problem about sentry-Collection of common programming errors
Rubens Mariuzzo
laravel twig sentry cartalyst-sentry
I’m trying to check if Sentry user is logged in on twig template on a Laravel project, i’m using twigbridge.How do i?{% if Sentry::Check() == false %}This gives me:Unexpected token “punctuation” of value “:” (“end of statement block” expected) in “” at line 61Same for:{{ Sentry::getUser()->first_name }}
Timmy O’Mahony
python django logging sentry raven
Now that django-sentry has become a standalone server (and is fantastic) I’m trying to port my apps over to use it. I have set up a standalone server configured a django application to log using django 1.3’s logging dictionary conf as per the raven docs. I can’t seem to get any celery tasks to log to the sentry server (they do get printed out to the console though). I’m not really sure what I should be doing? I have included raven.contrib.django.celery in my `INSTALLED_APPS’. Uncaught exceptions
android sentry
I need to implement Sentry for my android app, I try to find an example about how I have to implement this, but I can’t find it. I saw the Sentry documentation in I have some questions. If my app crash, the exception will be captured? Should I put this code line into my try/catch? var $resultId = myClient->captureException($myException); (in android code)If somebody has a sample in android I will be grateful.Tha
php laravel-4 sentry
I am trying to follow a tutorial about the basics of Databases and i am at the part of setting up Sentry 2. I added all the exceptions as requested. But on step four of the documentation page on the Sentry 2 website. I am getting the following error{“error”:{“type”:”ErrorException”,”message”:”Undefined index: collation”,”file”:”\/var\/www\/db_test\/vendor\/laravel\/framework\/src\/Illuminate\/Database\/Connectors\/MySqlConnector.php”,”line”:22}}I tried a few things as noted in my ssh screen but
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