtube Android Player Tools but I failed the following errors occured.YouTube.initialize(this, DeveloperKey)The ‘YouTube” class is not available in my app, I have already added the library ‘YouTubeAndroidPlayerApi.jar’ to my lib folder. Does the YouTube class is depricted? I searched it in t

  • user1437279
    android youtube
    Possible Duplicate:How to play YouTube video in my Android application? How can i play a youtube video in my android Application. There are so many person gives there view but its not working. Can anyone provide me any solution.I am facing getting exception:07-20 14:32:50.898: E/MediaPlayer(4130): error (1, -2147483648)07-20 14:32:50.914: E/MediaPlayerDemo(4130): error: Prepare failed.: status=0x1 07-20 14:32:50.914: E/MediaPlayerDemo(4130): Prepare failed.: status=0x1 07-2

  • jko api youtube
    Hi i want to create an uploading video program using youtube api I think I missed something. I search for some examples on how to upload using .net but cant seem to find an answer. Heres my code:` Imports Google.YouTubeImports Google.GData.ClientImports Google.GData.ExtensionsImports Google.GData.Extensions.MediaRssImports Google.GData.YouTubeImports Google.GData.Extensions.LocationPublic Class Form1Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles But

  • kiamlaluno
    7 comments wsod
    I’m using “Unpublish comments with keywords” action. I’ve just noticed a PHP error on submitting any comment.drupal_render() expects an array but comment_unpublish_by_keyword_action() calls it with $comment object. And we have a WSOD.That’s part of error.log[error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /…/includes/ on line 5672, referer: http://…/comment/reply/28any suggestions?

  • 2 revs, 2 users 91%Trae
    comments commenting code-comments
    DuplicateWhat are your hard rules about commenting?A Developer I work with had some things to say about commenting that were interesting to me (see below). What is your personal approach/take on commenting?”I don’t add comments to code unlessits a simple heading or there’s aplatform-bug or a necessarywork-around that isn’t obvious. Codecan change and comments may becomemisleading. Code should beself-documenting in its use ofdescriptive names and its logicalorganization – and its solutionss

  • wwaawaw
    javascript syntax comments
    This thread inspired the question. Here are the code samples again. I’m looking for an answer that tells exactly what is going on.Both x = 0; x+/*cmt*/+; and var f/*cmt*/oo = ‘foo’; produce syntax errors, which renders the answers in this question wrong.

  • trysis
    javascript comments npm jshint uglifyjs2
    Does the pound sign (#) start a comment in JavaScript? I have a website I am using with NPM and when I tried to minify the JavaScript with Grunt, Uglify threw the error:Warning: Uglification failed. Unexpected character ‘#’. Line 1 in app/min-libs/node_modules/grunt-contrib-jshint/node_modules/jshint/nod e_modules/cli/examples/cat.jsUse –force to continue.The file name being referred to seems to be from another NPM module, meaning they know what they are doing. So when I went to app/min-libs/no

  • Mechanical snail
    .net coding-style comments
    I’m working as a tester on a project for a small finance company. While management sometimes makes “interesting” decisions, the team I’m working with seems competent enough. Since I’m usually on the developer part of the equation (this project being a temporary job) I’ve taken an interest in the code of the project. Today I remarked that the code seemed to be pretty light on comments (which isn’t an exaggeration; there aren’t any) and was immediately told that it’s intentional and that “source c

  • Natasha Loakes
    comments facebook-like
    I’ve used like buttons on my site for several months using and they’ve worked fine. Recently I decided to start using facebook comments on the pages instead of my previous commenting system but I’ve found that adding the plugin to the page has an unexpected impact on the “like” button.The like button has been configured in the button_count style with no send button, however if the comments module is on the page the flyout appears upon liking the content. I don’t want this

  • Rob
    python batch-file comments
    So, I have a bunch of python files (hundreds actually) that need a comment header at the top that contains the product name, a license reference notice, copyright information and other things. What is the best way to do this in a batch-like way? In other words, is there a tool I can use to specify what the header will be and what directory to apply this header to along with a *.py filter or something along those lines? By the way, all of the header info is identical for every file.

  • John Saunders
    internet-explorer api plugins comments facebook-social-plugins
    We’re having a problem with the facebook comments-count plugin in conjunction with the comments plugin. The pair works great for us in FF/Chrome, but we’re unable to get the count to work properly in IE. The comments box loads fine, but I find the following error for the count:FB.ApiServer._callbacks.f25a446b05aa0da({“error_code”:”601″,”error_msg”:”Parser error: unexpected ‘:’ at position 58.”,”request_args”:[{“key”:”callback”,”value”:”FB.ApiServer._callbacks.f25a446b05aa0da”},{“key”:”format”,”v

  • Kevin
    software-engineering comments code-review
    Yesterday I was going through some code of mine which made no sense to me at first (written less than a month ago). When I understood it, I quickly added comments to avoid the exercise. This made me think that, had I commented on the code as I wrote it, my comments might not have helped a later “me” decipher the code. When in the code’s life-time is it best to add comments? If the answer is that it depends, what does it depend on?Note: I am asking for experience- or, better yet, literature-based

  • Coral Doe
    php comments strip
    Whats the best way to remove comments from a PHP file?I want to do something similar to strip-whitespace() – but it shouldn’t remove the line breaks as well.EG:I want this:<?PHP // something if ($whatsit) {do_something(); # we do something hereecho ‘<html>Some embedded HTML</html>’; } /* another long comment */ some_more_code(); ?>to become:<?PHP if ($whatsit) {do_something();echo ‘<html>Some embedded HTML</html>’; } some_more_code(); ?>(Although if the empty

  • Ergin Ersoy
    java youtube-api google-api gdata
    I need a help to solve a problem. I am trying to build a project on java using youtube API. I change lots of combination however the problem is changing but solution does not occur unfortunatelly. this are my codes.JButton btnVideoYkle = new JButton(“Video Y\u00FCkle”);btnVideoYkle.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {String user_name=uname.getText().toString();String parola=pass.getText().toString();String dev_key=devkey.getText().toString();dev

  • Dporem
    android google-api youtube-api
    I have been trying to use youtube to get user playlist.I already managed to get authtoken, and now, to use YoutubeService i need to set the token.This is my code:YouTubeService service = new YouTubeService(clientID, devKey); // PrivateKey privateKey = AuthSubUtil.getPrivateKeyFromKeystore(“c:\\users\\diogo\\dropbox\\workspace\\your playlist\\debug.keystore”, “android”, “androiddebugkey”, “android”); service.setAuthSubToken(authtoken, privateKey);with this code im getting this error:07-18 21:17:1

  • Maria1980
    google-app-engine eclipse-plugin youtube-api
    i get crazy. I wanna use the google youtube direct and i have followed exactly the instruction of in the end, when i´d try to run (debug) the YTD in eclipse for testing it local, i get the following failur code instead the message, that the server is available under (localhost:8080/) I have installed – jdk & jdk also the latest google eclipse plugin i have adapted the appengine-web.xlm file as mentioned with my id and

  • Mickey Tin
    android youtube-api google-api-java-client
    in our project gdata fails to load youtube playlists only if the device language set to Turkish. Here are some logs : Caused by: Invalid value for attribute : ‘name’at$AttributesHandler.processEndElement(

  • daydreamer
    java youtube-api playframework
    I did the following – created a new play project using play new projectx – added all relevant jars needed to access youtube api(through command-line to projectx/lib) – did play eclipsify and imported the project in eclipse – added a Java class to models, called YouTubeTest. – run as “Java application” it fails saying : in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/collect/Maps

  • Cogicero
    android blackberry youtube-api html5-video html5-audio
    I am developing a mobile website with audio (links to self hosted MP3 files) and video (youtube links). My target users are the blackberry, android and iphone platforms.I want the audio/video file to play within the browser using HTML5 with flash fallback, or else to open the device’s native media player. If both fail, I can then show a link to download the MP3 or a link to visit the youtube page.For the Youtube video, I read something on S/O about RSTP but it’s a manual process, I don’t know if

  • Goddchen
    android android-fragments youtube-api android-youtube-api
    I am having heavy issues when using YouTubePlayerSupportFragmentIt works fine as long as I am connected to my WiFi, but once I switch to mobile data connection, after a few seconds of successful playback, the fragment seems to try to display some dialog, but fails to do so.Here is the exception:android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window — token null is not for an applicationat android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView( android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.add

  • koolness
    jquery-ajax map youtube-api jsonp done
    I’m retrieving Youtube video thumbnails and such with a function that deals with comma-delimited string of video IDs :function videoIDs(){ var videoArray = $(“#comma-delimited-IDs”).val().split(“,”); var defArray = $.map(videoArray, function (videoIDs) { var requestURLs = ‘//’+ videoIDs +’?v=2& format=5alt=json-in-script&callback=?’; return $.ajax({ type: “get”, dataType: “jsonp”, url: requestURLs, success: function(data) {} }); }); $.when.apply(null,de

  • pavium
    I am using the following code to upload a video to Youtube through youtube API. My problem is after uploading the video, I need to give the location of the video to the user. How do I find this ? I’ll be really grateful if someone can help me to solve this. MediaFileSource ms = new MediaFileSource(videoFile, mimeType);String videoTitle = title;VideoEntry newEntry = new VideoEntry();YouTubeMediaGroup mg = newEntry.getOrCreateMediaGroup();mg.addCategory(new MediaCategory(YouTubeNamespace.CATEGORY_

  • Jeff Posnick
    javascript xml youtube-api
    so I am really frustrated because I am trying to post this to the YouTube api. However, when I use Ajax, I get the syntax unexpected t variable error. Here is the code:$.ajax({ url:””, type:”POST”, data:”<?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’UTF-8′?> <entry xmlns=’’ xmlns:yt=’′> <category scheme=’’ term=’

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