My outlook is giving error 0x800CCC61 even though i have not sent any mail for a few days ?-Collection of common programming errors

  • joe blogs

    I am able to log into webpage and send mail .Can anyone tell me how to get my outlook to not get the following message from yahoo mail server :-An unknown error was returned from the SMTP server. Subject ‘****’, Account: ‘’, Server: ‘’, Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: ‘521 closing transmission channel. Remote IP is over the limit for messages allowed to be sent in a single day.’, Port: 465, Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error: 521, Error Number: 0x800CCC61

  • Richard J Try this and see if it helps you Open Outlook Tools Accounts Mail tab Click properties Advanced Tab

    Add a check to “This server requires a secure connection”

  • Jim G

    It is happening to me and many others, it must be a Yahoo problem ( again )
    I have got it working by unticking the SSL box in advanced tab of properties and using port 587.

  • Kyle O

    It seems yahoo doesn’t care, I’ve sent mails asking for help, and had nothing back, you are better off getting an MSN account, its much better.

  • Andrew M

    I have been having the same problem. Jim G solution of using 587 in the stmp advanced tab seems to work. cheers Jim