problem about kvm-Collection of common programming errors
13.04 windows windows-7 virtualization kvm
I’m trying to install Windows 7 Professional as a KVM guest using virt-install with an ISO file on my Ubuntu 13.04 via command line. Using the following commands:root@ziomario-Macmini:/# sudo invoke-rc.d apparmor stopClearing AppArmor profiles cache [ OK ] All profile caches have been cleared, but no profiles have been unloaded. Unloading profiles will leave already running processes permanently unconfined, which can lead to unexpected situations.To set a pr
12.04 server windows-7 virtualization kvm
I’m trying to install Windows 7 Professional 64-bit as a KVM guest using virt-install with an ISO file on my headless Ubuntu 12.04 Server via command line. I’m using Putty SSH from a Windows machine (with Xming and X11 configured) to access the server. Using the following command:sudo virt-install –connect qemu:///system -n win7_pro_x64 -r 3072 -c X17-24281.iso –vnc –noautoconsole –os-type windows –os-variant win7 –disk /dev/sdd1,size=1000 –accelerateI get hung on the domain installation.
gdb linux-kernel kvm
I am trying to debug Linux kernel with kvm vm. I am getting an error message “Remote ‘g’ packet reply is too long”. My host is 64-bit and so is my vm.My steps:Start the VM with custom -kernel, -initrd and -append options. Start gdb Execute “set architecture i386:x86-64:intel” Execute “add-symbol-file linux-3.0/vmlinux” Execute “show arch” to verify its still “i386:x86-64:intel” Execute “target remote localhost:1234” Execute “continue” Press Ctrl+C, I get the above message.Has anyone faced this p
command-line virtualization kvm
I have a host computer (Ubuntu 12.04) running KVM (QEMU) which has anywhere from 1 to 10 VM’s using Windows XP, Windows 7, Debian, Ubuntu etc.. From the host machine I need a way to bind serial coms on these guests at runtime and (if needed) reboot them.I found a hack way to do this where I can dump the VM .xml config file and add this (using python):<serial type=’dev’><source path=’/dev/ttyS1.vm2’/><target port=’1’/> </serial>And then reload it to and reboot, but I serio
12.10 networking server virtualization kvm
I have a server running Proxmox (a virtualization platform), and created a KVM virtual machine with Ubuntu Server 12.10. After configuring the network, everything works fine, but if I add a second network adapter to that virtual machine, it is not recognized. dmesg | grep -i eth just shows one interface (eth0).
linux-kernel vmware linux-device-driver kvm
I’m currently setting up vmware Server 2.0 for kernel debugging with gdb ( see this setup guide ) and someone asked me why not use kvm? So I ask: kvm vs. vmware for kernel debugging / USB driver development what are the pros and cons of each?
hadoop filesystems hdfs kvm
My hadoop is built on KVM environment, but the VMs are not only for hadoop distributed computing, they have other important tasks.So, I’m wondering whether the command hadoop namenode -format will format the VMs’s whole hard disk to HDFS type and make the VM’s other job crash…By the way, is there any resource about HDFS ? I’ll appreciate the flavor very much.
networking kvm file-transfer
I am running a 32-bit Linux virtual machine on KVM. The host machine is a 64-bit Linux machine connected to a LAN. Attempting to transfer files with scp from the KVM machine to a server on the LAN gives abysmal performance, about 500kB/s over gigabit Ethernet. Around 1% of the expected rate. Any suggestions?
Don Quixote
11.10 vnc kvm qemu sdl
I’ve been coming up to speed on the Haiku operating system, an Open Source clone of BeOS 5 Pro.I’m using an Apple MacBook Pro as my development machine. Apple’s BootCamp BIOS does not support more than four partitions on the internal hard drive. While I can set up extended and logical partitions, doing so will prevent any of the installed operating systems from booting. To run Haiku directly on the iron, I boot it off a USB stick. Using external storage is also helpful because I am perpetual
Basharat Sial
12.10 virtualization kvm
I’m trying to install a Windows 8 VM using KVM and the Virtual Machine Manager GUI. Upon installing KVM and VMM, and starting VMM I get the error Unable to connect to libvirt.Verify that:- The ‘libvirt-bin’ package is installed- The ‘libvirtd’ daemon has been started- You are member of the ‘libvirtd’ groupI tried apt-get install libvirt-bin and it was installed.But I do not know how to check if the daemon has started or check / add myself as a member.
12.04 startup virtualization kvm openstack
I’ve added simple line:python <path-to-my-script> &to /etc/rc.local, but I’ve noticed that after migration from one host to the other one, the script sometimes fails.I’m using KVM, VM’s are under Ubuntu 12.04 32-bits. Host’s have Ubuntu 12.04 64-bits and I’m using Live Migration (private cloud built with Openstack).I don’t know it’s KVM/Libvirt’s fault or maybe I’m doing something wrong on Ubuntu or maybe it’s cloud software’s fault? Could it be rc.local fault? Is there something what
virtualization kvm kms sdl framebuffer
I deduce from the kvm howtos that this should actually work with sdl and a framebuffer, but I can’t get it going. Doing kvm -cdrom tinycore-current.iso with normal user account on a virtual terminal gives:kvm: pci_add_option_rom: failed to find romfile “pxe-rtl8139.bin” init kbd. init mouse failed. Could not initialize SDL(Unable to open mouse) – exitingWhile it works flawlessly under X.Running it with sudo prepended crashes display and keyboard.So what can I do?
12.04 server virtualization kvm syslog
I have a server that hosts about 20 KVM guest machines. It’s syslog is, at times, flooded with messages like these:00:17:36 vhost-server kernel: [ 157.835078] kvm: 3138: cpu0 unhandledrdmsr: 0xc0010112 Mar 28 00:17:36 vhost-server kernel: [ 157.835108]kvm: 3138: cpu0 unhandled rdmsr: 0xc0010048 Mar 28 00:17:36vhost-server kernel: [ 157.999164] kvm: 3138: cpu0 unhandled rdmsr:0xc0010001 Mar 28 00:17:37 vhost-server kernel: [ 158.378247] kvm:3179: cpu0 unhandled rdmsr: 0xc0010112 Mar 28 00:17
bash ssh shell-script kvm
I’m trying to run a set of commands on a remote machine, that includes an if statement. I’m using this to shutdown a list of kvm instances. The first line should be fine, but could be prettier, rest needs some help. ssh root@kvmsrv ‘virsh shutdown $host 2> /dev/null; virsh destroy $host 2> /dev/null; sleep 2; virsh undefine $host 2> /dev/null’# Also needs to be run on remote machine # to disconnect iscsi iscsiadm -m session | grep $host if [ $? == 0 ]; theniscsiadm -m node -T $stserver.
Jay _silly_evarlast_ Wren
virtualization kvm libvirt
virt-install says name is in use, but virsh list –all says there is nothing.jrwren@delays:{%22}~ $ virt-install -d -n android -r 512 –disk android.qcow2 -s 4 -c /d/cd\ images/android-x86-2.2-generic.iso –vnc –noautoconsole [Thu, 05 Jul 2012 16:57:19 virt-install 23170] DEBUG (cli:220) Launched with command line: /usr/bin/virt-install -d -n android -r 512 –disk android.qcow2 -s 4 -c /d/cd images/android-x86-2.2-generic.iso –vnc –noautoconsole [Thu, 05 Jul 2012 16:57:19 virt-install 23170]
virtualization virtual-machine qemu kvm libvirt
I have installed KVM on my Ubuntu system. Using vmbuilder, I setup a linux VM. When I tried to access the console using virsh console vm command, I was getting an error. I tried to follow the solution but, I cannot seem to be able to make permanent changes whatsoever to the configuration file. I tried both manually editing the xml config file as well as using the virsh edit command. But after I edit the file and close it, if I reopen the config file using virsh edit again, I get back the origina
Jorge Castro
11.10 kvm
I’m running Oneric as the host, would like to create several virtual machines. Both the host and the guests will be headless – there is no display connected, and I’d like to connect to them via ssh.Looks like kvm is the official ubuntu recommended way, so I’m following the documentation: Here’s my ubuntu-vm-builder command:sudo ubuntu-vm-builder kvm oneiric \–domain xpstage –dest xpstage –hostname xpstage \–arch i386 –mem 1024 \–user myuser
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