Effects of DDoS attacks on memory use under Linux-Collection of common programming errors
Can someone whose Linux system is under DDoS attacks give me exact data on the effects of the Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC), the High Orbit Ion Cannon (HOIC), Slowloris, PyLoris, Hping etc. on memory use under Linux? Basically, I’d like timestamped physical memory, buffers/cache, and swap usage statistics in 1-second intervals during various DDoS attacks.
These can be generated by issuing the following command in BASH:
while (true) do\
echo -n `date +%s.%N`;\
free | awk '!/shared/ { ORS=""; print "\t" $3 "\t" $4; }';\
sleep 0.99;\
done >> ~/memory_use_log.csv &
I ask, because I have realized that my program – swapd ( http://cvs.linux.hr/swapd/, http://archive.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/swapd/, http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/swapd, http://www.linuxcertif.com/man/8/swapd/, … ) – has found new use on cheap low-memory-low-disk-space Virtual Private Servers (VPS), so I am considering implementing the Allocation Vector technology that I invented in 2001, but never implemented into swapd as swapds’ use was subsiding with increasing memory and disk space availability.
It has also occured to me that maybe some DDoS tools have considerable effect on memory use under Linux. Before I released swapd in 2000, I tested its’ local-attack tolerance by allocating memory at several MiB/s on a Pentium II – I could only slow down the system, but not crash it. So, I’d like to know how various DDoS tools effect memory use under Linux so that I can implement a counter-mechanism when implementing Allocation Vector technology, after which swapd (to be renamed to dswapd) will no longer require swap file size etc. parameters and, basically, any beginner will be able to use it just by specifying directories and maximum allowed disk space use per directory – everything else will be determined using Allocation Vector technology.