javascript,css,table,datatablesRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Fran Verona
    php javascript jquery ajax
    I have a PHP file with the following code:<html><head><!– HEAD –><?php require_once ‘Language.php’; ?></head><body><script type=”text/javascript”>$.get(‘step2.php’,function(data){// Do something});</script></body> </html>As you can see, I’m trying to load some content via Ajax call. The problem is that step2.php contains some PHP code:<div class=”step-content table-bordered”><h3><?php echo $Lang->get(‘create_s2_title

  • Sean
    javascript node.js gruntjs livereload
    PC Specs: Windows 7 Enterprise x64I’m running grunt.js on a project and recently started receiving an error when attempting to run ‘grunt watch’.Grunt worked fine yesterday but today I started seeing:Running “watch” task Waiting…Fatal error: listen EACCESI read another question here: Cloud 9 and Grunt.jsthat lead me to remove ‘options: {livereload: true}’ from Gruntfile.jsrunning watch again works as intended. Is there a way to reconfigure grunt or livereload to get livereload working with G

  • Asenar
    javascript php jquery callback
    i have make an php editor with so much effort but i cant print the fatal error. and want to print the fatal error. How to do this. I have code for run the php through eval function here is my jsfiddle – **** I want to print an fatal error. Please help me to do this.please check the code and give me the suggestion

  • Septagram
    javascript fatal-error
    Is it possible to terminate script on a certain condition with a specific error message? Exceptions are not an option, as they can be catched, thus avoiding termination.Update:I’d prefer the universal approach, but if there’s none, then it’s for the in-browser JavaScript. Error should be silent, and the error message should only go into the browser error log.

  • Ates Goral
    javascript gruntjs
    I removed the old grunt first,and I install the new grunt.But I got an error:D:\www\grunt-test\grunt grunt-cli: The grunt command line interface. (v0.1.4)Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt.If you’re seeing this message, either a Gruntfile wasn’t found or grunt hasn’t been installed locally to your project. For more information about installing and configuring grunt, please see the Getting Started guide: there haven’t a grunt in my system path, or somethi

  • Vexir
    javascript syntax-error
    I think there’s some kind of non-fatal bug in my script that’s not allowing me to a/ debug the script with Firebug and b/ causes Firefox to constantly display a Connecting… (with the swirly) while I’m on the page. The script seems to run fine though.Any ideas what could cause that?<script type=”text/javascript”> var xmlHttp; var xmlDoc;loadXMLFile();function loadXMLFile() {xmlHttp = new window.XMLHttpRequest();“GET”, “myFile.xml”, true);xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = StateChan

  • Bram Jetten
    javascript ruby-on-rails debian v8
    I’m trying to deploy my Rails app to a new VPS which runs with Debian. I’m using Nginx and Phusion Passenger as my server.I’ve installed Node.js as a JavaScript runtime. Sadly I’m seeing the following error message:Fatal error in v8::V8::AddGCPrologueCallback() V8 is no longer usableEdit:It is fixed now. Apparently gr security was causing the error.

  • Elisabeth
    javascript iphone ipad orientation
    I’m having the same problem that a couple of others have had with getting the correct behavior in a web app on an orientation change, and there doesn’t seem to be an obvious solution – I’ve seen this question asked a couple of times on Stack Overflow and no one’s yet been able to answer it.When I start the app in portrait mode, it works fine. Then I rotate into landscape and it’s scaled up. To get it to scale correctly for the landscape mode I have to double tap on something twice, first to zoo

  • Ulker Ibrahimova
    javascript jquery file-get-contents
    This question already has an answer here:Ways to circumvent the same-origin policy11 answersIs there any way to get full page source of snother different site? Example my site is but i want to get facebook’s page source on I tired this one: And it gives me null. So anyone knows it?function file_get_contents (url, flags, context, offset, maxLen) {// Read the entire file into a string//// version: 906.111// discuss at: http://

  • shoriwa-shaun-benjamin
    java javascript android cordova webview
    I am trying to get my cordova webview to work with cordova 3.2 an use the phonegap Camera API to access the camera.Reference: Android WebViewsHere are some successful implementations of what I want to do, but these use Phonegap 1.9, i want to use Phonegap 3.2 (the latest one)Cordova WebView using AndroidAlso here’s a VideoWith the code below I am able to make the cordova webview display my index.html page without any issues but when I to access the camera by clicking on “Capture Photo” in my HTM

  • Love Senya
    css less lessphp
    I’m try to compile this .less code to .css via lessphp and get this error:Fatal Error: ==================== infinite loop detected: @pos-x: failed at `background-position: @pos-x 0; }` line: 3Here is my code.@pos-x : 0; @w : 30px; .a { background-position: @pos-x 0; }@pos-x: @pos-x – @w; .b { background-position: @pos-x 0; }What’s wrong with it? Can i use varable overriding in LESS?

  • Mitesh Vora
    jquery html css ellipsis
    I tried looking here Insert ellipsis (…) into HTML tag if content too wide but could not get in chrome to work. I there solution for multiline in all browsers??

  • vals
    background: url(“images/main_bg.png”) repeat;Is a header/banner background image in style.css, but not sure how to get a shadow around it…I tried body {font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 13px;color: #333333;background: url(“images/main_bg.png”) repeat;box-shadow: 0 0 5px 2px #282a2d;line-height: 1.4; }But that didn’t work out…

  • thealexbaron
    jquery css
    Click “Rate” – that should pop up a normal boxy dialog, but styles aren’t working. Any ideas?Here’s the working example on the site: official boxy docs: { position: absolute; } .boxy-wrapper.fixed { position: fixed; }/* Modal */.boxy-modal-blackout { position: absolute; background-color: black; left: 0; top: 0; }/* Border */.boxy-wrapper { empty-cells: show; }.boxy-wrapper .top-left,.boxy-wrapper

  • BoltClock
    css background-image
    Is anyone aware of a way to change one layer of a multi-layered background using pure css? I’ve been searching around but can’t find any mention of current, or even proposed future specification. My thinking says there probably wont be, but the net is so vast now I’m sure someone, somewhere, has information or links to discussions along these lines.pseudo cssAn example way of implementation, just to illustrate what I mean. The following would obviously have problems with regard to the order of p

  • ?s??o?
    android html css forms
    I have a mobile web app that displays a dialog box within a position: fixed element overlaying the entire screen. No matter how much content is displayed or how far the page has scrolled, the overlay element dims the page content and the dialog appears on top of it all. There is an <input type=”search /> field in the dialog.On Android, when the user taps the input field to give it focus, some pretty erratic behavior often (but not always) ensues:The soft keyboard appears, then immediatel

  • Sander Marechal
    html css
    I need some help with my design. I want to display three equal-height boxes next to each other, like this ASCI art:+——+ +——+ +——+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +——+ +——+ +——+I also have an example online (with all the CSS).The contents of the boxes varies in height. The tricky thing is that these boxes also need to have rounded corners. For that I am using the “sliding doors” technique. Basically, the markup of a box is s

  • m1crdy
    jquery css jquery-mobile iscroll iscrollview
    i got iScrollView in my app for native scrolling but I´m getting a strange behaviour. The content is bouncing and then jumps down or up and stays there. I´m getting the feeling, that the plugin isn´t calculating the height… Anyone got this problem, too?My HTML<!DOCTYPE html> <html><head>// scripts are included </head><body><!– START PAGE –><div data-role=”page” id=”reviews”><!– START HEADER –><div data-role=”header” class=”header” data-pos

  • Troels Larsen
    jquery html css css3
    I’ve been exposed to the commandment of ‘no tables for layouts’ for years now, but I’m wondering if CSS still has no easy (readable) way of doing grid layouts?It’s been ages since I last did web development, and coming back to it from WPF, CSS still seems like a very limited way of coding layouts.What I’m trying to achieve is show in the Basically, I want my form to contain 5 columns:1 holding s. Autosized after the widest element 4 taking up the remaining space in the parent container, divided

  • grammar
    html css flex json rollovers
    I am using JSON to parse HTML data with customized html tags in Flex. Flex’s support for HTML is pretty minimal, so I am wondering if it’s possible to do a simple font color change rollover effect on these links. Currently I have found that Flex only supports a few HTML tags, but also supports CSS through Flex’s whack CSS methods. Can I manipulate HTML that is written in my JSON files through an external CSS file? Or better still using a simple tag with the JSON file?

  • rajeshwaran
    android json table
    Iam generating Table rows dynamically to fill with data from json my android version:4.2 here is my code:try {//HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpGet, localContext);HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpGet, localContext);HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();text = getASCIIContentFromEntity(entity);//InputStream input = new BufferedInputStream( response.getEntity().getContent() );JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(text) ;// ITERATE THROUGH AND RETRIEVE CLUB FIELDSint n = ja.l

  • Fabien Coppens
    hibernate table jpa join
    I’m using Hibernate Entity Manager 3.4.0.GA with Spring 2.5.6 and MySql 5.1. I have a use case where an entity called Artifact has a reflexive many-to-many relation with itself, and the join table is quite large (1 million lines). As a result, the HQL query performed by one of the methods in my DAO takes a long time. Any advice on how to optimize this and still use HQL ? Or do I have no choice but to switch to a native SQL query that would perform a join between the table ARTIFACT and the join t

  • zvzej
    android mysql database table cursor
    I’m working in a quiz app, and at the moment I want to display my question in a text view I’m getting an error in the log and not a response in the is my codemainActivity:private CuestionarioHelper db = null; private Cursor c2 = null; private int rowIndex = 1;after onCreatedb = new CuestionarioHelper(this);//EDIT ADDEDbtnVC = (Button) findViewById(;btnVC.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {public void onClick(View view) {displayCuestionario();}});and the

  • TNR
    android table
    My Android Version is:4.2Am filling Table layout dynamically from json.I have tried the following code.But it is showing me nothing.My Xml contains scrollview,table layout & textView.My .java code is: ` private class LongRunningGetIO extends AsyncTask <Void, Void, ArrayList<String>>{protected String getASCIIContentFromEntity(HttpEntity entity) throws IllegalStateException, IOException {InputStream in = entity.getContent();StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();int n = 1;

  • Jitendra Kumar Singh
    table hadoop external hive
    Executing hive query with filter on virtual column INPUT_FILE_NAME result in following exception.hive> select count(*) from netflow where INPUT__FILE__NAME=’vzb.1351794600.0′; FAILED: SemanticException java.lang.RuntimeException: cannot find field input__file__name from [org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.UnionStructObjectInspector$MyField@1d264bf5, org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.UnionStructObjectInspector$MyField@3d44d0c6, . . . org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.object

  • Matt Dawdy
    sql-server-2008 table windows-7
    Our underwriting company just sent us a data extract of leads. There are 9 million rows. The rows consist of LeadID (guid), RawLeadXML (xml — probably 3-4kb max), and a LeadStatusID (int).I first tried to add an autonumber integer and make it the primary key of this table. Well, it added the field, but couldn’t make it the primary key (There is insufficient memory available in the buffer pool.)What I need to do is to take every record, 1 by 1, and get the XML, put it into an XmlDocument obje

  • DrStrangeLove
    javascript table
    Data Structurevar X = {a: [{name:”john”, phone:777},{name:”john”, phone:777},{name:”john”, phone:777}],b: [{name:”john”, phone:777},{name:”john”, phone:777},{name:”john”, phone:777}],c: [{name:”john”, phone:777},{name:”john”, phone:777},{name:”john”, phone:777}],d: [{name:”john”, phone:777},{name:”john”, phone:777},{name:”john”, phone:777}] }Functionfunction showTable(trnum,X,a) {var Tablecode = “<table><tbody>”;for (var i=0; i< X.a.length;i++) {for (var j=0; j< trnum; j++) {Ta

  • Antony
    php html table button
    I am struggling to make a button appear in my table. I have seen various other answers on here but are a little too complicated for me (ie use javascript or are seeking to remove things from and to a database)My code is below and its the 8th line I am having trouble with (the table works fine without that line) – just says ‘unexpected ‘<‘?All I am seeking to do is show a button which will link to another website. That website is dictated by the variable ‘book’ which I pull from a database.ech

  • Aacini table storage batch-processing azure-table-storage
    I am trying to do a batch insert from a list of objects to table storage in windows azure. I am using the storage emulator for now. I get this error “Unexpected response code for operation”. I tried to search for anyone who encountered similar problems but to no avail.My keys are setup this way: PartitionKey = “projects” + CompanyID.toString(); RowKey = ProjectID.toString();It is inserted like this: foreach (vProject item in projectList) {TableOperation retrieveOperation = TableOperation.Retri

  • llasarov
    jquery table click row jquery-events
    In my project I updated the used jQuery version from 1.4.2 to 1.7.2. Now I observe some unexpected behaviour when handling the click event handler of elements.Multiple sites contain tables with a radio button in the first columt. So the HTML looks like this<table><tbody><tr onclick=”selectOnClick(this)”><td><input type=”radio” …. /></td>……</tr> …In a separate js file there’s the definition of the JS functionfunction selectOnClick(row) {$(row).ch

  • BalusC
    jquery error-handling firebug datatables
    So I have a datatable that is being populated by user inputs. When I enter the screen (before I submit anything) I dont throw any warnings in firebug. After I enter something into the table and submit. I automatically get returned to the same page, only the table has my submitted information in it. At this point is when I am getting the error. Here it is:DataTables warning (table id = ‘table’): Unexpected number of TD elements. Expected 5 and got 6. DataTables does not support rowspan / cols

  • Ghost
    jquery datatables pipe listeners
    I am using jQuery Datatables and I am curious if anyone has run into this issue and a possible native workaround. When filtering, via the searchbox and using a regex search, I have found a pipe seems to break the listener on the search box. I currently have a table with several rows. If I type the following:add => shows all entries with the string add in it (expected) build => shows all entries with the string build in it (expectedThe listeners works find with looking for one string. If I ty

  • user454232
    jquery datatables
    This is a very simple code.And I am using jQuery Datable v1.9.0.<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=”Scripts/DataTables-1.9.0/media/js/jquery.js”></script> <script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=”Scripts/DataTables-1.9.0/media/js/jquery.dataTables.js”></script> <link href=”~/Styles/Site.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” /> <link href=”Styles/jquery.dataTables.css” rel=”Stylesheet” type=”text/css” /> <

  • user2570937
    jquery datatables jquery-datatables
    I’m trying to use the reloadajax function however when I run it the table says processing and nothing happens. The button and everything works inside the table it just doesn’t reload the table and gets stuck. Any Ideas why?<script type=”text/javascript”> $.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnReloadAjax = function ( oSettings, sNewSource, fnCallback, bStandingRedraw ) {// DataTables 1.10 compatibility – if 1.10 then versionCheck exists.// 1.10s API has ajax reloading built in, so we use those abilities/

  • Binary Alchemist
    javascript apache datatables
    I have a problem with datatables. The code below works when wrapped in script tags within an html document. If the code is loaded from an external file the browser complains of an “Unexpected token”var oTable = $(‘#tbFilmes’).dataTable({‘bProcessing’: true,’sAjaxSource’: ‘filme/ajaxBuscarFilme’,’sServerMethod’: ‘POST’,’aoColumns’: [{ “sTitle”: “Id”},{ “sTitle”: “Name”},{ “sTitle”: “Year”}] });Inspecting the js file returned by the server shows non ascii characters appended to the file, as shown

  • c12
    jquery datatables
    I just downloaded DataTables and this plugin looks great! I am however having an issue dynamically populating the plugin’s DataTable component. I’m able to populate the table if I have static and ‘s in the and static and ‘s in the . I would however like to dynamically build the , and and populate the and entities. The code below, replaces the static table contents with the XML parsed contents when you hit the enter button. Any ideas on how to make this completely dynamic? I tried ad

  • aliplane
    flex pdf datatables tabletools
    The following code gives an error. Please help me.My command :D:\flex_sdk_4.6\bin>mxmlc –target-player=11.1.0 -static-link-runtime-shared-lib raries=true -library-path+=lib ZeroClipboardPdf.asLoading configuration file D:\flex_sdk_4.6\frameworks\flex-config.xmlError:D:\flex_sdk_4.6\bin\ Error: A file found in asource-path ‘ZeroClipboardPdf’ must have the same name as the classdefinition inside the file ‘ZeroClipboard’.

  • Jono Rogers
    azure datatables
    I’m trying to use jquery dataTables with a few extras on Azure Websites. It generates a sizeable query string (2121 characters in testing). This returns a bad code on Azure websites (The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.).To get it working locally I edited the web.config with this:<httpRuntime maxQueryStringLength=”4000″ maxUrlLength=”4000″/>(I believe only the maxQueryStringLength is really needed).Anyway, all is fine loc

  • teresko
    c# datatables
    I have an action which returns JSON to a jQuery datatable. The data returned can be filtered depending on the params passed to it. Here’s the code:public ActionResult IndexAjaxHandler(jQueryDataTableParamModel parameters) {var data = _mailingListRep.GetAllWithinAccount();IEnumerable<MailingList> filtered;// Filtering – THIS DOES NOT WORK!if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.sSearch)) {filtered = data.Where(c => c.MailingListName.Contains(parameters.sSearch) ||((c.IsDoubleOptIn) ? “Yes”

  • Antrim
    c# crystal-reports datatable datatables crystal-reports-xi
    I’m trying to load the company’s logo in Crystal Reports. In order to do so, I’ve created another DataTable in my DataSet (apart from the one that contains all details, which I called ReportData) called ReportSetup, which only has one column called LogoData, of System.Byte[] type. I then dragged and dropped the LogoData field into my report and expected it to show my image once I ran a report. However, although the logo is actually appearing in the report, it only does when the other datatable (

Web site is in building