problem about spring-annotations-Collection of common programming errors

  • Raedwald
    spring spring-annotations
    I was reading Spring with annotation part and I came across @Repositoryannotation I read that @Repository beans differ from @Component beans in the sense that they are eligible for persistence exception translation.Can somebody please elaborate what is meant by persistence exception translation?

  • Giuseppe Adaldo
    java spring spring-batch spring-annotations
    i have a problem with Spring SpEL to evaluate if-then-else construct in @Value annotation:1. my config.xml file:<context:annotation-config /><context:property-placeholder location=”file://${HOME}/maven.props/${USER}.properties” properties-ref=”props” /><bean id=”props” class=”java.util.Properties”><constructor-arg><props><prop key=”interfaceName”>createupdateproduct</prop><prop key=”destImportFilesDirectoryPath”>${batch.job.import.zipDestinationPat

  • puru
    java spring hibernate spring-annotations
    I have one interface on the legacy project which defines as follows:@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD}) public @interface Statistic {String name();}.So here @interface are followed with two annotations i.e.(@Retention & @Target). Is anybody can explain how this interface works and what would be the good place to use it. I am quite new with these one.Moreover, I can see on the project code somewhere using this interface with annotating like bel

  • Lukasz L.
    java spring spring-mvc spring-annotations autowire
    I’m writing web application that uses Spring MVC to bind Spring beans with REST-like channels.I’ve created the configuration basic both on my previous apps (pure XML configuration) and example, which used <mvc:annotation-driven/> feature. I’m pointing a package with controllers with <context:component-scan base-package=”my.package”/> in spring xml file.It is working – in Spring 3.0.6.RELEASE. However, after upgrading to 3.1.0.RELEASE my controllers stopped to be detected and no chann

  • DaFoot
    java spring maven spring-mvc spring-annotations
    I’m trying to move my Spring MVC project to 3.2.4.When I attempt to run up the application in IntelliJ, using Maven as I had done previously, I am getting errors about not being able to find a series of annotation classes from Spring…@Bean @Configuration @ComponentScan @PropertySourceare all failing with unable to resolve class error messages.Other annotations are ok, which makes me think it is a dependency issue, as the Spring version is the main change in my project codebase.Has Spring 3.2.4

  • Marco
    java spring autowire spring-annotations
    i was wondering if it possible to use the @Resource annotation on a constructor?My use case is that i want to wire a final field called Barpublic class Foo implements FooBar {private final Bar bar;@javax.annotation.Resource(name=”myname”)public Foo(Bar bar) { = bar;} }I get a message that the @Resource is not allowed on this location, is there any other way i could wire the final field?

  • user2339874
    rest spring-mvc groovy tomcat6 spring-annotations
    I am in the process of converting an already exisiting Java Web application into a RESTful web application using Spring MVC and Groovy. One of the main features I wanted to achieve was HOT DEPLOYMENT. I chose groovy because I did not want to make changes to the already implemented Business logic(handlers) and also if I had to ever make changes to the groovy code after deployment, I could easily do that without restarting the server(ie. at runtime). This can be done because Spring supports Dynam

  • earnaz
    java hibernate spring-mvc hibernate-annotations spring-annotations
    I’m doing a project with Spring 3 + Hibernate. When I try to get an object what contains the object PoaUpa. I get java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00918 with this unidirectional join:@OneToOne @JoinColumns({@JoinColumn(name=”ID_ESCALA”,referencedColumnName=”ID_ESCALA”,insertable=false,updatable=false),@JoinColumn(name=”ANO”,referencedColumnName=”ANO”,insertable=false,updatable=false),@JoinColumn(name=”MES”,referencedColumnName=”MES”,insertable=false,updatable=false) }) private PoaUpa poaUpa;Here is th

  • mouhie
    java spring spring-mvc spring-annotations
    im trying to inject a bean into my class java ValiderBR@Servicepublic class ValiderBR extends BusinessRule {@AutowiredILog logger; … }but i have an error of injection caused by the @Autowired annotation22 mai 2013 14:44:02 org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log GRAVE: StandardWrapper.Throwable org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ‘validerBR’: Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.fa

  • Biju Kunjummen
    java spring spring-3 spring-annotations spring-test
    I have a custom argument resolver SecurityRequestParametersArgumentResolver that is working with Spring 3.0.7 but fails with Spring 3.1.2. The stack trace and test-driver code appear below. When I look at the stack trace, it appears that the SecurityRequestParametersArgumentResolver.resolve( ) is not being invoked. Instead, I see HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite.resolve in the stack trace.Suggestions?I have updated the java code to use HandlerMethodArgumentResolver (it was AnnotationMeth

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