problem about tdataset-Collection of common programming errors

  • William Leader
    delphi data-binding tdataset
    I am looking for a way to provide a ListSource to a TDBLookupComboBox in delphi without having an actual table on the database server to draw that list from. The DataField for the Combo Box is a 1 character field that contains a coded value such as ‘A’ = ‘Drivers License’, ‘B’ = ‘Passport’, ‘C’ = ‘Library Card’, etc. That is to say that the table only contains A, B, or C. The application is responsible for Displaying ‘Drivers License’ in the GUI. Normally a database might have a look up table bu

  • kobik
    database delphi calculated-field tdataset
    As in the question’s title, I argue with a colleague about how calculated fields should be used. From my knowledge, calculated fields are created at runtime as in the François’s answer on the question Adding a calculated field to a Query at run time. On the same question there is another answer, from sabri.arslan which suggest to change an existing field to a calculated one(code bellow) variniting:boolean;procedure TSampleForm.dsSampleAfterOpen(DataSet: TDataSet); vari:integer;dmp:tfield; begin

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