Parser error on http://localhost/startersite-Collection of common programming errors

  • msdn Hello All,Just this morning I posted a reply to my earlier question of installating CS on XP system and was overjoyed that everything(the webservices and starter site) was working now with Max Akbar’s help and suggestion.But now, about 8 hrs later, after a system shutdown and startup when I type http://localhost/Startersite in my web browser, I get the following error:———————————————————————————

    Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

    Parser Error Message: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.

    Source Error:

    Line 1: 
    Line 2:
    Line 3:

    Source File: /StarterSite/App_Browsers/ControlsAdapters.browser    Line: 1 —————————————————————————————–Can anyone please tell me why this could be the case and what the solution would be? I am totally lost again. I havent made any changes whatsoever. The webservices still work fine but the starter site doesnt open up. Please help!! Thanks,Nicky

  • msdn1 Hello All,I was able to solve the problem. The App_Browsers directory had another folder created inside it called _vti_cnf which had a file created with the same name as ControlsAdapters.browser. I have no clue how, when and why this got created. But this new file was not a well formed xml file. I just removed the folder and the site came back up again.Thanks,Nicky

  • msdn2 I tried that but it gave me a runtime error afterwards. i think it has something sharepoint designer.