google-maps-api-3,google-maps-markers,markerclustererRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors
google-maps google-maps-api-3
When the map is loading the location, e.g. waiting for geolocation access, the search box renders on the edge of the map like this Anyone know any tricks to stop this ? Either don’t show the box at all, or put the box in the map where it should be.As for code, even the Google example suffers from this problem:
javascript google-chrome google-maps-api-3 xmlhttprequest google-maps-markers
This code it’s not displayed in Google Chrome. Why? It worked in Firefox.The code: I’m trying to load from a xml file a set of coordinates+description to render a map and plot them on it.And there’s a mouse handle to return on screen the coordinates on a mouse click.<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”pt-br”><head><link rel=”stylesheet” href=”maps.css”><div id=”map_canvas”></div><!– Loading jQuery –><script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://ajax.googleapis
Chris Palmer Breuer
javascript html5 google-maps-api-3
The problem that I occur has been different to solve for me, because I cannot find the solution. It works on my localost without any problems and error messages, but once I upload it to this webspace I get the error message Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL and this is the line that the error points atgoogle.maps.event.addListener(map, ‘click’, function(event) {You can compare it to this site It is the e
google-maps google-maps-api-3
I have a problem display google maps in tabs,This is wath i have tried but no sucess, in IE works fine but in Firefox the tab is not showing corect and the line on Route Planner is not work-ing. Point A to Poin B – there shoud be a line..Please see this link: i have done rong?This is my HTML <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> <html xmlns=””
ajax google-maps jquery-ajax google-maps-api-3
I have a main page that uses ajax to load subpages and one of these subpages contains a google map, and so it loads the google maps api using the <script> tag:<script type=”text/javascript” src=””>I noticed that this loads a bunch of css and js files into both my main page and subpage. When I click on a different link in my main page, I want to be able to unload all of these files and remove any js
Hassen Ch.
gwt google-maps-api-3
I am trying to use GWT Google maps API v3 I keep getting this error:Loading inherited module ‘'[ERROR] Unable to find ‘com/google/gwt/maps/GoogleMaps.gwt.xml’ on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?[ERROR] Line 21: Unexpected exception while processing element ‘inherits’I have copied (to the lib directory) and added the [gwt-maps.jar][1] (Add external jars) I have added this line to the .gwt.xml : <inherits
ios iphone google-maps-api-3 google-places-api
I am trying to fetch the data from google place API.I have tried the url with one type,and getting the result.But when I give pipes to seperate the types I am getting Json Error.But I am getting the json array when I run this url on a browserWhat may be the issue ?? NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”,70.25412&rankby=distance&types=restaurant|park|hospital|school|bar&sensor=false&key=myKey”];NSUR
javascript google-maps google-maps-api-3 maps coffeescript
I’m writing some Google Maps API v3 code, which seems to work just fine with multiple markers, but when there’s only 1, it always plots the marker in the top left of the map, just beyond the visible area:Here’s my coffeescript code:class SimpleMapconstructor: (div_id, lat = 40.783627, lng = -73.942583) -># L.Icon.Default.imagePath = “/assets”@div_id = div_id@map_options = {center: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng), zoom: 10, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP}@markers = []@map = new goog
I have implemented a map with markers and listeners on the markers…. google.maps.event.addListener(marker,’rightclick’,function(event) {showRightClick(event, map, marker);}); …// Show Right Click Menu function showRightClick(event, map, marker) {var point = map.getCanvasProjection().fromLatLngToContainerPixel(event.latLng);var scriptInterface = getHeader();var screenX = point.x + window.screenLeft;var screenY = point.y + window.screenTop;scriptInterface.rightClick(, marker.objecti
javascript google-maps google-maps-api-3
We are working on an archaeological mapping project where we have georeferenced hundreds of hand drawn maps. These are all viewable at very high zoom levels, which translates in Google Maps to zoom levels 22, 23 and 24.However, by default, the google-maps Type Map goes only up to zoom level 21.I have tried several methods to force the max zoom level to go up to 24, but several methods suggested here have proven to be clunky and inconsistent (for example, forcing the user to switch to satellite
javascript google-chrome google-maps-api-3 xmlhttprequest google-maps-markers
This code it’s not displayed in Google Chrome. Why? It worked in Firefox.The code: I’m trying to load from a xml file a set of coordinates+description to render a map and plot them on it.And there’s a mouse handle to return on screen the coordinates on a mouse click.<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”pt-br”><head><link rel=”stylesheet” href=”maps.css”><div id=”map_canvas”></div><!– Loading jQuery –><script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://ajax.googleapis
Dau Thanh Hai
google-maps google-maps-markers
Do you often use image marker from google or copy it to your server? Where I can get all images list of available markers from google? The list of images such as :
Ned Batchelder
android google-maps-markers markers
I am trying to get the images to have transparent backgrounds so the map is not blocked by a square marker with an image in it. What image editor and what settings should I use to get this to work?I am trying to do some custom backgrounds for buttons and the same problem comes up: I get square corners and a background that does not scale with the buttons.I think this all part of the same problem: I am not using the right tool with the right settings to create the images. I must be misinterpretin
Merianos Nikos
google-maps google-maps-markers
I have a question that maybe it is too simple, but I don’t know where to answer it by my self.I have a client that he is interested to create a Google Map, with markers that represent his clients. His clients are over 3000 in around the globe, and I wonder if this number is too big. I mean, I don’t know if there is a limitation on the markers can be appended on the Google Maps, and if after a 1000 Markers in example, the browser crashing.Is there any limitation for the markers quantity ?
android bitmap google-maps-markers google-maps-android-api-2
I’m trying to set icon of a Marker in Google Maps v2. I’m downloading some images over network and change their background in code. After that I’m setting them as icons to markers. At first creation of the map it works fine but after rotation there is an exception.Android version I run this on: 4.3My code is as follows:UrlImageViewHelper.loadUrlDrawable(TuvaletlerMapActivity.this,iconUrl, new UrlImageViewCallback() {@Overridepublic void onLoaded(ImageView iv, Bitmap bm,String arg2, boolean arg3)
android google google-maps google-maps-markers
I’m currently writing an app displaying a MapView showing a google map. i used the “hello map view” tutorial from and this works so far: the map is displayed, centered and zoomed correctly, even the OverlayItems i added are displayed correctly.But when i click on one of those overlay items i added, the application crashes with a null pointer exception:07-23 16:24:48.167: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2530): java.lang.NullPointerExc
android google-maps android-asynctask google-maps-markers
I am writing an Android app that will store multiple users’ locations to a remote database and then any user can get the locations and put them on a google map.I can successfully store the location. I can successfully get all the locations as an array. Where I am having trouble it plotting them on the map: the app always crashes.This is my code, adding the markers is in the “attemptLoad” class in the “Do In Background” part:package com.paul.locations;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import j
java android google-maps google-maps-markers
I’ve made a simple FragmentActivity displaying google map and using markers to show current position and nearby places. But know I need to use that code inside another app, and I’m getting this problem.This is the Activityprivate void updatePlaces(JSONArray jDestinationArray) throws JSONException{locMan = (LocationManager)getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);Location lastLoc = locMan.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);double lat = lastLoc.getLatitude();double lng = last
java android google-maps google-maps-markers
In this app i have enabled the user the option to long click that brings up an alert. This alert then has 2 buttons that the user can choose from. The first allows the use to place a marker on the map at the location that was long clicked and the second gets the address of the location that was long clicked. The address button works but, the marker button force closes my app. I’m not sure what i’m doing wrong. Its probably something stupid.Here is the method from my main class:@Override public b
jquery google-maps markerclusterer
FIXED : SEE BELOWok. so here’s my app. you view it with Firefox or Safari, it displays correctly. The objective is to display list of libraries in Australia on Google map. I also put “MarkerClusterer” plugin on top, so that markers are clustered.when I view the site in Chrome, however, markers are not being after looking through the code, I found where Chrome is not responding correctly. here’s the snippet.function get_libraries() {if( markerClus
javascript google maps markerclusterer
I am trying to implement MarkerClusterer V3 in my google maps but can’t make it working :(. Google maps code below : <!DOCTYPE html> <html><head> <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″> <meta name=”viewport” content=”initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no” /> <title>????by??????</title> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”styletenki.css” /><!–[if lte IE 9]><link rel=”stylesheet” href=”styleie.css” /><![endif]–>
leaflet geojson markerclusterer
I’ve been searching for hours and hours now, and i’m still stuck. I have a feeling it is something easy/stupid i’m missing.I am using the example of markercluster from GitHub. I have 2 different markers (simply 2 different colors) that i would like to show which i would defined in the json format. I have followed guide from leaflet site to define different markers. I added my variable to the json part, but i can not figure out how to make the map load the different markers. It’s either giving me
javascript google-maps google-maps-api-3 markerclusterer
I have the following code to try to get the MarkerClusterer library to work for my Google Map but for some reason it doesn’t change anything. I have some jinja2 in there for the loop but that is all working properly. Can you see any errors?<meta name=”viewport” content=”initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no” /><style type=”text/css”>html { height: 100% }body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0 }#map_canvas { height: 100% }</style><script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://
google-maps caching markerclusterer
I have a website built from Google Maps and using MarkerClusterer. This site works fine most of the time, but there will be times when multiple users will be online and a filtered marker sets request will be returned incorrectly.Example: I filter to a set of markers based on a set of filter parameters. As this is processing someone else also filters to a different set of markers and those markers are returned to me instead of my request.I can also see this issue occur if I sit on the page and
ben f. google-maps google-maps-api-3 markerclusterer
I have a public-facing site using GoogleMaps API v3 and the MarkerClusterer library. The page that is having a problem can be found here ( If you view this page in IE9 or Chrome, the correct pin icon images are shown, while in previous IE versions and Firefox different (and incorrect) pin icons.IE9Firefox 3.6.8Here is the JavaScript code that generates the pins/clustering:$(function() {var dl_grid = new DLGrid(“.GMapGrid”);
Axel Isouard
javascript google-maps google-maps-api-3 google-maps-markers markerclusterer
Trying to run markerclusterer within an if statement dependant on the map zoom level (end goal is to run a more specific version at low levels).I have the map rendering out at a certain zoom level and the clusterer working fine, however it seems when I continue to zoom the markers are duplicated building on top of each other.I am trying to clear the markers and rebuild on each zoom as a work around, but im not sure of where to place resetViewport() to do this? I keep getting an undefined error f
javascript json google-maps google-maps-api-3 markerclusterer
I copied everything from the Google marker clusterer example here and just changed the data for the points I want to use and the markers won’t show up on my mapp.. any idea why (code below)?Chrome is giving me one warning”resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME …etc, etc… “…data.json”However, I printed the data using the document.write(data[i].lat) and such and everything prints fine…<!DOCTYPE> <html><head><meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=”tex
google-maps-api-3 markerclusterer
to create map clusterer, i use:markerClustererGPC = new MarkerClusterer(, markersGPC, GPCOptions);but sometimes it does not works, and markerClustererGPC is sometimes undefined.i search on this problem, and realise that (it looks like) server is sometimes too fast, and cluster is not defined due to that.if server is a bit older (slower), it works without i right about this? what can i do to avoid this problem, to make my code proper to work on any server?
Tom Duke
google-maps google-maps-api-3 markerclusterer
I’m using code found here: Integrating Spiderfier JS into markerClusterer V3 to explode multi-markers with exact same long / lat to restrict zoom levels when clicking on MarkerClusterer created clusters containing points at the same location.Live example is here:’m getting an error in Firebug however:Error: TypeError: markers is undefined and can’t work out what’s causing it. The specific code is:var minClusterZoom = 14; mc.setMaxZ
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