jquery,google-chrome,typeerror,preloader,lowercaseRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • ProfK
    asp.net javascript jquery
    I’m trying to call a Page Method using a jQuery ‘attached’ event function, in which I like to use the closure to keep the event target local, as below, but page method calls declare several ‘error’ functions, and I would like to use one function for all of them. If, in the below code, I was handling an error and not success, how could I use my single, anonymous handler for all 3 error functions?$(“:button”).click(function () {var button = this;PageMethods.DoIt(function (a, b, c) {alert(button);

  • Vikdor
    jquery html
    in my html header i have <head><script src=”jquary.js”></script><script>$(document).ready(function(){ladda();});</script></head>and i load jquaryand in the body i have<form namne=”load”<fieldset><legend> load</legend><table><tr><td><div id=”innehåll1″>vill du ändra denna text</div></td></tr></table> <button id=”load_text”>ändra</button> </fieldset>and in my javascript i have

  • Jürgen Thelen
    javascript jquery javascript-events
    The below code works well on localhost using XAMPP. But it doesn’t work on another server.<!DOCTYPE html> <html><head><script src=”jquery-latest.js”></script></head><body>word: <input type=”text” id=”sub” />user: <input type=”text” id=”user” /><button type=”button” id=”btn”>Click Me!</button><script>$(“#btn”).click(function () {var word=$(“#sub”).val();var usr=$(“#user”).val();alert(“hi”);});</script></body> <

  • j08691
    Hi guys I am trying to make my slider picking dynamically changed width of the window and put the right variable “newscount” to “slidesPerSlide : window.newscount” plus reload the last part:swiperLoop = $(‘.swiper-loop’).swiper({slidesPerSlide : window.newscount,loop:false }); Please help me, the code is below:$(window).on(‘load’, function(){$(window).on(‘resize’, function() {var w = $(window).width();if (w < 321) {var newscount = “2”;}else if (w < 480) {var newscount = “3”;}else if (w <

  • Cristiano Marques
    jquery each
    For some reason its only finding one div instead of finding all divs with that id.JS:jQuery(‘#showoffline’).click(function(){jQuery.each(jQuery(‘#offlineestreams’),function(){jQuery(this).css(“display”,”block”);}); });Divs are something like this:<div id=”offlineestreams” style=”display = none;”> Something here </div> <div id=”offlineestreams” style=”display = none;”> Something here2 </div>But only the first one shows :\ Why is that happening?

  • user2341213
    php jquery alert
    My JQuery code is not working. I tried functions such as “mouseenter” and that didn’t work, so I simply tried this and the alert does not show up. Is it a problem with the syntax or possibly something I am missing?<script type=”text/javascript” src=”jquery-2.0.0.min.js”></script> <link type=”text/css” rel=”stylesheet” href=”stylesheet.css”/> <script type=”text/javascript” src=”script.js”></script>The JS is this:$(document).ready(function() {alert(“JQuery is working!

  • Will
    What are some quick tips for increasing jQuery performance?

  • tkone
    jquery ajax json jquery-ajax
    I have the following code:$.ajax({type: ‘get’,mode: ‘abort’,dataType: ‘json’,url: ‘http://localhost/1.php’,data: {},success: function(res){alert(res);},timeout: 10000,error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){alert(“ERROR L: ” + textStatus + ” (” + errorThrown + “)”);}});PHP contains only {id:1} and that’s it. When I try to parse the code as is, I get:ERROR L: parsererror (SyntaxError: Unexpected token i)from the error handler I have. If I change to dataType:’html’, Everything

  • Awea
    jquery cross-browser
    I have a form : <form accept-charset=”UTF-8″ action=”/back/pages/22?locale=fr” class=”form-horizontal page-form” enctype=”multipart/form-data” id=”edit_page_22″ method=”post” target=”_blank”><div style=”margin:0;padding:0;display:inline”><input name=”utf8″ type=”hidden” value=”?”><p><a href=”#” id=”no_window”>Submit</a></p><p><a href=”#” id=”new_window”>Submit & _blank</a></p> </form>And a Script attached : $(document).r

  • Jamie Taylor
    jquery internet-explorer
    I’ve got some code which when you click a button it populates the text of a textbox and then prepends another button to that div.It works in all browsers except IE where it gives a javascript error.The only way I can easily explain is by using my jsFiddleIf you use that in any browser apart from IE and click the Book now select a date and then another button will appear Submit.This is the correct behaviour but if you use IE then as soon as you select a date there’s a javascript error Unexpected

  • user1313330
    javascript ajax google-chrome highcharts
    I am trying to load a fairly large highcharts chart by loading the javascript for the chart with ajax. As in the entire chart is loaded by ajax, not updated by ajax. This works on all charts on firefox(even if it is really slow) and all but the largest charts in chrome. Any chart that has more than roughly 65000 characters (probably unsigned 16 bit variable but not sure) throws an ‘Unexpected end of input error’ in chrome. I have had charts just above this limit, then by simply reducing the numb

  • Katana314
    javascript google-chrome getusermedia
    So the standard way that navigator.webkitGetUserMedia is used is like such:function success() {console.log(‘User accepted’); }function deny() {console.log(‘User rejected’); }navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({video: true, audio: true}, success, deny);The site I’m developing absolutely needs the use of the user’s webcam and microphone (actually, using Flash, but that seems to go through this API now), so I’m trying to do everything to ensure the user always knows what they need to click for the site t

  • Dyvor
    javascript regex json firefox google-chrome
    I have the following JSON string, encoded with PHP 5.2 json_encode():{“foo”:”\\.”}This JSON string is valid. You can check it out at http://www.jsonlint.com/But the native JSON.parse() method (Chrome, Firefox), throws the following error, while parsing:SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGALDoes anybody of you know, why I cannot parse escaped regular expression meta chars?This example works:{“foo”:”\\bar”}But this one fails also:{“foo”:”\\?”}BTW: \. is just a simple test regular expression, which

  • ANTLRStarter
    javascript google-chrome exception-handling compiler-errors position
    How can I get the JavaScript source file/line number, maybe position of an error which is intercepted by an uncaughtException handler?. I’m using Chrome. error.stack as mentioned here Node.js doesnt display entire error message on uncaughtException, is it possible? doesn’t work (only text “SyntaxError: Unexpected token .”, but I get all the infos in the Chrome debugger.

  • Chris
    javascript python regex google-chrome firefox
    Here’s a little experiment, using the regular expression (.+)+, that I pulled out in my Chrome console:”abcd”.match(/(.+)+/) [“abcd”, “abcd”]which is utterly unexpected and weird. I tested in Firefox and the result was the same. However, in Python:>>> re.findall(r'(.+)+’, ‘abba’) [‘abba’]I can’t explain this. Anyone has an idea of might be happening in JavaScript’s engine?

  • haxxxton
    javascript jquery google-chrome safari hover
    ***SOLVED***Hey guysI am currently trying to make some jquery hover effects render correctly in all browsers. For the moment, firefox, IE, opera all do what they are supposed to. However, Safari and Chrome do not.the code looks like this:<div id=”button1″><div id=”work_title” class=”title_james”>WORDS </div> </div> <div id=”button2″><div id=”work_title” class=”title_mike”>MORE WORDS </div> </div>and the script effecting it looks like this<script

  • Joel Pearson
    debugging google-chrome angularjs webstorm
    I followed Vojta’s video about how to do debug angularjs in Webstorm.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVw8N3hTfCI&feature=plcpHowever, every time I stop the testacular server in webstorm. I have to reinstall the webstorm debug extension for chrome. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to install it into some Chrome profile or something?

  • user3002092
    javascript html5 internet-explorer google-chrome asp.net-mvc-4
    I have a really basic snippet of javascript code that works in Internet Explorer, but not Google Chrome. Here’s the line it breaks on:var formChildren = document.getElementById(‘myForm’).children;This is the first line in my script. The error I receive is: cannot read property ‘children’ of null.Does anyone know if I’m missing something? I can’t imagine why Chrome would error out on such a basic line.This is part of an MVC 4 project if that makes any difference.Thank you in advance!

  • Eric
    google-chrome svg
    I have an SVG document hereOn firefox, everything works as expected. However, google chrome appears to think this line:<image … xlink:href=”/textures/Cube top.png” />references http://minecraft-cube.comuv.com/index.svg, not http://minecraft-cube.comuv.com/textures/Cube top.png, resulting in unexpected recursion.Obviously, I’d much prefer it if it used the image I specify.What is going on here?EDIT: Filed bug #68732 in Chrome. May still be doing something wrong though.

  • knobcreekman
    jquery asp.net-mvc-3 internet-explorer google-chrome firefox
    I have some markup like this:<li id=”myId” data-foo=”Bar”>Text</li>In IE, I am succesfully getting the value of data-foo with $(‘#myId’).data(‘foo’), but it is not returning anything in Chrome or Firefox. For what it’s worth info: The page is generated by asp.net mvc from a template. The function that is trying to access data-foo is called from a popup launched from the page containing the <li> element above. I have also tried $(‘#myId’).attr(‘data-foo’) with no luck eitherTha

  • RolPasto
    jinja2 typeerror python-3.2
    I am using Ubuntu 12.04, python 3.2.3 and jinja2 2.6-1.When passing the option lstrip_blocks to the Environment as follows, I get this error “**TypeError: \__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘lstrip_blocks’**”from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader(‘jinja2_hello’,’.’),lstrip_blocks=True) template = env.get_template(‘template_hello.html’) output = template.render() print(output)The template template_hello.html contains only:helloThe other op

  • Apple.
    actionscript-3 debugging typeerror flash-cs6
    May I know what kind of errors are this? And what are they telling me? How should I fix these errors? TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.at Options()TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.at Options/setName()at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()at fl.controls::TextInput/handleKeyDown()Thank You!

  • Andy Hayden
    python pandas typeerror dataframes
    I have a dictionary object of the form:my_dict = {id1: val1, id2: val2, id3: val3, …}I want to create this into a dataframe where I want to name the 2 columns ‘business_id’ and ‘business_code’. I tried:business_df = DataFrame.from_dict(my_dict,orient=’index’,columns=[‘business_id’,’business_code’])but it says from_dict doesn’t take in a columns argument.TypeError: from_dict() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘columns’

  • sunburst
    javascript jquery syntax-error typeerror uncaught-exception
    I’ve helped a friend 3 years ago to develop a small website. It worked perfectly until some days ago. I’ve found by inspecting it, that it throws a bunch of jQuery syntax errors (also related to other jQuery plugins).The errors displayed on the console are:Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token, jquery.colorbox-min.js:4 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected number jquery.orbit-1.2.3.min.js:10 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

  • ElvisLikeBear
    jquery python django typeerror
    While running the program i am getting the following error messageCaught TypeError while rendering: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘use_decimal’Here is my code i am using jquery 1.6.4 def load_charts(chart_list=None, render_to=”):embed_script = (‘<script type=”text/javascript”>\n”var _chartit_hco_array = %s;\n</script>\n”<script src=”%s” type=”text/javascript”>\n</script>’)if chart_list is not None:if isinstance(chart_list, (Chart, PivotChart)):chart_

  • user2975192
    python syntax typeerror
    Why would the codeprint(“Average =” (sum/count))produce a type error and not a syntax error, seeing as a comma is missing?Thanks.

  • Subhrajyoti Majumder
    java generics typeerror instanceof
    Possible Duplicate:Java: Instanceof and Generics I am trying to write a function which cast a generic List to specific type List. Find the code below public <T>List<T> castCollection(List srcList, Class<T> clas){List<T> list =new ArrayList<T>();for (Object obj : srcList) {if(obj instanceof T){…}}return list; }But obj instanceof T showing a compilation error – Cannot perform instanceof check against type parameter T. Use instead its erasure Object >instead since f

  • yossi
    python version lxml typeerror
    I am using python 2.7 and i am trying to use lxml but when i try using lxml.etree i get this error:RuntimeWarning: compiletime version 2.6 of module ‘lxml.etree’ does not match runtime version 2.7And then this error :File “lxml.etree.pyx”, line 123, in init lxml.etree (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:160385)TypeError: encode() argument 1 must be string without null bytes, not unicodeI have tried installing using easy_install and using pipAfter installing i see this meassage :Installed /usr/lib/python2.6/

  • Hoxieboy
    python typeerror smtplib
    Alright guys, I have looked on the interwebz for ages and simply could not find an answer to this. I have tried many suggestions but I cant seem to get it to work! I am attempting to send an email using python (smtplib and email modules) and the gmail service. Here are my imported packages:import time, math, urllib2, urllib, os, shutil, zipfile, smtplib, sys from email.mime.text import MIMETextand here is my def statement for sending the email:def sendmessage(): print(‘== You are now sending an

  • Bolster
    python arguments tuples typeerror
    For example: mytuple = (“Hello”,”World”) def printstuff(one,two,three):print one,two,threeprintstuff(mytuple,” How are you”)This naturally crashes out with a TypeError because I’m only giving it two arguments when it expects three.Is there a simple way of effectively ‘splitting’ a tuple in a tider way than expanding everything? Like:printstuff(mytuple[0],mytuple[1],” How are you”)

  • user3328942
    javascript html div preloader
    I am designing a website and am having some issues on certain computers. Most computers show the site perfectly, but certain computers just load a blank grey screen. My work computer is one that has an issue, The website is http://holidayinnkilgoretx.com and loads fine on the home page and photo page, but when I go to http://holidayinnkilgoretx.com/raa.php it messes up. Please let me know If i have something wrong in my code which is causing this. I checked all divs and closing tags etc.It also

  • Gambit
    actionscript-3 preloader
    I have a two files: Main.swf and DataEnter.swf. Each has a Document Class. I try to load DataEnter.swf in Main.swf.Main.aspackage {import flash.events.*;import flash.display.MovieClip;import flash.net.URLRequest;import flash.net.URLLoader;import flash.display.Loader;public class Main extends MovieClip{ public function Main(){var loader: Loader = new Loader();loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, DataEnter_loadComplete);loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent

  • Lebowski156
    flash actionscript-3 preloader
    I was wondering what the best way to load my flash game would be. I know how to make an external preloader, but if I want to upload the .swf of the game to a site like newgrounds, Im guessing I need an internal preloader.I’ve tried a few times but my game only displays after the swf is 100% loaded. While its loading I just see white screen with grey “…” which im guessing is built into the flash player.I have a .fla called AsteroidsGame.fla which has a library of some classes, and the game’s st

  • jonathanasdf
    flex actionscript-3 preloader
    I’m creating a custom preloader for a Flex app and have noticed the following behavior: when loading, the progress bar goes to 100%, then down then back up, and so on until the app is finished loading.When I put a trace in the dowloadprogress listener, I see that while the app is loading, both bytesLoaded and bytesTotal increase, but not necessarily at the same time.Code:private function onDownloadProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void {var loaded:int = event.bytesLoaded;var total:int = event.bytesT

  • Antonio Barcos
    jquery google-chrome typeerror preloader lowercase
    I downloaded the QueryLoader plugin from http://www.gayadesign.com/diy/queryloader-preload-your-website-in-style/ to preload the site before showing the content. However, the Chrome console shows the following message when I access to:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘toLowerCase’ of undefined Here’s the code:The problem is in the .toLowerCase() line:getImages: function(selector) {var everything = $(selector).find(“*:not(script)”).each(function() {var url = “”;if ($(this).css(“background-i

  • Cummander Checkov
    javascript jquery image preloader preloading
    I am trying to find an image preloader script.While i found a few, none of them supports an event that is triggered when preloading is finished. Does anyone know of any script or jQuery plugin that will do this?Hope this question is appropriate for stackoverflow – if not, feel free to remove it in an instant.

  • Konrad
    flash actionscript-2 preloader
    just a quick question reguarding how to make a preloader animate backwards. So the bar decreases in width as the load number gets larger.Here’s my codeonClipEvent (enterFrame) {loading = _root.getBytesLoaded();total = _root.getBytesTotal();if (percent == undefined) percent = 0;percent -= (percent-((loading/total)*100))*.25;per = int(percent);percentage = per+”%”;loadBar._width = per*9.70;if (percent>99) {_root.gotoAndStop(2);} }Many thanks,Matt

  • Zuriel Andrusyshyn
    jquery image append preloader preload
    I have a javascript preloader that loads in an array of images to my page and then does a callback function after its finished.During that preload I want to append the current image being preloaded to the HTML page in a loading box. Here is my current code. The current code doesn’t work for each image but instead just displays the name of the last image loaded. What can I do to fix my preloader function so that during each loop it appends the correct name to my div?// Usage: $([‘img1.jpg’,’im

  • Mohammad Adil
    jquery preloader
    I am using the following approach to Preload the content of my website:$(window).load(function(){$(‘#preLoader’).hide();$(‘#container’).show(); });Now my #container div contains all my website content. I don’t want this to be shown until my body background image has completely loaded…So while the background image is loaded, the #preLoader div displays with an animated loader gif inside.The issue:There are some elements that do not always load (eg gravatars) due to the Server containing the res

  • BrianFreud
    jquery google-chrome greasemonkey preloader userscripts
    I’m trying to modify the various loaders out there so multiple scripts can be handled before the main function is called. This should load jQuery, then jQueryUI, and then call main() to actually start the userscript. However, it does loop through, but when it gets to main(), I get a console error from Chrome about jQuery being undefined.!function loader (i) {var requires = [ ‘http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js’, ‘https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8/j

  • Sai Ye Yan Naing Aye
    java naming-conventions uppercase lowercase
    Why should the first letter of a Java class be upper-cased? Is it not possible to run a program containing lower-cased class names? If it is possible, what’s the difference?

  • Antonio Barcos
    jquery google-chrome typeerror preloader lowercase
    I downloaded the QueryLoader plugin from http://www.gayadesign.com/diy/queryloader-preload-your-website-in-style/ to preload the site before showing the content. However, the Chrome console shows the following message when I access to:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘toLowerCase’ of undefined Here’s the code:The problem is in the .toLowerCase() line:getImages: function(selector) {var everything = $(selector).find(“*:not(script)”).each(function() {var url = “”;if ($(this).css(“background-i

  • Klaas M
    jquery uppercase lowercase
    I want a string to randomly alternate uppercase and lowercase letters.To do this I grab the content of class “post__title” into a string, explode that string into an array of letters. Then loop that array and randomly assign either 0 or 1 to each letter. If the value is 1, the letter should be transformed to uppercase, if the value is 0, the letter should be transformed to lower case. This then has to be reapplied to “post__title” replacing the old content.I’m quite inexperienced, but so far I h

  • user2450044
    c uppercase lowercase tolower toupper
    This question already has an answer here:c – convert a mixed-case string to all lower case5 answersI have a char foo[SIZE]; //(string) and have inputed it correctly using %s (as in it printfs the correct input), but now want to set it to lowercase. So I tried using if (isupper(*foo)) *foo=tolower(*foo); ie when I do:printf(“%s” foo); //I get the same text with upper caseThe text does not seem to change. Thank you.

  • Webnet
    php class methods parent lowercase
    This problem is pretty simple, im sure, i just dont know the answer.I have a class that extends another class. When I try parent::method to use the functionality from the parent class, I get “Call to undefined method ‘parentClass’::getid()”.What its doing is, it is forcing the method name to be lowercased. from the example above, parent::getId() is being forced to parent::getid(); I do not know why this is? Any thoughts?Code exampleClass myClass extends OtherClass { public function getProductLi

  • think123
    javascript string lowercase
    This is all the code I have:var ans = 334; var temp = ans.toLowerCase(); alert(temp);And then it gives me this error:’undefined’ is not a function (evaluating ‘ans.toLowerCase()’)I don’t know where I got this wrong. I always thought that numbers can also be parsed, with no change in result (maybe that’s where I stuffed up).But if that’s not the error, can someone write a custom makeLowerCase function, to make the string lower case, perhaps using regex or something?

  • Alexey Frunze
    c string uppercase lowercase
    My code is here:char* kropecka(char* tab) {int a=0,b=0;char* zwr;zwr=(char*)malloc(30*sizeof(char));for(a;strlen(tab);a++){if(tab[a]!=’.’){if(isupper(tab[a]))zwr[b]=tolower(tab[a]);if(islower(tab[a]))zwr[b]=toupper(tab[a]);b++;}}zwr[b]=’\0′;return zwr; }There is no errors, warnings or something like this. But program crashed when I give him some string:————————— Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library————————— Debug Assertion Failed!Program: …s\Visual Studio2010\

  • capede
    c string lowercase
    i had a few line here : #include <stdio.h>char *tolower(char *data) {char *p = data;while(*p){printf(“nilai p : %c\n”,*p);if(*p >= ‘A’ && *p <= ‘Z’){*p += (‘a’ – ‘A’);}p++;}return p;}int main() {char *a = “HajAR BleH”;char *b = tolower(a);printf(“nilai b : %s\n”,b);printf(“nilai a – A : %d\n”,’a’ – ‘A’); return 0; }next, compiled, running on gdb, and segmentation tracedxxx@aaa:/tmp$ gcc -o aa aa.c –debug xxx@aaa:/tmp$ gdb -q aa Reading symbols from /tmp/aa…done. (gdb) r St

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