jquery,jquery-file-uploadRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors
Ulker Ibrahimova
javascript jquery file-get-contents
This question already has an answer here:Ways to circumvent the same-origin policy11 answersIs there any way to get full page source of snother different site? Example my site is example.com but i want to get facebook’s page source on example.com. I tired this one: http://phpjs.org/functions/file_get_contents/ And it gives me null. So anyone knows it?function file_get_contents (url, flags, context, offset, maxLen) {// Read the entire file into a string//// version: 906.111// discuss at: http://
Mitesh Vora
jquery html css ellipsis
I tried looking here Insert ellipsis (…) into HTML tag if content too wide but could not get in chrome to work. I there solution for multiline in all browsers??
Ronald Yeung
javascript jquery ajax json cors
What I am trying to do is to have a page on the HTTP protocol sending an AJAX call to the same Web server but using HTTPS. Both the requesting page and the AJAX handler are on the same server, having the same domain and port. (I.e., only difference is the protocol.) To illustrate,Fromhttp://www.example.com/index.phpTriggers a jQuery AJAX call tohttps://www.example.com/authenticate.php?user=123&password=456(I am hoping to pass the password through HTTPS to make it encrypted over the Internet.
javascript jquery html5 css3 navigation
I’ve been reading lots of the other posts, and no doubt it’s my inexperience with jQuery that is giving me trouble, but there are lots of things close to what I’m trying to accomplish. I have a div where I have a vertical navigation set of buttons. Inside that I want the other divs (child divs) that will be shown or hidden based on the navigation button clicked by the user. I want all of these divs to be in the same location on the screen…so, basically like a tabbed form but with vertical navi
jquery spring twitter-bootstrap spring-mvc thymeleaf
I have following code : public class StudentController extends BaseController {@RequestMapping(value = “/student/edit”, method = RequestMethod.POST)public String submitForm(@Valid @ModelAttribute(MODEL_ATTRIBUTE_STUDENT) StudentDTO edited,BindingResult bindingResult, RedirectAttributes attributes) {if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {return STUDENT_EDIT_FORM_VIEW;}//some logic…}@InitBinder public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(“MM/dd/yyyy”
Liam Bailey
javascript jquery history.js
On this page: http://www.kastenreus.nl/onze-kasten/ we have the filters down the left hand side, we are having a problem with the link filters under Verfijn uw wensen, if you watch the console you can see it is firing 2 requests, the first one is what the content is loading in from, when it is the second we actually need.This is the click binded event:jQuery(“.codenegar_product_filter_wrap ul li a”).live(“click”, function(e){e.preventDefault();var $this = jQuery(this);if($this.attr(“data-key”) =
jquery css
Click “Rate” – that should pop up a normal boxy dialog, but styles aren’t working. Any ideas?Here’s the working example on the site: http://www.great-quotes.com/boxyTest.htmThe official boxy docs: onehackoranother.com/projects/jquery/boxy/.boxy-wrapper { position: absolute; } .boxy-wrapper.fixed { position: fixed; }/* Modal */.boxy-modal-blackout { position: absolute; background-color: black; left: 0; top: 0; }/* Border */.boxy-wrapper { empty-cells: show; }.boxy-wrapper .top-left,.boxy-wrapper
jquery jquery-ui accordion sortable
This is my first time posting so please let me know if I fail to provide enough details. I have a page that contains multiple accordions. I wanted to use multiple accordions because I wanted users to be able to have multiple sections open at once which is not native to accordion. I also want users to be able to sort those accordions. The way the page is currently set up, users can sort the accordion with no problems. When the user goes to sort the accordions, I have a script that will close all
jquery android webview sencha-touch
Is there a better webview for android? Google’s own documents mention not to rely on the webview object.But for using webkit it seems strange that it is so limited, compared to other webkit browsers used on mobile devices with comparable hardware.This is evident in jquery mobile implementations, or similarly sencha touch implementations for web apps. The Android version suffers slowdowns, rendering issues, and a poor user experience, where other mobile devices – like an iphone – will run it fine
jquery xml
How would I go about parsing XML cross-domain? Could someone provide an example? The example doesn’t have to be restricted to only jQuery, as JavaScript will also suffice.
jquery asp.net-mvc jquery-file-upload
First of all I am new in MVC. And I am working on file Upload part which is all together not passing control from Ajax Js call to controller itself. Below is the code: View from Dialog.cshtmlUpload your customized Microsoft Word Document as a confirmation letterFrom Model.jsfunction uploadConfirm(summary, data) {clearErrorMessage();return $.ajax({type: “post”,url: “/Confirmation/Upload?”,processData: false,contentType: false, data: data}).success(function getSucceeded(data) {summary.co
jquery jquery-file-upload
I downloaded the blueimp Jquery-File-Upload plugin, and outside of configuring it to use my server ( in js/main.js ) and changing the premissions on the upload directory it is the default.When I select a file and click upload in chrome it says:Error SyntaxError: Unexpected token <In firefox it says:Error SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected characterI examined the difference between using it on my server and on the demo server, on my server in firebug the POST return is the entire index.html:&
file-upload azure blob jquery-file-upload
When I upload to Azure, the file in cloud storage receives the following header:——WebKitFormBoundarybzJFMKUkIyKi8fb4 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”files[]”; filename=”yif_2.jpg” Content-Type: image/jpeg<file data stuff>——WebKitFormBoundary2HGRqdPKdw6QiYNB–I also receive unexpected end of input when uploading these files.Then, when I download them, they are unreadable — presumably because of these issues.I am using BlueImp’s file upload to handle multi-uploads/chunking/dra
amazon-s3 jquery-file-upload
I’m using Jquery_fileupload (JFU) to send files to an amazon s3 bucket.When a file it chosen by the user, the file is auto uploaded successfully and amazon returns a status code 204 no content. I’ve changed the s3 policy to return a 200 code for simplicity.The problem is JFU gives an error message for each file even though there’s no error:In firefox it’s: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected end of dataIn chrome it’s: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of inputAny ideas to resolve this would be helpfu
ruby-on-rails jquery-file-upload
I am having an issue with jQuery File Upload and Rails 4. Everything appears to be working except one thing! The files are successfully uploaded and data is successfully posted to the database. But, I get the following error upon uploading or “creating”:SyntaxError: Unexpected token $My guess: I think it has something to do with it wanting to receive JSON back, but I don’t know how to achieve this or where to put it. Any help would be great!Here is what I have: create.js.erb<% if @choice
javascript json laravel blueimp jquery-file-upload
I set up this multiple file upload plugin (https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload) on my local machine (mac osx default server). Everything is working perfectly, when I upload an image I get back this response[{ “name”:”subaru-wrx-poster-i3(1).jpg”, “size”:142583,”type”:”image\/jpeg”, “url”:”http:\/\/shipwatchpointe.dev\/bundles\/jupload\/uploads\/files\/52\/subaru-wrx-poster-i3%20%281%29.jpg”, “thumbnail_url”:”http:\/\/shipwatchpointe.dev\/bundles\/jupload\/uploads\/thumbnails\/52\
php jquery upload jquery-file-upload destination
I’ve found other posts that talk about changing the upload path for the jquery-file-upload plugin. However, the answers usually involve hardcoding it into the upload.class.php file.I know how to do this, but the thing is, there will be multiple users uploading multiple files that need to go to different folders. I need to be able to dynamically set the destination path of the files.Is there any way this can be done? I’ve gone over the jquery-file-upload documentation and there’s no mention of
javascript jquery .net jquery-file-upload blueimp
When I try to abort all file uploads for blueimp jquery file upload plugin, the Chrome browser crashes for some reason. It works without issue for every other browser (Firefox, IE, etc.). I’m uploading to a .net iis server. Here is the code://cancel all uploads$(‘#cancelAllBtn’).click(function () {var filesToCancel = $(‘tr td.uploadStatusCol div.cancelUpload’);layoutService.cancelFileUpload(filesToCancel);window.abortAllUploads();});var uploadQueueTracker = []; window.removeXHRfromPool = func
ember.js jquery-file-upload
I have an Ember.js controller and I’m attempting to send a file to my rails controller with jquery file upload.I started with this:myControllerAction: ->$(‘#fileupload’).fileupload(url: “/api/v1/comics”dataType: ‘json’formData:comic: {title: self.get(‘comicTitle’)prompt_one_id: self.get(‘prompts’)[0].get(‘id’)prompt_two_id: self.get(‘prompts’)[1].get(‘id’)})Which did work, but it sent the form as soon as a file was selected. I want to do it all when the user submits the form. So I tried this:
with this (jquery for fileupload) script I ve got some arror but it’s work en wamp in localfor production I need to stop this alert error ! “SyntaxError: missing } after property list progressall: function (e, data) {“or in Chrome “uncaught syntaxerror unexpected identifier on line 211” the same line than in firefox …does anybody have an idea??<script>$(function () {$(‘#fileupload’).fileupload({dataType: ‘json’, done: function (e, data) {$.each(data.result.files, function (index, f
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