problem about case-sensitive-Collection of common programming errors
Honza Javorek
mysql regex case-sensitive case-insensitive
I use regular expressions in MySQL on multibyte-encoded (utf-8) data, but I need it to be match case-insensitively. As MySQL has bug (for many years unresolved) that it can’t deal properly with matching multibyte-encoded strings case-insensitively, I am trying to simulate the “insensitiveness” by lowercasing the value and the regexp pattern. Is it safe to lowercase regexp pattern such way? I mean, are there any edge cases I forgot?Could following cause any problems?LOWER(‘sárKA’) = REGEXP LOWER(
c# select datatable case-sensitive camelcasing
I am performing a search on a DataTable and am getting unexpected results. The table contains a column called Name. One of the rows contains the value “MustHaveRings” for the Name column. Both the DataSet and DataTable have the CaseSensitive property set to false which should perform a case-insensitive search.When I perform the search with the following, no rows are returned which is unexpected.string input = “musthaverings”; var foundRows = ds.Tables[5].Select(“Name= ‘” + input + “‘”);After exp
Clayton Hughes
bash case-sensitive tr
I’m trying to make a convenience function to fix issues when I accidentally have my caps locks on and am trying to run some case-sensitive tools.e.g. I occasionally find myself typing MAKE DEBUG instead of make debug.What I have now is pretty straightforward: alias MAKE=”make” and editing the makefiles to duplicate the rules, e.g. DEBUG: debug.I’d prefer a solution that works on the arguments, without having to modify the tools involved.
Nick Craver
jquery contains case-sensitive case-insensitive
I’m trying to use “contains” case insensitively. I tried using the solution at the following stackoverflow question, but it didn’t work:Is there a case insensitive jQuery :contains selector?For convenience, the solution is copied here:jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[‘:’], { Contains : “jQuery(a).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(m[3].toUpperCase())>=0” });Here is the error:Error: q is not a function Source File: /js/jquery-1.4.js?ver=1.4 Line: 81Here’s where I’m using it:$(‘input.preset’).keyup(functio
osx mac tar case-sensitive compression
I have a Linux tarball that can’t be unpacked. It gives me an unexpected error. I am told this is due to case insensitive on MAC OS X. How can I untar this file?tar -zxvf file.tar.gz … x output/common.xml tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
Joachim Sauer
java linux case-sensitive filenotfoundexception
My web application runs on Windows. I would like to run my app on Linux also. I seem to have overcome most of the problems such as path separator, etc. Real problem now is I get FileNotFoundException when the Java code tries to open a file say Abc.txt when only abc.txt exists. :(I can’t go on changing all the filenames to lowercase or uppercase as i have a whole lot of files. Without changing code much is that any possible way to avoid this?
Peter Mortensen vba case-sensitive case-insensitive
I’m not trying to start an argument here, but for whatever reason it’s typically stated that Visual Basic is case insensitive and C languages aren’t (and somehow that is a good thing).But here’s my question: Where exactly is Visual Basic case insensitive? When I type…Dim ss As String Dim SS As String…into the Visual Studio 2008 or Visual Studio 2010 IDE, the second one has a warning of “Local variable SS is already declared in the current block”. In the VBA VBE, it doesn’t immediat
Nick Johnson
python unicode case-sensitive
I’m making a Google AppEngine Application. Does the Python 2.5.2 runtime environment follow the Unicode Standards? (For example, the lower() and upper() methods on unicode objects.)
dr. evil comparison like case-sensitive
Is there anyway to use LIKE operator in VB.NET as case sensitive or insensitive during runtime? For example use a flag to do case sensitive or insensitive comparisons.Obviously this can be done by simple converting them into lower case and forcing application to Option Compare Binary but maybe there is a better way to do this?
windows case-sensitive
I’ve got serious troubles with Windows 7 not having a case-sensitive file system. I’m the only developer who’s working on Windows in my team (and we wanna keep it that way for cross-OS checks), and I’m the one producing occasional errors due to Windows not crashing on files with different cases.Is there any way to make Windows go crazy when I try to include ‘aSdF.php’ where I meant ‘asdf.php’?
windows-7 windows filesystems ntfs case-sensitive
I want to make Windows 7 case-sensitive when it reads/writes anything on the hard drive (the C drive, or any other NTFS drive).I found a video via google that says to change the registry keyHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\DontPrettyPathto a value of 1 (source).I also found a Windows support item that says something about modifying the registry keyHKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel\obcaseinsensitivethat leads me to assume put
iphone case-sensitive
I am a starter in iPhone. I wanted to do case-insensitive search. Database helper used: Core Data. Following is my code:-(WebAttendee *) FindAttendeeBy:(NSString *) badgeID_{AppDelegate_Shared *delegate1 = [[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate];badgeID_=[badgeID_ stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@”\\” withString:@”\\\\”];badgeID_=[badgeID_ stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@”‘” withString:@”\\'”];self.managedObjectContext = delegate1.managedObjectContext;return (WebAttendee *)[self F
zend-framework migration case-sensitive controllers
I’m getting the following error migrating my code across from my Windows dev machine to my linxu production machine. I’m aware there are always separator and case sensitivity issues (which I have fixed), however this one seems to be coming from the Framework itself. My controllers are all following the convention (Uppercase first camel).I’m using the bootstrap provided by Zend_App and this is all working (well with no errors) on my dev box.Its parsing Plugins, however can’t seem to get to contro
php header case-sensitive array-key
Updated Question:When using get_headers() with the format option to use named array keys (rather than numbered keys), how can I account for situations like the server using Content-type rather than Content-Type?Original Question: PHP problem getting header of a file that has a colon in url Hi, I am having trouble retrieving header information of a remote url which has a colon in it. I have tried using urldecode and it decodes %3A into :, however it does not solve the problem. What to do? This ur
Robert Koritnik
jquery case-sensitive attr
I have a select element with few custom attributes that I use to validate it on the fly and display appropriate messages. Attribute’s name is camel cased as in<select validationMessage=”Must select something” … >…The problem is that in jQuery version older than 1.6 .attr() seems to be case sensitive. What’s even more problematic, that it won’t fetch originally cased attributes. This works the same in Firefox in Chrome, but works as expected (case insensitive as it should be) in Interne
php case-sensitive array-key
Am using DB2 with my PHP. DB2 returns all column names in UPPERCASE. If I use db2_fetch_assoc, then the result would be like thisArray { [USERID] => 4 }But in my php file, the array values assigned like this and its in camelstyle$this->userId = $row[‘userId’];So it throws the error Error : Undefined index userIdI can use array_change_key_case() function to convert the array to lowercase. But I have hundreds of files which get and assign the array values. Its not possible to change in all o
Chris Travers
php exception yii case-sensitive
I’ve just moved my site from developing on my mac with sqlite to putting it on a shared host running linux with postgres.The static pages display fine, but as soon as I display anything dynamic, I get a CDbException:CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42P01]: Undefined table: 7 ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table “assetchanges”I seems to be either due to case sensitivity or quotes around the table/column aliases.How can I start to fix these issues? Where do I look? Wh
php mysql doctrine case-sensitive
I have a problem with the case of a column name in Doctrine version 1.1.0.I have a record (entity) with this definition:abstract class BaseProductsXsell extends Doctrine_Record {public function setTableDefinition(){$this->setTableName(‘products_xsell’);$this->hasColumn(‘ID’, ‘integer’, 4, array(‘type’ => ‘integer’, ‘length’ => 4, ‘primary’ => true, ‘autoincrement’ => true));$this->hasColumn(‘products_id’, ‘integer’, 4, array(‘type’ => ‘integer’, ‘length’ => 4, ‘unsigne
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