problem about tasm-Collection of common programming errors

  • Robert Harvey
    windows tasm
    i have this code in tasmmov ah,00h int 21hcmp ah,3Bhit works pretty well considering it is a dos based appication (we can see that it uses interrupts which are fairly old). Now the questions is, what is the win32/system call equivalent of getting the scan code from keyboard? Basically, when a user presses the F1 key (scan code is 3Bh), it gets registered in the AH register. How can we implement this in win32 assembly via system calls? (the one with extrn, kernel32 dlls , etc) Im using NASM

  • worriednacho
    assembly x86 stopwatch tasm
    I am trying to design a stopwatch program on assembly using M/Tasm syntax as my own personal project that first displays the system time and prints it and then later on act as a stopwatch, (starts at 00:00:00). If the user presses ‘s’ at runtime, the program will show the hh:mm:ss passed since the stopwatch was started and then display the result. I have successfully designed the code to get system time, display it, and execute a proper stopwatch. Problem is I can’t manage to stop my stopwatch a

  • blaze
    c++ c assembly linker tasm
    I am using Turbo C++ 3.1.I have some assembly modules that require C standard library’s malloc. So I in my .asm files I have:extern _malloc:procI want to generate an object file which contains malloc(). In order to use the linker and build an executable file. Example:tasm /zi bmlib.asm // create object file: bmlib.obj tasm /zi bmlibt.asm // create object (which contains main program): bmlibt.obj ? //Generate object file for malloc: malloc.obj tlink /v3 bmlibt bmlib malloc // link all modules bm

  • user2148758
    assembly tasm
    I have compiled the WAP32 program. This is a example program in the TASM directory.TASM32.exe wap32.asm TLINK32.exe wap32.objWhen I start it, it crashes. What’s the problem? Maybe my processor? I have AMD Athlon(TM) XP 1700+ On the other hand, Turbo Assembler is a good assembler nowadays for 32-bit programming? I mean, that’s not a problem, it has been relased 20 years ago?Thank you, Hye

  • Seki
    string assembly printing tasm
    .model tiny .code Start: CLEAR: mov cx, 80*25 mov ax, 7120h sub bx,bx l: mov es:[bx],ax add bx, 2 loop l str db ‘string’, 0 ; reserved word used as symbol : str mov DI, ? ; position y*160 + x*2 mov aH, 03 sub Si, Si; index L: mov al, STR[SI] ; symbol already defined elsewhere: lmov es, [DI], ax ; extra characters on line oR aL, AL JZ done ; undefined symbol: done ADD DI, 2 JMP L end start I put in the errors as comments

  • shriekyphantom
    assembly 32-bit tasm
    I’m trying to use 32-bit registers since I need a bigger maximum integer value. When I try to use EAX, EBX, ECX, or EDX, the TASM says UNDEFINED SYMBOL. TASM is reading the registers as variables. Do know the reason why? I’m using the DOSBOX 0.74 and running on Windows 7 64 bits.

  • user2241226
    memory video assembly 8086 tasm
    I want to write a program for displaying ascii symbols by writing directly to the video memory..model tiny .stack .data .code main: mov ax, b800h mov ds, axmov aL, ‘x’ mov es, bx mov es:[20], aLend mainI’m getting this error when i try to compile with TASM”Undefined symbol: B800H”

  • Alexey Frunze
    assembly x86 tasm fpu x87
    I´m having a huge problem using fdiv!!!! I’m trying to divide 1/3 so this is what I do .model small .stack 100h .data var1 dd 1 var2 dd 3 var3 dd 2 resultado dt 0.0.code mov ax,@data mov ds,ax finit fild var1 fild var2 fdiv fstp resultado ffree .exit As you can see I move the result to resultado because I can’t see the result in st(0) (I’m using tasm so I just can see variables in the debugger) the result should be 3EAAAA3A but I’m getting 40400000… that’s 3!!! how is it possible?? I trie

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