problem about input-validation-Collection of common programming errors
ssrs-2008 input-validation
I need to prevent the user from entering the characters that may result in malfunctioning of the Database. I’m using stored procedures for the reports. I need to validate the the textbox parameter for the purpose. Any one please guide me on how can i do this.
php mysql sql-injection input-validation
I do know of parametrized queries, but I’ve got a couple of old sites where I’ve used this method for cleaning user input:<? mysql_query( sprintf( ‘SELECT col1 FROM table1 WHERE id = %d’, $tainted ) ); ?>Note that there are no quotes around %d. Is there any value for $tainted that could cause such queries to have unexpected results? It’s easy to give syntax errors, but I don’t care too much about that.I’ve used the same method for similar UPDATE and DELETE queries. Should I bother going ba
validation doctrine input-validation doctrine-1.2
I have a field that is defined as follows:class Subcategory extends BaseSubcategory {}abstract class BaseSubcategory extends Doctrine_Record {public function setTableDefinition(){// …$this->hasColumn(‘meta_description’, ‘string’, 255);// …}// … }Here’s what the table looks like:mysql> DESCRIBE subcategory; +———————-+——————+——+—–+———+—————-+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +———–
Tim Pietzcker
regex input-validation
Possible Duplicate:What is the best regular expression for validating email addresses? I am using the following regular expression to validate e-mail addresses:^[a-zA-Z][\w\.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]@[a-zA-Z0-9][\w\.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\.]*[a-zA-Z]$It doesn’t consider the following e-mail address valid: [email protected], but according to our customer it is a valid e-mail.How do I modify the following regular expression statement to accept [email protected] as a valid e-mail address?
Juha Untinen
php oop input-validation
Should input validation be done with a separate class, rather than in a DB write class? Or should it be a method of the writing class?Eg. (shorthand version)class DBWrite {public function add($input) {$data = new Validator($input);if($data->isValid() == true) {// write to DB}}}or would it be better to have the validation as part of the DBWrite class? Or would it be in too much of violation in terms with separation of concerns (or something else)?class DBWrite {public function add($input) {if(
Joshua Frank validation input-validation
In my application, I’m dynamically rendering a UI based on runtime data. There’s a model, but it has no compiled properties. Instead, I’m checking a database and rendering multiple fields using helpers like this:@Html.TextBox(“name”, RunTimeValue)Now I’d like to include validation on these fields, but I can’t see how to do that. A custom MetadataProvider doesn’t seem to work, because this still expects the model to have properties, while the provider provides the attributes. But my model pro
Louis Rhys
.net input-validation workflow-foundation-4 workflow-activity
In WF4 custom activities, I understand you can add warning of validation error by checking some condition and add validation error, exif(Arg == null) metadata.AddValidationError(“Null argument”);in CacheMetadata(metadata)My question if what if you want to check the content of the argument itself, for example you want to check whether the value of Arg (an InArgument<String>) contains exactly 8 characters, and add validation error otherwise? Is this possible? How?
Paolo Tedesco
c# powershell input-validation cmdlets
I’m writing a custom PowerShell cmdlet, and I would like to know which is the proper way to validate a parameter. I thought that this could be done either in the property set accessor or during Cmdlet execution:[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Add,”X”)] public class AddX : Cmdlet {private string _name;[Parameter(Mandatory=false,HelpMessage=”The name of the X”)]public string name {get {return _name;}set {// Should the parameter be validated in the set accessor?if (_name.Contains(” “)) { // call ThrowTerminati
Walter Fabio Simoni
c# wpf xaml data-binding input-validation
I created a WPF application with some textbox binded. I use the Validation Error in order to check if values are OK. The validation seek the Database in order to see if the data entered exists.If i enter a false value, my validation error catch the error whitout problem :)Nevertheless, if i enter a good value, and if i close my apps, and go on my Database delete the value, when i re-launch my application, the latest data are loaded, and here…i have a nice Crash : ” XamlParseException”.This exc
php input-validation laravel laravel-3
When trying to implement Laravel’s length based validation’password’ => array(‘required’,’alpha_dash’,’Min:7′ )and outputting error messages in my view{{$errors->first(‘password’,'<span class=”error”>:message</span>’) }}I getUnhandled Exception Message: Array to string conversion Location: _avalog\laravel\messages.php on line 188 Stack Trace: #0 _avalog\laravel\laravel.php(42): Laravel\Error::native(8, ‘Array to string…’, ‘_avalog…’, 188) #1 [internal function]: Laravel\{cl
ruby-on-rails input-validation nested-attributes
I want to be able to skip validation if a certain attribute is set to false, say status, problem is this model has many nested attributes to them, and they need to skip validation too if status is false. The purpose of such implantation is that if one wanted to save a draft of there form entry, for whatever reason, having it going through validation could halt them saving it, which is not desirable behavior, and only need to validate entries that are going public by setting status to true.Examp
YPC ajax input-validation asyncfileupload website using AJAX AsyncFileUploadHello Experts,In my web page I have only two controls, one is a textbox for the user to enter a template name and the second one is an AJAX AsyncFileUpload.When the user clicks on the “Browse” button of my AsynchFileUpload control and selects a file, I’m validating the Textbox for “Empty field” using the “OnClientUploadStarted” event. If the textbox is empty, I want to stop the upload process of the AJAX Control.After some research I found a link in this
javascript html user-input input-validation
I’m trying to create a function that will check to make sure all the input a user provided is numeric.function wholeFormValid() { var inp = document.getElementsByClassName(‘userInput’); //userInput is a class name i provide to all my non-hidden input fields.//I have over 20 hidden values (I need to use hidden values to store state in a session).//Wanted to print out what my function is getting. I keep seeing undefined values. var string= “justToInitializeThis”; for(var m in inp) {string = string
JP Hellemons input-validation requiredfieldvalidator
I have the following code:<asp:TextBox CssClass=”mf” runat=”server” ID=”mail1″ Width=”270″ /> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID=”rfv1″ runat=”server” ControlToValidate=”mail1″ Display=”Dynamic” />Now I want to show an image (or text) if the validation passes on the fly (no postback)A jQuery solution is also fine by me, but that wouldn’t be so safe if javascript is disabled.
Keir Simmons
javascript validation numbers form-validation input-validation
I am trying to validate user input to make sure that what they type (if anything – field is not required) is a number. Now I don’t care what this number is, but it must be an integer. Negative, positive, whatever is validated later on. Here is my test sample so far:var a=[“”,0,”0″,-2,”-2″,2,”2″,-2.2,”-2.2″,2.2,”2.2″,-1,”-1″,undefined,null,NaN,Infinity,-Infinity],x;for(x=0;x<a.length;x++){console.log(a[x],(isNaN(+a[x]) || Math.round(+a[x]) != +a[x] || +a[x] === null || +a[x]+1==+a[x])?false:tr
javascript jquery html checkbox input-validation
On a webshop, I need to check if the user has checked this payment choice, and if he checked the CGU rules.So this my html :<div id=”choixPaiement”><div class=”choixDuReglement”><ul><li><input type=”radio” name=”buttonModePaiement” value=”tata”></li><li><input type=”radio” name=”buttonModePaiement” value=”toto”></li><li><input type=”radio” name=”buttonModePaiement” value=”titi”></li><li><input type=”radio” name=”but
c data input-validation
I was trying out a simple program in c for validating user data. The program is supposed to identify whether a user entered character is a number, alphabet or a special character. Somehow , the code identifies every kind of input character as a number. I have appended the code below, i’d be grateful if someone could kindly point out where im going wrong ?//Program to take input from the user and determine whether it is character,number,or a special character#include<stdio.h> #include<co
Mr Shunz
jquery validation input-validation
I have a form with many fields in which two of these fields are sort of mutually exclusive, i.e. if one is empty the other must be present and the opposite is true (but they can be present at the same time). I have a simple validation check before submission which scans all fields with class=”required” (no plugin), so i implemented the following code to perform validation of one field or the other:$(‘#field1’).keyup(function(){if ($(this).val().length > 0) {$(‘#field2’).removeClass(‘required’
exception error-handling input-validation
I understand that “Exceptions are for exceptional cases” [a], but besides just being repeated over and over again, I’ve never found an actual reason for this fact.Being that they halt execution, it makes sense that you wouldn’t want them for plain conditional logic, but why not input validation?Say you were to loop through a group of inputs and catch each exception to group them together for user notification… I continually see that this is somehow “wrong” because users enter incorrect input a
javascript jquery login input-validation
The thought of having input validation on my login form had come across my mind while creating the input validation for my registration form. My login form requires an e-mail and a password. Would it be overkill to validate on blur (and on keyup only if the previous input was invalid) whether what is entered in the e-mail text field is an e-mail address, and that the password is of the minimum length (registration requires that the password be at least 6 characters)?I already coded the server-si
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