CodeMirror htmlmixed mode breaks-Collection of common programming errors

I’m building a mobile web application with jQuery Mobile and CodeMirror. But since I’m trying to use htmlmixed mode, I’m having troubles. (With css mode or js mode it works perfectly)

TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'htmlMode.startState()') in htmlmixed.js:72

Does anybody know how to debug this? I tried for hours. I commented out this line, I inspected the htmlMode object, searched with DuckDuckGo and Google… No luck.

These are the lines with which I’m loading CodeMirror:

And so I’m initializing CodeMirror:

$(document).on("pageinit","#asite",function (){
    var mirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("dateifeld"),{
        lineNumbers: true,
        mode: "text/html",
        lineWrapping: true

Here is the relevant HTML:

Edit: Got it! The problem was that I didn’t included the XML script. (CodeMirror HTML mode not working)