Spring dynamic autowire services-Collection of common programming errors

I’ve started to build some kind of a CMS and I’m stuck over one idea.

The description is:

I have standard MVC Controller (Home) in which I’m downoading modules settings which will be set in this Controller.

The response is, that I have to implement module with name “HPModule”.

So I’m trying to load this module by Class.forName("com.app.something.HPModule"); and then call method init();

My HPModule is:

public class HPModule

    @Resource(name = "hpModuleService")
    private HPModuleService hpModuleService;

    public String init()
        SomeObject someObject = hpModuleService.getArticle();

And I found that when I’m trying to do SomeObject someObject = hpModuleService.getArticle(); Spring is blind for @Resource when I’m calling class by Class.forName.

How to solve this issue?