Cross Platform/Architecture Assembly Language-Collection of common programming errors

LLVM is a low-level language (whose purpose is a compiler nbackend) that looks a lot like AT&T assembly, if not 10x worse. Here’s an example:

define i32 @mul_add(i32 %x, i32 %y, i32 %z) {
  %tmp = add i32 %x, %y
  %tmp2 = sub i32 %tmp, %z
  ret i32 %tmp2

This is roughly equilavent with the code generated by this AsmJit code:


using namespace AsmJit;

typedef int (*FuncType)(int, int, int);

FuncType build_func(X86Compiler& c)
    FileLogger logger(stderr);
    c.newFunc(kX86FuncConvDefault, FuncBuilder3());
    GpVar x = c.getGpArg(0);
    GpVar y = c.getGpArg(1);
    GpVar z = c.getGpArg(2);
    GpVar tmp = c.newGpVar(kX86VarTypeGpd);
    GpVar tmp2 = c.newGpVar(kX86VarTypeGpd);, x);
    c.add(tmp, y);, tmp);
    c.sub(tmp2, z);
    return asmjit_cast(c.make());

This is the output:

; Function Prototype:
; IDX| Type     | Sz | Home           |
; ---+----------+----+----------------+
; 0  | Gpd      | 4  | rdi            |
; 1  | Gpd      | 4  | rsi            |
; 2  | Gpd      | 4  | rdx            |
; Variables:
; ID | Type     | Sz | Home           | Register Access   | Memory Access     |
; ---+----------+----+----------------+-------------------+-------------------+
; 0  | Gpd      | 4  | [None]         | r=1   w=0   x=0   | r=0   w=0   x=0   |
; 1  | Gpd      | 4  | [None]         | r=1   w=0   x=0   | r=0   w=0   x=0   |
; 2  | Gpd      | 4  | [None]         | r=1   w=0   x=0   | r=0   w=0   x=0   |
; 3  | Gpd      | 4  | [None]         | r=1   w=1   x=1   | r=0   w=0   x=0   |
; 4  | Gpd      | 4  | [None]         | r=1   w=1   x=1   | r=0   w=0   x=0   |
; Modified registers (5):
; GP : rax, rcx, rdx, rsi, rdi
; MM : 
; XMM: 

; Prolog
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
; Body
mov ecx, edi
add ecx, esi
mov eax, ecx
sub eax, edx
; Epilog
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp

LLVM is probably the closest that you’re going to get.