Laravel and Infinite Scroll-Collection of common programming errors
I have a question about laravel pagination and infinite scroll :
First of all, I have this :
@forelse($duels->results as $d)
As we can see, I have a div #boxes which contain divs .box . The pagination is set by Laravel and looks like this :
« Previous
Next »
So now, I want to put an infinite scroll instead of a pagination. How should I do using ?
I stay here if you have questions !
PS : I've tried a few things but none worked like :
loading: {
finished: undefined,
finishedMsg: "Congratulations, you've reached the end of the internet.",
msg: null,
msgText: "Loading the next set of posts...",
selector: null,
speed: 'fast',
start: undefined
state: {
isDuringAjax: false,
isInvalidPage: false,
isDestroyed: false,
isDone: false, // For when it goes all the way through the archive.
isPaused: false,
currPage: 1
debug: false,
behavior: undefined,
binder: $(window), // used to cache the selector for the element that will be scrolling
nextSelector: "div.paginate a",
navSelector: "div.paginate",
contentSelector: null, // rename to pageFragment
extraScrollPx: 0,
itemSelector: "div.notizy",
animate: false,
pathParse: undefined,
dataType: 'html',
appendCallback: true,
bufferPx: 40,
errorCallback: function () { },
infid: 0, //Instance ID
pixelsFromNavToBottom: undefined,
path: undefined, // Can either be an array of URL parts (e.g. ["/page/", "/"]) or a function that accepts the page number and returns a URL
prefill: false, // When the document is smaller than the window, load data until the document is larger or links are exhausted
maxPage:undefined // to manually control maximum page (when maxPage is undefined, maximum page limitation is not work)
Based on the example of the github page (and replacing what should be replace), but there’s absolutely no effect doing so.