php,database,sqlite,fatal-errorRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Taimoor
    php parse-error mybb
    I’m inserting this code in the <head> </head> for a mybb forum:<?php if(isset($_REQUEST[‘url’])): // <– only include jQuery if url set ?> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” /> <script src=””></script> <script src=””></script> <script>$(function() {$( “#dialog-modal” ).dialog({height: 140,modal: true});});

  • lethalMango
    Just a quick question – and I’m sure really basic!I have the following code:function checkThings($foo, $bar) {…if ($valid) {return $results;} else {return false;} }On the other end of this I am currently doing$check = checkThings($foo, $bar); if ($check === false) {echo “Error”; } else {echo $check; }Is writing the following the same?$check = checkThings($foo, $bar); if (!$check) {echo “Error”; } else {echo $check; }Which method is the preferred method if both are correct?Thanks 🙂

  • Nashi
    php soapui esb wso2esb wsf
    few days ago I started to work on my own WebServices. I decided to use WSO2 WSF/PHP framework and according to created my first helloService. Here’s code:function greet($message) {$responsePayloadString = <<<XML<greetResponse>Hello Client!</greetResponse>XML;$returnMessage = new WSMessage($responsePayloadString);return $returnMessage; } $service = new WSService(array(“operations” => array(“greet”))); $service->repl

  • Hubert
    php header echo alert
    I have a system for users to apply for permit…when they select their permits they wish to retire, my system should be able to check if the meet the criteria or if they have applied for that permit before to prevent spam.However, i have a very big problem.If i put header(‘Location:s_success.php’); the alert wouldn’t appear. For example, because user can choose 1 or 2 or more permits, .ScenarioLets say the choose one permit which they are eligible to apply for and another permit which they are n

  • Darryl Hein
    php class object variable-variables
    Is something like the following possible in PHP?$blah = ‘foo1’;class foo2 extends $blah {//… }class foo1 {//… }This gives an error.I want to dynamically set $blah so I can extend whatever class I want.Edit: The reason for wanting to do this because I wanted to use a function out of another class in a related class. In the end it would have been something like:Final extends foo1 extends foo2 extends foo3 extends foo4 extends parent { … }In the end I decided to instantiate the other class wi

  • AME
    php rets
    Am a trying to create a PHP (PHrets) script that downloads all real estate listing information from a specific area and saves all of the listings data (CSV file and photos) on my web server. Note: A single listing may have up to 20 photos.I am using PHrets to retrieve MLS listing data and it works great for creating a CSV of data. However, I would like to modify this code to loop through each listing’s photos and download them onto my web server with the following name convention: MLSID-PHOTOID.

  • KoolKabin
    php class static member
    I am trying to access static member of a class is:class A {public static $strName = ‘A is my name’public function xyz(){..}.. } //Since i have bunch of classes stored in an array $x = array(‘A’); echo $x::$strName;I am getting error while printing. How can i print ‘A is my name’

  • Michael Moussa
    php zend-framework phpunit zend-session
    I am getting numerous errors exactly like this one:Zend_Session_Exception: Session must be started before any output has been sent to the browser; output started in /usr/local/zend/share/pear/PHPUnit/Util/Printer.php/173When running my application’s test suite. This is with PHPUnit 3.5.10 and PHP 5.3.5.There is no mysterious, unexpected whitespace output that is causing this. I’ve determined that the “output being sent to the browser” is the actual output from the PHPUnit tests being executed.

  • PHPst
    java php regex pcre
    In PHP and Java, I applied /^[^\pL]*|[^\pL]*$/ to ???-A- and I got *A**. I applied a symmetric pattern and got an asymmetric result! Why? I wonder why its output is not *A*?Pattern says that every thing except letter in the end of string should be replaced by *, it’s also greedy and should replace all non-letter stuff together.Alos note in RegexBuddy I get *A* that is what I expect.Update: I simplified the question to focus my main concern.

  • Gordon
    php oop class
    I want to make a PHP class, lets say Myclass.php. Now inside that class I want to define just the class itself and some instance variables. But all the methods must come from a Myclass_methods.php file. Can I just include that file into the class body?I have good reasons why I want to seperate this. In short, I’ll have a backend in which I can change the business logic of a class, while all other things must remain untouched. The system maintains all the ORM and other stuff for me.But if this is

  • biesior
    java database playframework db2 playframework-2.0
    I’m develloping a web application over Play Framework 2.0.Since I need to access a DB2 database, I added the following lines to my application’s application.conf db.mydb.url=”jdbc:db2://host:port/databaseName” db.mydb.user=user db.mydb.password=pass db.mydb.jndiName=databaseNameI connected sucessfully to this DB but got the following exceptions:[info] play – datasource [jdbc:db2://host:port/databaseName] bound to JNDI as databaseName [info] play – da

  • BradC
    database performance oracle indexing
    I have a process that is performing badly due to full table scans on a particular table. I have computed statistics, rebuilt existing indices and tried adding new indices for this table but this hasn’t solved the issue.Can an implicit type conversion stop an index being used? What about other reasons? The cost of a full table scan is around 1000 greater than the index lookup should be.EDIT:SQL statement:select unique_key from src_table where natural_key1 = :1 and natural_key2 = :2 and natura

  • Peter O.
    c++ database otl soci
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of the C++ database libraries OTL and SOCI? In particular, what differences are relevant for my project, whose database uses SQL Server 2008?I haven’t used either before, and during my project I don’t want to change the library.

  • Sergey Mikhanov
    java database hibernate postgresql jdbc
    I am setting up a project using Hibernate 3.3.1 GA and PostgreSQL 8.3. I’ve just created a database, the first table, added one row there and now configuring Hibernate.However, even the simplest query:Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Place.class); List result = criteria.list();could not be executed (empty list is returned though there is one record in the database). I looked to the PostgreSQL logs and could see:2008-09-17 22:52:59 CEST LOG: connection received: host= port

  • Noah
    mysql ruby-on-rails database sqlite
    After much googling I have been wondering what the benefits/differences are between mysql and sqlite3. I am primarily hoping for a speed bump when moving my development database to my production database, although I imagine this will primarily happen in my code. Does any know what the major differences are in performance? ARE there? Or would you be able to point me in the direction of some literature comparing the two?

  • musical_coder
    php mysql database parsing login
    i got a parsing error for a database that i want to either retrieve and/or delete data/input – this is the error message that i get – *Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘public’ (T_PUBLIC) in C:\xampp\htdocs\ooplr\classes\DB.php on line 66*here are the codes for the file that is giving me the error:<?phpclass DB{ private static $_instance = null; private $_pdo, $_query, $_error = false, $_results, $_count =0;private static function __construct(){try {$this->_pdo = new PDO(‘mysql:host=’

  • W.Jackson
    c# .net database performance
    I have been given the task of bringing three legacy systems together into one user interface. This will be an Asp.Net Mvc application.I have a Sql Server 2005 instance on one server, a Sql Server 2008 instance on another, an access database that holds compliance data and is populated through a custom plugin, and a Powerflex dat file database accessed through odbc.For every user who accesses this new interface all of these databases need to be queried. One of the Sql Server databases and the Powe

  • Jonathan
    database wordpress plugins wordpress-plugin wordpress-plugin-dev
    I’m currently writing a plugin for a customer, and while it’s usually working good, I found that dbDelta does not allow me to create the table I need on plugin activation.I’m running the below code to bind the activation function:register_activation_hook(__FILE__, ‘adminInstallation’);And this is the function itself:function adminInstallation(){global $wpdb;$objectEquipment = ‘wp_object_equipment’;$equipmentSQL = “CREATE TABLE “.$objectEquipment.” (id mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,name ti

  • Mihai Stancu
    php mysql database templates phpmyadmin am using XAMPP and set up my db using phpmyadmin.above is my current project. I am trying to set up a database to this “quote” template. As you may see, most of the user’s input are the <textarea>.I want the invoice number to be auto-increment, and when save is clicked(i made a button on other template already), it will store the data into the database. I created database, tables but i am not sure how to set this up.Do I include all tex

  • Marie J database visual-studio
    I am pretty new to VB and I am not sure why this is not working, basically I am trying to run a stored procedure from my web code. The sp runs just fine in SQL, I’ve tried it several times so I am sure that is not the problem. I don’t want to return any results, I just want to see an “ok” statement if it runs and an error message if it doesn’t. The code I am using for the lables (warnings and confirmation) is reused from earlier on the same page, the same goes for the validations (valUpload). I

  • Noah
    mysql ruby-on-rails database sqlite
    After much googling I have been wondering what the benefits/differences are between mysql and sqlite3. I am primarily hoping for a speed bump when moving my development database to my production database, although I imagine this will primarily happen in my code. Does any know what the major differences are in performance? ARE there? Or would you be able to point me in the direction of some literature comparing the two?

  • Manoj Govindan
    python sqlite encryption
    Okay, I’m totally new to Python, so I decided to make a simple app. Here is my encryption function:from Crypto.Cipher import AES def encPass(login, password):keyPhr=os.environ[‘HOME’]+loginhashObj = hashlib.md5()hashObj.update(keyPhr)keyPhr=hashObj.hexdigest()’pssd’)return encPwdas you see, it gets login and pass, and encrypt pass with binding to pc.The problem is when i try to feed encPws to sqlite3 and insert it into a table, it says:sqlite3

  • Parth Sharma
    android database sqlite android-sqlite
    I want to use below given delete method from my Database Helper class. I asked this 2 times but not such responses i am getting. This is the handler class which i had taken from androidhive.infoDelete Method ( In DatabaseHandler File ):// Deleting single contact public void deleteContact(Contact contact) {SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();db.delete(TABLE_CONTACTS, KEY_ID + ” = ?”,new String[] { String.valueOf(contact.getID()) });db.close(); }When I am implementing it in another acti

  • Neil MCCABE
    ios sqlite ios7
    I’ve got a problem with an update of an SQLite database in iOS7. I think it might be as a result of the lack of a wal file on the new db version, but I might be wrong, as the error is the same when I load i=either the ios6.1 or the iOS 7.0 simulator. I have the simulator loading a local file, using the following code:NSString *dbPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@”NLancs” ofType:@”sqlite”];NSURL *storeURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:dbPath];// set up for iphone with SQL database in loca

  • FaultException
    android database sqlite
    I develop and maintain a Google Tasks app on Android. Currently I have a class that contains lists and tasks, in order, in an ArrayList. I’m thinking of switching to SQLite to better structure the app. I’m not sure what the best and easiest way to store the order of tasks in the database would be though.Right now, I can simply remove and add items at different indices and obviously the other List rows indices are in correct order. With an SQLite database, I can store a positional number in each

  • user3256145
    android sqlite variables
    I am trying to retrieve the count from a Sqlite database. But the variable number is always returning zero even if I adda values in the database. can anyone tell me step by step what am I doing wrong. Here is my code.public int isUserAvailable(Double latitude,Double longitude) { int number = 0; Cursor c = null;try {c = db.rawQuery(“select latitude,longitude from savedlocation where latitude = ? and longitude = ? “, new String[] {String.valueOf(latitude),String.valueOf(longitude)});if(c.getCount(

  • Kaare
    python sqlite web2py
    I’m learning web2py, and have made it to the image blog example. However, I get an error when the controller tries interacting with the database?More precisely, the lineimage = db.image(request.args(0,cast=int)) or redirect(URL(‘index’))causes an error (it’s copy-pasted from the example). Looking at the error-logs, the first few lines are(dp1 S’output’ p2 S”<type ‘exceptions.TypeError’> __call__() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘cast'” p3 sS’layer’The example can be found here: http://

  • Jeff Widman
    sqlite sqlite3
    I have some Sqlite rows that contain UserToken | AppID| Valid | LastUpdated | Expires | Random Metadata Columns.I’m writing a quick little python script that marks tokens as invalid when they expire. I want it to satisfy the following criteria:1) I want my application code to be flexible to accommodate an unknown number of Random Metadata Columns.2) Once the token goes invalid, I only want to store UserToken | AppID| Valid | LastUpdated and all other values in that row become NULL. Originally I

  • Dan
    ios sqlite sqlite3 fmdb
    I’m having some trouble dropping an index I’ve created in SQLite in an iOS application. I’m using fmdb.When attempting to drop an index, sqlite3_step always returns SQLITE_LOCKED. As a result, fmdb gets caught in an infinite loop where it continuously attempts to retry the drop statement (every single time, sqlite3_step returns SQLITE_LOCKED), and the statement never succeeds.As far as I know, there are no other processes touching the database and statements right before the drop statement work

  • marlar
    android sqlite cursor
    I have this method which I use to fill a listview with data from a sqlite database. It works as expected when the application is started:private void populateListView() {Cursor showsCursor = mDbHelper.fetchAllSummaries();startManagingCursor(showsCursor);// Create an array to specify the fields we want to display in the listString[] from = new String[]{DbAdapter.SUMMARY_TITLE, DbAdapter.SUMMARY_DATE, DbAdapter.SUMMARY_SUMMARY};// and an array of the fields we want to bind those fields toint[] to

  • abatishchev
    c# .net postback fatal-error
    I have encountered an unexpected behaviour and/or bug in the .net postback system.I have a page that uses a master page to provide common elements, with form inputs split between the child and master pages. The form submit button is located on the master page, and I am attempting to process postback on the masterpage.Any time I attempt to submit data where the form contains any non empty values and the url contains parameters, the page fails to process correctly. This does not occur if the page

  • Sergey V.
    android android-asynctask fatal-error live-wallpaper sigsegv
    Perhapse I am lucky on the fatal error on different signals. For today that was the following:02-05 20:57:21.827: D/MY_TEST_MESSAGE(4349): Engine.onVisibilityChanged() 02-05 20:57:21.827: D/MY_TEST_MESSAGE(4349): DrawTask #3 is created! 02-05 20:57:21.827: D/MY_TEST_MESSAGE(4349): DrawTas #3 is working! 02-05 20:57:21.837: I/brcm-gr(4349): [gralloc_lock]: new usage 0x903 02-05 20:57:21.837: I/brcm-gr(4349): [gralloc_lock]: new usage 0x930 02-05 20:57:21.877: I/brcm-gr(4349): [gralloc_lock]: new

  • neeraj
    parsing soap wsdl fatal-error
    My WSDL was working fine earlier but after adding second method “UpdateUserName” it started giving error Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Unexpected extensibility elementHere is my WSDL<?xml version=”1.0″?> <definitions name=”CreateUpdateUser” targetNamespace=”urn:CreateUpdateUser” xmlns:tns=”urn:CreateUpdateUser” xmlns:xsd=”” xmlns:soap=”” xmlns:soapenc=”” xmlns:wsdl=”ht

  • vascowhite
    php session fatal-error
    For some reason I get this error:Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (triedto allocate 36 bytes) in C:\xampp\htdocs\school\blom\inlogdinkie\engine\class.php on line 13On this piece of code:<?phpclass gebruiker extends start{private $_login_form;public $log_in;public $logged_in;function __construct(){$this->logged_in = false;$this->_login_form = new login_form();parent::html($this->_login_form);}function log_in(){$html = $this->_login_form;if($this->log

  • Ewout
    plugin-development fatal-error
    I’m writing a plugin, most of my code is wrapped in classes, except for an admin_notice fallback function that I call when I am not loading the main plugin class:class MyClass {//Main plugin class }if ( $check = true ) {$myClass = new MyClass(); } else {add_action( ‘admin_notices’, ‘admin_notice’ ); } function admin_notice() {echo “plugin not loaded”; }this worked before like it should, until suddenly I got an error when I deactivated and reactivated te plugin:Plugin could not be activated becau

  • Joe2010glas
    php oop class new-operator fatal-error
    Hi I was given a link to php classes. I am trying to make a domain availability checker. I managed to get a domain whois class from there but having a problem running it. I have included the class in my page, instatiated it and tried to run the example code. When i load it, it is displaying the class on my site and then below saying: Fatal error: Class ‘domain’ not found in C:\wamp\www\tes.php on line 8. I don’t get it my path is obviously right if it can display the class on screen.Heres my cod

  • Stecya
    tomcat jvm fatal-error
    I have tocmat6 server and JSF webapp working on it. Till now it all worked just fine. But recently it started to falling down with error: # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # Internal Error (synchronizer.cpp:1401), pid=1584, tid=2817506160 # guarantee(mid->header()->is_neutral()) failed: invariant

  • hakre
    php timeout fatal-error
    I’m using register_shutdown() to provide show a page if upload takes a long time causing a PHP timeout. I really don’t need to show the fatal error to the user, how can hide that message?

  • Amit
    android fatal-error
    Any idea how to fix this issue? I’m using Eclipse and it seems to occur even when I create a new android project. :(# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # Internal Error (classFileParser.cpp:3174), pid=3944, tid=3256 # Error: ShouldNotReachHere() # # JRE version: 6.0_18-b07

  • Andrew Thompson
    java jni fatal-error
    What are the effects happened for these types of error?A fatal error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment. The crash happened outside the java virtual machine in native code.

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