jquery,nyromodalRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • zSynopsis
    jquery external
    I have the following two functions and i need help moving these into an external file.$.fn.clearSelect = function () {return this.each(function () {if (this.tagName == ‘SELECT’)this.options.length = 0;});}$.fn.addItems = function(data) {return this.each(function () {var list = this;$.each(data, function (index, itemData) {var option = new Option(itemData.Text, itemData.Value);list.add(option);});});}Is there something special that i would need to do? I’ve attempted to do this by myself and i cam

  • Mr. Loop
    jquery css css3 fancybox
    Here is the website –> http://giantsofafrica.org/camps/top-50-camp/Whenever I use fancybox on this site, there is this weird, jerky, sliding motion. If you scroll down and click on one of the players, the popout will appear. Click on the right or left arrow and you’ll see what I mean. The sliding is not smooth.Here is an animated GIF of the effect –> http://www.screencast.com/t/KDLvaXIgMI’ve looked through the CSS for anything unusual, but can’t spot anything. I am finding this really awkward

  • codepuppy
    I confess to having completely confused myself reading various postings on the subject of event order and binding in jquery.When testing I got some unexpected results.As far as I can establish the order in which the event and corresponding handlers are executed is 1. KeyUp 2. KeyPress 3. keydownThis seems counter intuitive I was expecting keydown, keypress, keyupI see various postings that reporting on how to order handlers bound to the same event but these are different events.I expect that I a

  • Vzlotea
    javascript jquery joomla mootools
    Please help me with a form I’m trying to do.I have a dropdown select, all the options in the < select > have ID’s, for example: one option has id=”hide_me”, other option has id=”hide_none”.Here is the JS that I have for the form:<?php $script = “window.addEvent(‘domready’, function() { $(‘recipe’).addEvent(‘change’, function(event) {if ( $(‘recipe’)document.getElementById(‘hide_it’).selected === true ) {$(‘hide_me1’).setStyle(‘opacity’, ‘1’);$(‘hide_me2’).setStyle(‘opacity’, ‘1’);} }); $(‘

  • geb2011
    jquery ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 fancybox
    I have a lightbox that comes up with instructions in it. It has remote links that then flip through several pages of content, replacing elements in the lightbox remotely.The problem I have is that when new content is rendered in the lightbox, it doesn’t reposition the lightbox. It DOES however, reposition the box if you attempt to resize the window.Does anyone know how I can add a line of code to reposition the lightbox following a remote page change?Background information: I render content in t

  • Canna
    javascript jquery ruby-on-rails ajax
    Trying the basic stuff,request with data and response with data and print it with jQuery and RailsThis is the front code.$(“#internal_btn”).click(function() {//window.alert(“clicked internal btn!”);$.ajax({type: “POST”,contentType: “application/json; charset=utf-8”,url: “/room/test”,//data: “{‘data1’:'” + value1+ “‘, ‘data2’:'” + value2+ “‘, ‘data3’:'” + value3+ “‘}”,data: {name:”ravi”,age:”31″},dataType: “json”,success: function (result) {//do somthing herewindow.alert(“success!!”);},error: fun

  • meub
    jquery ajax jsonp
    I’m making a web service call using jQuery’s $.ajax to a server on a different domain which I do not control. Unfortunately, the server responds with JSON, not JSONP. So I get Unexpected Token : error when my callback tries to execute the JSON without a callback “padding” it( JSON by itself is not valid Javascript).I want to know if there’s a way to use $.ajax to make a cross-domain GET request and ignore the response. I really only need one-way communication here.Code snippet:$.ajax( {url: ‘ht

  • MWA
    javascript jquery html5 canvas
    I have a very nice pie/donut chart drawn with chartjs.org. Works great. Easy to implement. Animates nicely. I also have a label that needs to update when the user hovers over the chart. Mousemove fires and returns the rgba coordinately as expected in FF and IE10/9. But not Webkit. It seems to get all mixed up… Unexpected behavior coming from Chrome/Safari. Any idea how to fix this?This is the where the problem exist:var canvasOffset = $(this).offset(); var canvasX = Math.floor(e.pageX – canvas

  • Andrei Suceava
    javascript jquery
    I’ve been struggling with this issue for a while now. Maybe you can help.I have a table with a checkbox at the beginning of each row. I defined a function which reloads the table at regular intervals. It uses jQuery’s load() function on a JSP which generates the new table.The problem is that I need to preserve the checkbox values until the user makes up his mind on which items to select. Currently, their values are lost between updates.The current code I use that tries to fix it is:refreshId = s

  • user829174
    jquery asp.net ajax wcf jquery-ui
    Implementing JQuery autocomplete using AJAXI am having difficulties to make this program work. what i’m trying to do is implementing autocomplete using JQuery UI API and getting the result from AJAX Enabled WCF service.I believe that my problem is reaching the Web Service (if i implement it as asmx instead of svc it seems to be working)Default.aspx<%@ Page Title=”Home Page” Language=”C#” MasterPageFile=”~/Site.master” AutoEventWireup=”true”CodeBehind=”Default.aspx.cs” Inherits=”SandwichServic

  • Michal-sk ?
    jquery crash internet-explorer-7 nyromodal
    I’m developing a tool here in my work and i have to use the IE7 to do it… So everithing was fine but in a specific page that loads a huge amount of data from a db(2000 rows from oracle) the JS is not working well. When i Use this piece of code <script type=”text/javascript”> (‘input#search’).quicksearch(‘#Table1 tbody tr’); </script>its doing fine but when e add any other functions to it the jquery stops responding on IE .Here is my Jquery declaration<link rel=”stylesheet” href

  • user1645914
    settings typeerror nyromodal
    I have the following piece of code to help me determine if a modal box is open or closed. The boolean is used to break an e.keyCode switch binded to keypresses. I use the space bar and return buttons to help navigate through a lot of table data. Declaring the nyromodal settings is my issue.//case modal is open // break //case 13// do something //case 32 // do something else$.nyroModalSettings({processHandler: function() {window.nyroModalHere = true;},endRemove: function() {window.nyroModalHere =

  • Pete Herbert Penito
    javascript jquery jquery-live nyromodal jquery-click-event
    I have this NyroModal:$(‘.openModal’).nyroModal();And then I have my Link:<a href=”#sample” class=”openModal”>this is a test</a>This works great, it loads my sample modal like it’s supposed to, but when I add a link using $(“#mydiv”).html(‘<a href=”#sample” class=”openModal”>this is a test</a>’);It doesn’t work, I have tried this$(‘.openModal a’).live(‘click’,function(e) {e.preventDefault();$(this).nyroModalManual();return false; });And this:$(‘.openModal a’).live(‘click’

  • user2504994
    jquery nyromodal
    I have search button on header. When button clicked, The modal popup will appear and user can search products in popup. I have used NyroModal Popup plugin.$(document).ready(function () {$(“#btnProductSearch”).click(function (e) {e.preventDefault();$.nmManual(“../AD/SearchCatalog.aspx?type=builder”, {sizes: {wMargin: 10,hMargin: 10},_scripts: ”,showCloseButton: false,callbacks: {afterShowCont: function (nm) {},afterClose: function (nm) { }}});});});Eveything workin

  • agsilver
    php wordpress jquery-ajax nyromodal
    I’m currently using nyroModal to pull a HTML form page. This form’s values are automatically pre filled with the current user’s data when the user is logged in, as well as information from the current page. I’m using the typical nyroModal call script so$(‘#get_deal, #contact_first’).nyroModal();The form loads just fine when I have just the form with no WordPress functions, however when I call the WordPress function get_currentuserinfo(); it errors out and gives me the error call to undefined fun

  • PiTheNumber
    jquery nyromodal
    Here’s sample a code. $(“.remove.group”).live(“click”, function (ev) {var button = $(ev.currentTarget);var action = button.get(0).dataset[“action”];var method = button.get(0).dataset[“method”];var modal = $(“#remove”);modal.find(“.primaryaction”).bind(“click”, function (e) {$.ajax({url: action,type: method,dataType: “xml”,success: function (rawResponse, status, xhr) {//some business logic$.nmTop().close();},error: function (xhr) {console.log(arguments);var message = “Could not remove group”;al

  • knottulf
    jquery wordpress nyromodal
    I tested nyroModal for opening links in a straight simple html dummysite, where everything works fine. After installing th nyroModal files in my wordpress theme, and adding the necessary lines to the header.php, it opens the nyroModal Error window with the message “An error occurred”. No error of any kind in the console…My code is like this:<style type=”text/css”>@import url(“<?php bloginfo( ‘stylesheet_directory’ );?>/jquery.nyroModal/styles/nyroModal.css”);</style> <scri

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