problem about jquery-datatables-Collection of common programming errors

  • user2570937
    jquery datatables jquery-datatables
    I’m trying to use the reloadajax function however when I run it the table says processing and nothing happens. The button and everything works inside the table it just doesn’t reload the table and gets stuck. Any Ideas why?<script type=”text/javascript”> $.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnReloadAjax = function ( oSettings, sNewSource, fnCallback, bStandingRedraw ) {// DataTables 1.10 compatibility – if 1.10 then versionCheck exists.// 1.10s API has ajax reloading built in, so we use those abilities/

  • madth3
    jquery jquery-datatables
    I put the dataTable function initialization inside an object but I don’t get the same result as when I initialize it outside the objectInitialization outside objectvar dataTable = $(‘datatable’).dataTable();Initialization inside objectvar aObject = {dataTable : null,initFunction : function() {// this.dataTable contents is not the same when I initialize dataTable outside the objectthis.dataTable = $(‘datatable’).dataTable();} }Why is this? EDIT: Also, it doesn’t seem to successfully initialise th

  • Arthur
    jquery jquery-datatables
    I am using colvis and multi search together, but it has some issue though..Cases: 1. If I uncheck ‘Rendering Engine’, and use multi-search for Engine Version (e.g. with data data 6 or 7), it wont give any data. 2. for multi-serach for CSS grade, it wont search at all I’ve created a jsfiddle here used//Search $(“tfoot input”).keyup(function () {/* Filter on the column (the index) of this element */oTable.fnFilter(this.value, $(“tfoot input”).index(this)); })

  • madth3
    javascript php jquery jquery-datatables
    Problem : using dataTables javascript library to display data perfectly fine.Data is retrieved via PHP/mysql and then the table is drawn and the code cycles through the tables as such :JAVA code for dataTables -<script> $(document).ready(function() {$(“#PayMasterResults”).dataTable( {“sPaginationType”: “full_numbers”,”bPaginate”: false,”bJQueryUI” : true,”sScrollY”: “215”,”bLengthChange”: true,”bFilter”: true,”bSort”: false,”bInfo”: true,”bAutoWidth”: false,”sDom”: \'<“H”lTfr>t<“F

  • madth3
    jquery jquery-datatables
    In Datatables while viewing in the browser we show n columns. When a user clicks generate excel (implemented using TableTools), I want to hide some unneeded columns. How to hide columns at runtime?

  • madth3
    ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-3.1 jquery-datatables
    Does anybody have experience with datatables and Rails 3.1!? I tried the simple_datatables 0.2.1 gem from : kaminari and meta_search 1.1.0 but could not make it working. The table show up without images/css probably due to not properly loaded css styles. Searching in the tables crashes also…. due to some weird search flags it passes to the backend. Example : I have columns ‘name’ and ‘size’ and it passes : ‘search[name_or_sizefalse]’ The backend

  • Alexander Farber
    table header jquery-datatables
    I’m trying to create a table where more details can be seen when the plus-image is clicked – similar to the DataTables hidden row details exampleUnfortunately there is a warning being printed as JavaScript alert and also the table header is misplaced – as if there would be too many or not enough table cells in it:I have prepared a simple test case, which will work instantly, when you save it to a file and open it in a browser:<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <link type=”text/cs

  • madth3
    jquery jquery-datatables
    I have an index.cshtml file with a simple table. I downloaded the css file and the min js file for the dataTable plugin. I put the following code in BundleConfig.cs:bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle(“~/bundles/table”).Include(“~/Scripts/jquery.dataTables.min.js”));bundles.Add(new StyleBundle(“~/Content/themes/base/css”).Include(“~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.core.css”,”~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.resizable.css”,”~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.selectable.css”,”~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.

  • madth3
    javascript jquery-datatables
    Based on the API docs at DataTables site, I created the following javascript function to show only one specific table at a time:function ShowColumn(columnNum) {var table = $(‘#MemberStatisticGrid’).dataTable();$(‘#SelectedMetricList option’).each(function (index) {table.fnSettings().fnSetColumnVis(index, false);});table.fnSettings().fnSetColumnVis(columnNum, true); }However, this fails with the error Uncaught TypeError: Object #<1> has no method ‘fnSetColumnVis’I don’t get why I am getting

  • aquajach
    ruby-on-rails twitter-bootstrap turbolinks jquery-datatables
    I have one page with a table enabled with jQuery datatables and also bootstrap (they are fine with each other at the moment). While things get messed up when adding turbolinks to my Rails 4 application. Here’s my application.js file://= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require twitter/bootstrap //= require dataTables/jquery.dataTables //= require dataTables/jquery.dataTables.bootstrap //= require layouts //= require turbolinks //= require_selfIn the layouts.js file, I just simply put a

  • brazorf
    javascript jquery datatables jquery-datatables
    $(document).ready(function() {var oTable = $(‘#example’).dataTable({“aoColumns”: [{“mData”: “name”}]});// Sample modelvar Person = function() { = null;};p = new Person(); // Add first row.oTable.fnAddData(p); // Try first update.oTable.fnUpdate( {name: ‘hardcoded’}, 0 ); // <— Works// Change the name = ‘updated’;oTable.fnUpdate( p, 0 ); // <— Doesn’t work} );I can’t get this to work, when i run the oTable.fnUpdate( p, 0 ); i am gettingUncaught TypeError: Cannot

  • Alex
    javascript jquery jquery-datatables redraw
    I have a datatable with few rows, I want to add new row in table :var oTable = $(‘#StudentsTable’).dataTable();Table2.fnStandingRedraw();when I init the dataTable I add :”bProcessing”: true,”bServerSide”: true,”bDestroy”: true,”fnFilter”: true,’bLengthChange’: true,’bPaginate’: true,’bStandingRedraw’: true,after ajax submit I want to redrow the table:submitHandler: function(form) {var $modal = $(‘#ajax-modal’);$modal.modal(‘loading’);$(form).ajaxSubmit({dataType: ‘json’,success: function(result)

  • madth3
    json jsonp jquery-datatables
    I try to use the DataTables component with data provided by a REST API. Chrome reports the following error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : on line 2 (see JSON below) when I use server-side data but it works if I use a text file. The setup is:$(‘#table_id’).dataTable({“bProcessing”: true,”bServerSide”: true,”sAjaxSource”: “http://mylocalhost:8888/_ah/api/realestate/v1/properties/demo”,//”sAjaxSource”: “data.txt”,”sAjaxDataProp”: “items”,”aoColumns”: [{“mData”: “id”}],”fnServerData”: func

  • madth3
    jquery jquery-datatables
    I’m following the examples to use FixedColumns. var oTable4 = $(‘#example’).dataTable( {“sScrollY”: “300px”,”sScrollX”: “100%”,”sScrollXInner”: “150%”,”bScrollCollapse”: true,”bPaginate”: false} );new FixedColumns( oTable4 );I get the following error which means I’ve made some error initializing it…Uncaught ReferenceError: FixedColumns is not defined Is FixedColumn a seperate plugin? I’m using jQuery 1.9.1.

  • madth3
    jquery jquery-datatables
    Below is my code:(function worker() { oTable = $(‘#example’).dataTable({“iDisplayLength” : 25, “sAjaxSource”: “/getservicevers/?value=” + QueryString.stage ,”bDestroy” : true , “fnServerData” :function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) {$.ajax( {“dataType”: ‘json’,”type”: “GET”,”url”: sSource,”async”:false,”success”: function (json){fnCallback(json);},complete: function() {setTimeout(worker, 5000);}})}});})();In the UI side I do see AJAX request being made periodically but issue is that the DataT

  • user1005310
    jquery jquery-datatables
    I have a button on each row of the datatable editable, The below mentioned code is present onclick event of the button$(‘#Undo’).live(‘click’, function () {debugger;var nTr = ”;nTr = $(this).closest(‘tr’)[0];oTableAuditLines.fnUpdate(‘Double-Click to edit’,nTr,16,false); oTableAuditLines.fnUpdate(‘Double-Click to edit’,nTr,17,false); oTableAuditLines.fnUpdate(‘Double-Click to edit’,nTr,18,false); oTableAuditLines.fnUpdate(‘Double-Click to edit’,nTr,19,false); oTableAuditLines.fnUpdate(

  • madth3
    datatables jquery-datatables
    I have installed TablePress Extension on wordress: Individual Column Filtering (with drop-downs), it’s working very good. Is it possible to move drop-down filter option from footer side to header side?Datatable exampleAll table will be visible unless I’ll put a filter (Drop down) on the table, is it possible that no table will be visible and when I’ll select filter then only it will show the table according to selection?(function($) { /* * Function: fnGetColumnData * Purpose: Return an array o

  • user2680900
    I am new to using datatables.Requirement is : To get the cell- row no & col no when I hover over the table (4 column table). When i hover the mouse over the 2nd column of each row I have to show a popup describing the values of the 2nd column (which I have kept hidden in the 4th column) I searched around and I got info on getting the column no, but not the row no and col no at the same time.The code i used is as below:jQuery(document).ready(function() {var oTable = $(‘#example’).dataTable( {

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