problem about laravel-artisan-Collection of common programming errors

  • SLim
    php laravel laravel-4 laravel-artisan
    Would like to know how can i execute the PHP Artisan script inside my controller of Laravel? Tried the following code but it doesn’t work.php /Users/sl/Dropbox/Development/ABC/artisan currency:update;This is the error returned: syntax error, unexpected ‘currency’ (T_STRING)Thanks

  • a7omiton
    php cli laravel-artisan
    I’ve looked around SO and couldn’t figure out what could be wrong with me running the php artisan serve command and getting the cli stopped working error.I’m running WAMP and executing the command within my laravel projects folder (wamp/www/project) and get the error.When I hit debug after Windows fails to find a solution, it shows a message saying “An unhandled win32 exception occured in php.exe [7236]”Anybody know how to fix this?

  • Jean-Nicolas Boulay Desjardins
    php laravel laravel-4 composer-php laravel-artisan
    Here is the error I am getting:Script php artisan optimize handling the post-update-cmd event returned with an error[RuntimeException] Error Output:update [–prefer-source] [–prefer-dist] [–dry-run] [–dev] [–no-dev] [–lock] [–no-plugins] [–no-custom-installers] [–no-scripts] [–no-progress] [–with-dependencies] [-v|vv|vvv|–verbose] [-o|–optimize-autoloader] [packages1] … [packagesN]This shows after:Writing lock file Generating autoload filesI tried to delete all my folders in my v

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