problem about batch-processing-Collection of common programming errors
Aacini table storage batch-processing azure-table-storage
I am trying to do a batch insert from a list of objects to table storage in windows azure. I am using the storage emulator for now. I get this error “Unexpected response code for operation”. I tried to search for anyone who encountered similar problems but to no avail.My keys are setup this way: PartitionKey = “projects” + CompanyID.toString(); RowKey = ProjectID.toString();It is inserted like this: foreach (vProject item in projectList) {TableOperation retrieveOperation = TableOperation.Retri
spring batch-processing
I am using spring batch to parse files and I have the following scenario:I am running a job. This job has to parse a giving file. For unexpected reason (let say for power cut) the server fails and I have to restart the machine. Now, after restarting the server I want to resume the job from the point which stopped before the power cut. This means that if the system read 1.300 rows from 10.000 now have to start reading from 1.301 row.How can I achieve this scenario using spring batch?About configu
Bhavesh Gangani
batch-file batch-processing
I am trying to create a batch file to find the newest file in a directory. I am using the following commands in the batch:call cd\ call d: call cd “D:\OMS\Outbound\” call for /f “tokens=* delims= ” %%G in (‘dir /b /od’) do set newest=%%G call pauseI am getting the error G was unexpected at this time.Also I would like to ftp the newest file and will have to append “local:D:\OMS\Outbound\” before %%G in the following manner newest=local:D:\OMS\Outbound\%G. The code works just fine when run from c
mysql hibernate spring-mvc batch-processing
Trying to write an update statement and I keep getting this error: The scenario is this: I have a record pulled from a column into a dropdown and a input on the JSP page. I select an item of this dropdown and wants to set a value for it based on the value inputted into the input control and I keep getting the error. Through findings, I got to understand This is my DAO code: The code that populated the dropdown.@SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”)@Overridepublic List<CyclosUsers> addToDropDown()
Eric Leschinski
batch-file batch-processing
I get an error for my batch code was unexpected at this timeI have removed all the comments and matched all opening brackets with counter closing ones, but still getting the same error.What does the error mean?
Jon Seigel
java java-ee log4j batch-processing
We have a weblogic batch application which processes multiple requests from consumers at the same time. We use log4j for logging puposes. Right now we log into a single log file for multiple requests. It becomes tedious to debug an issue for a given request as for all requests the logs are in a single file. So plan is to have one log file per request. The consumer sends a request ID for which processing has to be performed. Now, in reality there could be multiple consumers sending the request ID
Timothy Shields
c# algorithm batch-processing mathematical-optimization
I’ve started playing around with an attempt to create the following:public static IEnumerable<List<T>> OptimizedBatches<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items)Then the client of this extension method would use it like this:foreach (var list in extracter.EnumerateAll().OptimizedBatches()) {// at some unknown batch size, process time starts to // increase at an exponential rate }Here’s an example:batch length time1 100ms2 102ms4
java-ee architecture iteration batch-processing recovery
Our system is processing more than 100 000 subscribers. On a weekly basis another external application builds special file(s) containing users’ financial information with >100 000 rows. Our application should parse it and process every record (send sms/mms/email in our case). Of course, these operations are quite time consuming, so we’re doing them asynchronously via JMS.But first we need to put all the records to the queue. Performance test showed that it takes around 30-40 minutes or even mor
batch-file batch-processing
I have a complex string I’m trying to parse. I have a short subroutine to fine the index of two specific characters, and I need the string in between. So the question is: How do I use variables inside string manipulation of another variable?Here’s some sample code:@ECHO offset start=2 set end=5 set str=Hello Worldecho %str:~2,5% echo %str:~%start%,%end%%How do I get the second echo to display what the first echo displays? (right now second echo is just showing what I want, it’ll crash as is)
batch-file batch-processing
I got a quite long windows batch script. In the middle of it there’s a section using appcmd to detect the root path of a site in my IIS. That section runs fine when executed standalone. But when I execute the whole batch, this section could fail to detect the site path once in a while. I am totally confused by this unreliability issue. Have anyone met this before?ThanksSolutionIt seems that there’s some delay between a variable declaration and its coming into effect. I changed the order of some
Mark Rotteveel
java mysql jdbc batch-processing
I am trying to insert two million rows into a MySQL table with Batch Insert. Following is the code I have.public void addItems(List<Item> Items) {try {conn = getConnection();st = conn.prepareStatement(insertStatement);for (Item item : items) {int index = 1;st.setString(index++, item.getA());st.setString(index++, item.getB());st.setLong(index++, item.getC());st.setInt(index++, item.getD());st.setFloat(index++, item.getE());st.setInt(index++, item.getF());st.setString(index++, item.getG());s
java matlab crash batch-processing crash-reports
I’ve got a simple batch file that goes as followsfor %%G in (*.txt) do (matlab /wait /nosplash /minimize /nodesktop /r “script1(‘%%~dpnxG’)”;quit start “” /b /wait /separate proc_eng_track.exe “%%~dpnG” matlab /wait /nosplash /minimize /nodesktop /r “script2(‘%%~dpnG’)”;quit )which basically calls a couple of matlab scripts and call a small program in between them The matlab scripts work just fine when i test them, the scripts works fine for a while but them matlab crashes at a different fi
Jason Meckley batch-processing
based on my last post I was able to get batching working… until a certain point. In addition to registering the route specific handler I also have 2 delegating handlersAuthenticate the user loggingthe batch handler goes through the delegating handlers authenticating the user and logging the request. when the messagehandlerinvoker starts to send the child/nested requests the following exception is thrown.System.ArgumentException was unhandled by user codeHResult=-2147024809Message=The ‘Delegati
php zend-framework batch-processing zend-search-lucene
I’ve a problem in indexing with Zend Search Lucene framework.Our file repository has ~25000 files and I’m trying to index them. But during batch indexing, this error occurred:Notice: Undefined offset: 2047 in /my/Zend/lib/Search/Lucene/Index/SegmentInfo.php on line 641 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /my/Zend/lib/Search/Lucene/Index/SegmentMerger.php on line 202 Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Zend_Search_Lucene_Exception’ with message ‘Error occured while file reading.’ in
php facebook api graph batch-processing
I have done a lot of searching for the answer, but I am unable to find one.I am trying to upload a single photo to numerous facebook pages, using the graph API.Using an answer from a similar question I am able to get what I need to do working, like this;curl -F ‘access_token=.’ \-F ‘batch=[{“method”:”POST”, \”relative_url”:”me/photos”, \”body”:”message=Photo” \”attached_files”:”file1″ \},{“method”:”POST”, \”relative_url”:”me/photos”, \”body”:”message=Photo” \”attached_files”:”file2″ \},]’-F ‘
Mike Wills
c# entity-framework error-handling batch-processing
I am batch adding a bunch of records from an internal system to our web database server (eBilling type data). I have a problem where if there is a data error (seperate issue), every add after that errors out. foreach (InvoiceHeader invoiceHeader in invoiceHeaders){rrn++;db.AddToInvoiceHeaders(invoiceHeader);if (rrn >= RECORDS_AT_A_TIME){try{db.SaveChanges();rrn = 0;}catch (Exception e){string errorText = “Error in blah blah blah \n\n”;errorText += “Error: ” + e.ToString();Log.Error(errorText)
facebook-graph-api batch batch-processing
I’m accessing the Graph API using batch requests, while trying to retrieve all of my friends likes the plataform returns-me a unknow error. By the way i’m using JSONPath to retrieve the likes.likes?ids={result=friends:$.data.*.id}Is this an security related question or a bug?
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