problem about dispatch-Collection of common programming errors
http scala dispatch
The following is a valid query in a browser (e.g. Firefox): a JSON document:{“num_results”: 610, “sounds”: [{“analysis_stats”: “”, “analysis_frames”: “”, “preview-hq-mp3”: “”, “original_filename”: “Two Barks.w
Nathan Kurz
assembly 64bit intel dispatch self-modifying
I’m trying to speed up a variable-bitwidth integer compression scheme and I’m interested in generating and executing assembly code on-the-fly. Currently a lot of time is spent on mispredicted indirect branches, and generating code based on the series of bitwidths as found seems to be the only way avoid this penalty. The general technique is referred to as “subroutine threading” (or “call threading”, although this has other definitions as well). The goal is to take advantage of the processors
objective-c table methods pointers dispatch
I want to setup a Method dispatch table and I am wondering if it is possible to create pointer to a method in Objective-C (like pointer to function in C). I tried to use some obj-c runtime functions to dynamically switch methods but the problem is it will affect all instances.As I am very new to obj-c, an illustrated example would be highly appreciated. thanks fellows.
c# dynamic overloading dispatch
I’m having an issue where I need dynamic dispatch (or at least that’s what I think it should be called) with an inheritance structure. More specifically, I would like to use dynamic dispatch so I can add more specific overloads in inherited classes. I haven’t been able to find anyone with quite the same problem as mine (things I find always talk about overrides in inherited classes, I need dynamic overloading). The strongly simplified situation is as follows:class A {private void DoSpecificStuff
c# .net polymorphism overloading dispatch
I’m writing a .NET web application in which administrators can customize the various data entry forms presented to their users. There are about half a dozen different field types that admins can create and customize (i.e. text, numeric, dropdown, file upload). All fields share a set of base attributes/behaviors (is the field required? Will it have a default field value?). There are also a series of field specific attributes/behaviors (i.e dropdown has a data source attribute, but text field d
objective-c dispatch dispatch-table
I’m trying to implement a dispatch table, so that I can call a selector with the following example code:NSInteger i = 2; [myObject performSelector:selectors[i]];I’m trying to store user preferences which affect which method of an API gets called. Right now, I use the string name of the selector and use NSSelectorFromString, but that’s a bit messy. If I use a dispatch table, then I can store an enum instead.How can I make an array of selectors, or a dispatch table in Objective-C?Edit:The compiler
java dynamic polymorphism dispatch
Just confused on how to following answer is correct.class Cat {public void isClawedBy(Cat c){System.out.println(“Clawed by a cat”);} }class Kitten extends Cat{public void isClawedBy(Kitten c){System.out.println(“Clawed by a Kit”);} }If the following is calledCat g = new Cat(); Cat s = new Kitten(); Kitten t = new Kitten();g.isClawedBy(t); s.isClawedBy(t); t.isClawedBy(t);How is the answer: Clawed by Cat Clawed by Cat Clawed by KittenI’m confused on why s.isClawedBy(t) = Clawed by Cat. Since the
Evan Barkley
c# methods dispatch
I have an object o which guaranteed at runtime to be one of three types A, B, or C, all of which implement a common interface I. I can control I, but not A, B, or C. (Thus I could use an empty marker interface, or somehow take advantage of the similarities in the types by using the interface, but I can’t add new methods or change existing ones in the types.)I also have a series of methods MethodA, MethodB, and MethodC. The runtime type of o is looked up and is then used as a parameter to these
java dispatch runtime-type
I am confused with method dispatching in java. Why does the first method “a.m1(b)” call to the class A?The calling variable is a. And its runtime type is B, isn’t it?class A {public void m1(A a){System.out.println(“A-m1”);}public void m1(){System.out.println(“A-m1”);}} class B extends A {public void m1( B b){System.out.println(“B-m1”);}public void m1(){System.out.println(“B-m1”);}} public class HelloWorld {public static void main(String[] args) {B b = new B(); A a = new B();a.m1(b);//prints A-
ios objective-c multithreading uiviewanimation dispatch
I have in my application many animations (like a 70, 10 in 7 viewcontrollers) with the same type of voids and functions, and when I run on my device or in the simulator, the application crashes. How can I improve these animations using threads or dispatch, or the problem is the memory? How could be done this, in another questions & tutorials, using the same method’s for the animations & are very simple, the code is like this and I repeat for any animation that I need in my App:- (void)vi
ios crash dispatch
I have an iOS app, and I am getting quite amount of this crash. And it seems that it is not related to my code. Do you have any idea why the app can crash because of this. Is there something that I can do to prevent these crashes.Thread 9 Crashed: 1 libobjc.A.dylib _objc_msgSend + 16 2 libdispatch.dylib __dispatch_call_block_and_release + 13 3 libdispatch.dylib __dispatch_queue_drain + 239 4 libdispatch.dylib __dispatch_queue_invoke$VARIANT$mp + 41 5 libdispatch.dylib
ruby-on-rails-3 stop dispatch
I would like to ask you for help about this error. I tried to search the solution, but unfortunately, still without success.My directories have the right permission.dispatch.fcgi#!/usr/bin/ruby1.8#!/usr/local/bin/ruby# You may specify the path to the FastCGI crash log (a log of unhandled # exceptions which forced the FastCGI instance to exit, great for debugging) # and the number of requests to process before running garbage collection. # # By default, the FastCGI crash log is RAILS_ROOT/log/fas
Harry Mexican
c# c#-4.0 dispatch
I’m trying to do the following:public abstract BaseClass {public virtual void ReceiveEvent(Event evt){ProcessEvent(evt as dynamic);}private void ProcessEvent(object evt){ LogManager.Log(@”Received an event that is not being processed! Dispatch fallback”);} }public DerivedClass: BaseClass {private void ProcessEvent(SpecificEvent evt){ LogManager.Log(“Processing Event”);} }SpecificEvents hit the fallback method instead of the one in the derived class. I use dynamic dispatch within the same class a
Steve Mason
ios google-analytics dispatch
I’ve been working with Google’s Analytics SDK v2beta3 and have everything working except I can’t get manual dispatch to work when the app leaves the active state. (fyi, for my app I need to reserve battery power so am only using ‘[[GAI sharedinstance] dispatch]’ to dispatch my event data when the user is finished with the app.) I’ve tried several things, but while the dispatch call is reached and run during tracing, it doesn’t seem to do anything… no log output (I have debug mode on) and no d
widget action zend-framework2 dispatch
i am trying to create a widgetized contents.. basically i want to have blocks in my layout that gets populated from different module/controller/actions …i tried using $this->action in view but it seems that action has been removed in ZF2 (or not ?) service manager cant find it :Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Zend\ServiceManager\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException’ with message ‘Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager::get was unable to fetch or create an instance for actioni also tried forward
javascript methods dispatch
Can anyone explain the process javascript goes through when a method is called to select which fucntion is run? Most resources online I could find explain how to achieve specific behaviours using javascript object, but not the general principle behind how method dispatch works in javascript.
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