problem about intermediate-language-Collection of common programming errors

  • ojhawkins
    c# il intermediate-language
    I work in a code base that is quite large and today I found a project that was emitting IL code inside a normal class.The project containing the IL code being emitted was a implementation of a Service Locator MSDN Desctiption.What are the advantages of doing this and why would this be done as apposed to using the C# language?

  • John Saunders
    c# postsharp intermediate-language
    A recent mention of PostSharp reminded me of this:Last year where I worked, we were thinking of using PostSharp to inject instrumentation into our code. This was in a Team Foundation Server Team Build / Continuous Integration environment.Thinking about it, I got a nagging feeling about the way PostSharp operates – it edits the IL that is generated by the compilers. This bothered me a bit. I wasn’t so much concerned that PostSharp would not do its job correctly; I was worried about the fact that

  • Tyler Petrochko
    visual-studio compiler assembly x86 intermediate-language
    I’m interested in learning Assembly, specifically because I find polymorphic code rather interesting and I’m kind of confused as to which I should learn. I hear x86 is most common to learn or start with, but aren’t most applications (written in Visual Studio) in a different Assembly language? Or in Common Intermediate Language or something? Or does CIL or IL or whatever get compiled into x86 at runtime? Thanks in advance.

  • Henk Holterman
    .net f# interpreter intermediate-language
    Currently I’m doing a recherche for university about F#. I have a question about the F# interactive Console and the F# compiler.The F# compiler produces Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) code when its compiling F#-source. This is then translated by the JIT-compiler to machine code, when executing the written program.But what does the F# Interpreter Console do? Does it also line-per-line translate the F# Code into MSIL, and then JIT that into machine code? Or does it translate the F#-Code di

  • Dinah
    .net reflection private intermediate-language
    In .NET, are private methods and properties enforced by the runtime or just by the compiler?If you try to call another object’s private methods, the compiler will throw an access exception. What if you manually manipulate the IL or try to call via reflection — will you be able to? Also, does it vary by runtime version (1.1 vs. 2.0 vs. 3.5 vs. 4.0)?

  • devoured elysium
    c# .net clr intermediate-language
    When doing an upcast or downcast, what does really happen behind the scenes? I had the idea that when doing something as:string myString = “abc”; object myObject = myString; string myStringBack = (string)myObject;the cast in the last line would have as only purpose tell the compiler we are safe we are not doing anything wrong. So, I had the idea that actually no casting code would be embedded in the code itself. It seems I was wrong:.maxstack 1 .locals init ([0] string myString,[1] object myObje

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