problem about inputstreamreader-Collection of common programming errors

  • Rajdeep Siddhapura
    java java-util-scanner stdin bufferedreader inputstreamreader
    In the given code,Input: 1 7Output: 1Output should be 7. What am I missing??import*; import java.util.*;class compiler {public static void main(String args[] ) throws Exception {BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;int testcases = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());// System.out.println(“If this statement is added it works as expected!”)int n=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());System.out.println(n);} }*I also tried using scanner

  • James
    android android-networking inputstreamreader
    So in my android app, which uses GET to pull a webpage and download the text, I perform:private InputStream OpenHttpConnection(String urlString) throws IOException {Log.d(“Networking”, “InputStream called”);InputStream in = null;int response = -1;URL url = new URL(urlString);URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();if(!(conn instanceof HttpURLConnection))throw new IOException(“Not an HTTP connection”);try {HttpURLConnection httpConn = (HttpURLConnection) conn;httpConn.setConnectTimeout(10000);h

  • ThePoloDoc
    android android-asynctask inputstreamreader
    I have completely forgotten how I set this up before on a different IDE and I lost the files from that. How do you setup this code to make it run. I need to put a try{ and a catch but where and how? Thanks for helping.class UpdateText extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String>{@Override protected String doInBackground(String… strings) {BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.stringtest)));String line = null;while ((line = br.readLine

  • Ensom Hodder
    java character-encoding inputstream inputstreamreader
    I have a web service receiving a upload text file. So on the server side, I got a InputStream object, and I try to wrap it as an InputStreamReader with “UTF8” as the charset. But I notice when I upload a file encoded in US-ASCII can also work. It seems Java can automatically transform the file from all other charset to UTF8. Am I am right. Can anyone explain me how the charset attribute works. Many thanks !

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