java-ee,thymeleaf,gradle-eclipseRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors
Jeremy Banks
java java-ee
I have been using Java SE for 2 yrs now and I am pretty ok with the fundamentals of Java. I would like to move to the Java EE API and develop something based on this. I have 2 questions:Does the EE API contain all the classes of the SE? i.e. can anything developed in the SE also be developed using the EE API? Can anybody point me in the direction or offer a suggestion for the development of a sample Java EE application such as a web service or something. Ideally, this sample app would be testabl
java java-ee glassfish persistence jersey
A simplethrow new WebApplicationException(400);or any other throw new …Gets thrown by javax.ejb.EJBException with the Caused by: being the exception you just threw. When monitoring the log, this is a pain because not every exception prints a stack trace. But EJBException does that. >:(Please understand – EJBException does not affect the application at all, only that it prints an unwanted stack trace with every thrown exception. The EJBException javadoc says:The EJBException is thrown to report
java java-ee
I am new to java programming,I have one class,for this class i created two object(obj1,obj2).i don’t want to create other than these object,if any body wants to create one more object for this class that should refer to first,or second objects only(instead of creating one more object).how to do this?please refer below codeclass B { void mymethod(){ System.out.println(“B class method”);} } class Myclass extends B { public static void main(String s[]){ B obj1=new B();//this is obj1B obj2=n
Sadegh Ramezanpour
java-ee jpa persistence metamodel
I have a persistent object (Action) and auto generated data model (Action_). By having an object of Action class and an instance of SingularAttribute, is it possible to get the field corresponding to the given SingularAttribute?I need a function like this:public S getValue(T object,SingularAttribute<T,S> attribute);My entity class ( @Table(name=”ACTION”) public class Action implements Serializable {private long id;private String name;public Action() {}@Id@Column(unique=
Cheok Yan Cheng
java java-ee
I had seen the following code in a J2EE project.public class RequestContext {private final static ThreadLocal<RequestContext> contexts = new ThreadLocal<RequestContext>();/* Initialization */public static RequestContext begin(ServletContext ctx, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {RequestContext rc = new RequestContext();..contexts.set(rc);return rc;}public static RequestContext get(){return contexts.get();} }It seems that by having ThreadLocal and a static get, we will
Nick Bastin
java java-ee servlets thread-local
Once I have came across a pattern, where ServletRequest and response objects are put to servlet’s local ThreadLocal variables. The servlet class has also methods to get current request and response objects. So in order to get these objects you still need to operate with servlet object. What is the point of having these ThrealLocal local variables?
java-ee properties io struts websphere
I am deploying an EAR file to the IBM WebSpehre server 6.1 and the properties file are in a shared library.When I start the server, in the System.err I received this error[29/02/12 10.13.10:487 CET] 00002e0f ActionServlet E org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet init Unable to initialize Struts ActionServlet due to an unexpected exception or error thrown, so marking the servlet as unavailable. Most likely, this is due to an incorrect or missing library dependency. javax.servlet.ServletExceptio
java spring java-ee jms spring-integration
I would like to know if anyone has any experiences with Spring Integration framework as it’s messaging provider?I couldn’t find any benchmarks or details.Would like to know details concerned to latency,throughput,performance.Anyone has any experience?Thanks.
jpa java-ee
I created the entity bean with netbeans wizard and am trying to get data from database. No matter what SQL query do I use,it doesn’t work. I tried using named query that was created by wizard:@NamedQuery(name = “Usr.findAll”, query = “SELECT u FROM Usr u”)It returns:Caused by: Exception [EclipseLink-8025] (Eclipse Persistence Services – 2.0.1.v20100213-r6600): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.JPQLException Exception Description: Syntax error parsing the query [Usr.findAll], line 1, column 0: u
Amlan Karmakar
java jsf java-ee jsf-2
When I am loading the page for the first time everything is working fine, I am having no exception.Status updates are shown with their corresponding comments but whenever I try to comment on status by clicking views(p:commandLink button) I am getting the following exception1)Home.xhtml<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”><html xmlns=””xmlns:ui=”
Aleksandr M
java-ee thymeleaf gradle-eclipse
The exception is system Cannot find System Java Compiler. Ensure that you have installed a JDK (not just a JRE) and configured your JAVA_HOME system variable to point to the according directory. Could not execute build using Gradle installation ‘C:\gradle-1.2-all\gradle-1.2’.But I have installed jdk1.7 and set the environment variable also.
ajax spring-webflow-2 thymeleaf
I am trying to make my first ajax call / response with Spring webflow, and response rendered with thymeleaf. I have used thymeleaf example from their pdf Thymeleaf + Spring 3. flow config:<view-state id=”detail” view=”bookingDetail”> <transitionon=”updateData”> <render fragments=”hoteldata”/> </transition> </view-state>my html:<div id=”data” th:fragment=”hoteldata”> This is a content to be changed </div>and <script type=”text/javascript” th:src=”@{/r
jquery thymeleaf
Hi i want to save data standard name to database using jquerry with not reqired form th:action and redirection i tried with this but caught errorif you know the reason for this error please explain here..Thymeleaf code <form action=”#” > <table> <h1>Create Standard</h1> <tr> <td>Standard Name:</td> <td><input type=”text” th:value=”${standardName}” placeholder=”Enter Standard Name” required=”required”id=”std” name=”stdName”/></td><
Aleksandr M
java-ee thymeleaf gradle-eclipse
The exception is system Cannot find System Java Compiler. Ensure that you have installed a JDK (not just a JRE) and configured your JAVA_HOME system variable to point to the according directory. Could not execute build using Gradle installation ‘C:\gradle-1.2-all\gradle-1.2’.But I have installed jdk1.7 and set the environment variable also.
java gradle dependency-management build-gradle gradle-eclipse
So I have tried to add my local .jar file dependency to my build.gradle file:apply plugin: ‘java’sourceSets {main {java {srcDir ‘src/model’}} }dependencies {runtime files(‘libs/mnist-tools.jar’, ‘libs/gson-2.2.4.jar’)runtime fileTree(dir: ‘libs’, include: ‘*.jar’) } And you can see that I added the .jar files into the lib folder here: the problem is that when I run the command: gradle build on the command line I get the following error:err
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