ios,ipad,internationalization,storyboardRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • user2608391
    ios cocoa-touch google-api google-drive-sdk google-api-objc-client
    I’m attempting to follow these instructions: the first time I tried this, I got the error mentioned on this question, but was able to solve it. The sample app now runs, however it crashes before uploading anything to Google Drive. It stops on the loading screen and gives the following error.Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSInternalInconsistencyException’, reason: ‘unexpected response data (uploading to the wrong URL?)’What does i

  • Bacalso Vincent
    ios svn ios6 cocoapods xcode4.6.2
    So we decided to integrate cocoapods in our existing project which is under SVN. My teammate had successfully setup it and he can just build the project just fine.But when I checked-out the project and did a pod install, this what happens:Analyzing dependencies Downloading dependencies Using ASIHTTPRequest (1.8.1) Using Base64nl (1.1) Installing Facebook-iOS-SDK (3.7.1) [!] Pod::Executable clone ‘/Users/me/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/GitHub/2cdc3c53ee617444d0d6cd7730e598cd77a19eb2’ ‘/Users/me/Desk

  • Kara
    ios iphone google-maps-api-3 google-places-api
    I am trying to fetch the data from google place API.I have tried the url with one type,and getting the result.But when I give pipes to seperate the types I am getting Json Error.But I am getting the json array when I run this url on a browserWhat may be the issue ?? NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”,70.25412&rankby=distance&types=restaurant|park|hospital|school|bar&sensor=false&key=myKey”];NSUR

  • Alexander Longbeach
    ios ipad uiwebview
    I have a UIWebview inside a UIScrollview with a lot of content. When the content loaded by the UIWebView is really big, its starts to lag.Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Keep in mind that it only lags when the UIWebview’s height becomes considerably big.Thank you in advance!

  • Darko Rodic
    ios uiwebview uiscrollview
    I have view controller with following view hierarchy:UIView’- UIScrollView’- UIWebView’- UIWebView’- … more UIWebViewsUIScrollView has paging enabled and each page contains one UIWebView. UIScrollView occupies entire screen, UIWebView as well.Now my problem is that I need to detect touches on entire screen. I guess that UIScrollView somehow eats most of those (and since UIWebView contains scroll view as well, things got even more complicated).I tried subclassing each of those views and tried b

  • albertamg
    iphone ios uiimageview
    I need to put an image to the bottom of screen, so I used UIImageView and tried two ways to specify its position:someImageView.frame=CGRectMake(x, y, a, b); [someImageView initWithFrame:CGRectMake(x, y, a, b)];But it shows up at the top covering the navigation bar. What did I do wrong? What would you suggest to do?Thank you in advance.

  • abbood
    ios objective-c uitableview uitableviewcell uitableviewcontroller
    I was having issues with my cell background image being distorted, and after having it answered I then went to implement the solution which basically consisted of shortening the height of the specific offending cells (that automatically had height added to them). I did this as follows:- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {CGFloat standardHeight = 44.0;if ([tableView numberOfRowsInSection:indexPath.section] == 1) {standardHeight -= 2;}retu

  • Mitul Nakum
    c# ios cocoa-touch monotouch uipageviewcontroller
    I’m on Monotouch 5.2.6 and iOS SDK 5.0.1.I have a UIPageViewController that is a child container of another view controller. It is created like this:pageViewController = new UIPageViewController (UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyle.PageCurl, UIPageViewControllerNavigationOrientation.Horizontal, UIPageViewControllerSpineLocation.Min);this.AddChildViewController (pageViewController);pageViewController.DidMoveToParentViewController (this);this.viewCurrentMode.AddSubview (pageViewController.View);If

  • iDev
    iphone objective-c ios nsdate
    NSDate *date = [NSDate date]; NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init]; [dateFormat setDateFormat:@”MM/dd/yyyy”]; NSLog([@”today is ” stringByAppendingString:[dateFormat stringFromDate:date]]); NSLog([@”firstBirthdayDate is ” stringByAppendingString:[dateFormat stringFromDate:firstBirthdayDate]]); NSLog([@”secondBirthdayDate is ” stringByAppendingString:[dateFormat stringFromDate:secondBirthdayDate]]); if ([firstBirthdayDate isEqualToDate:secondBirthdayDate])NSLog(@”First date

  • Rajesh
    ios objective-c uitableview uitableviewcell uiscrollview
    BriefI am having an issue with a UITableView inside a UIScrollView. When I scroll the external scrollView, the table does not receive the willSelect/didSelect event on the first touch, but it does on the second one. What is even more strange, the cell itself gets the touches and the highlighted state, even when the delegate does not.Detailed explanationMy view hierarchy:UIView- UIScrollView (outerscroll)- Some other views and buttons- UITableView (tableView)Inside the scroll view I have some ex

  • Alexander Longbeach
    ios ipad uiwebview
    I have a UIWebview inside a UIScrollview with a lot of content. When the content loaded by the UIWebView is really big, its starts to lag.Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Keep in mind that it only lags when the UIWebview’s height becomes considerably big.Thank you in advance!

  • Fabrizio
    iphone ipad uikit
    do anyone have experience with TableView inside a custom TableCell ?I had a try and the TableView in the TableCell looks like that can’t respond to user inputs (ie scrolling).Before going any further I would like to know if I am wasting my time !Does anyone have seen something like that around ? Any reference would be helpful.Thanks

  • onjegolders
    css ipad
    am trying to find a way of centering my div #container on the ipad page. It’s a fairly simple 960px wide, margin 0 auto job. The body is given a background color but on the ipad either the container just takes up the whole page or the margin works on the left but the page is stuck to the right hand edge.I’ve seen various ideas posted over the internet about min-width, viewport etc. Ideally I’d use @media queries in my stylesheet as everything else looks fine by defaultThanks

  • hyphen
    jquery ipad touch jquery-hover
    I have a drop down menu, and it works great except on touch devices. On an ipad, when you touch one of the menu items, the dropdown appears like normal, but stays there even if you touch someplace else on the screen. How can I make the menu disappear if you touch elsewhere on the screen? Here’s the jsfiddle:’s my jquery:$(document).ready(function(){ $(‘ul.nav_menu > li’).hover(function() {$(this).children(“.sub_menu”).stop(true, true).animate({height:”toggle”,

  • Peter Willsey
    ipad layout uiscrollview modalviewcontroller
    I have a UIScrollVIew in a Navigation controller, I present a Modal View controller from the Navigation controller, which works fine. When I dismiss the modal view controller (from the parent), all the content in my UIScroll view gets moved around and paging is broken. The contents of the scroll view are added programmatically, but the scrollView was created in IB.

  • Anna
    cocoa-touch ipad uitableview uiscrollview
    I want tableView [50,50,200,300] in scrollView[0,0,1024,1400] for iPad in Landscape mode. ScrollView is scrolling fine where as table view in scrollView does not takes touches to scroll. Can anyone please help.

  • Krunal
    iphone ios ipad uiwebview epub
    I am new to iPhone, I made ePub reader app, in which i am loading local .html page in my webview.when i load my .html page it works properly but after some time it does not load properly. something unexpected things gets loads in my webview like html page’s text color gets changes,backgorung color gets changes and images gets resizes and all several unexpected things occurs, when this things occurs at a same time when i click on button and on click when i call [webview reload] then everything a

  • TompaLompa
    iphone ipad uinavigationcontroller
    In my application I want to push a different view from the ViewWillAppear of my current view. Application is running but I am getting a message in console is thatFinishing up a navigation transition in an unexpected state. Navigation Bar subview tree might get corrupted.Can you help me.

  • Madhumitha
    html iphone xcode ipad nsstring
    I am using the following line in my code.But am getting “unexpected ‘@’ in program error”.I used \n and make html string to single line.but its not separating the to solve this?NSArray *temp1 = [str componentsSeparatedByString:@”</td></tr><tr>”];

  • Hive7
    objective-c ipad uiimagepickercontroller uipopovercontroller cgrectmake
    I have a UIPickerController that appears when you click a button though the arrow on it doesn’t change position from the bottom even when I use UIPopoverArrowDirectionUp.- (IBAction)addPicture:(id)sender {CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0,650,768,1024);[popOverController presentPopoverFromRect:rect inView:self.view permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionUp animated:YES]; }I guess this must be quite commonThanks in advance

  • Justin H.
    django internationalization translation lazy-evaluation
    When I use pgettext_lazy to on the help_text of my model, my template fails. It works fine with ugettext_lazy.ErrorCaught TypeError while rendering: Lazy object returned unexpected type.Modelclass BalanceIncreaseOrder(models.Model):amount = models.FloatField(help_text=pgettext_lazy(“Translators: please localize this to reflect the correct currency”, “Note: amount will be billed in United States dollars (USD)”))Formclass BalanceIncreaseOrderForm(ModelFormRequired):class Meta:model = BalanceIncre

  • chills42
    validation utf-8 internationalization
    I’m processing some data files that are supposed to be valid UTF-8 but aren’t, which causes the parser (not under my control) to fail. I’d like to add a stage of pre-validating the data for UTF-8 well-formedness, but I’ve not yet found a utility to help do this. There’s a web service at W3C which appears to be dead, and I’ve found a Windows-only validation tool that reports invalid UTF-8 files but doesn’t report which lines/characters to fix. I’d be happy with either a tool I can drop in and use

  • kranzky
    python internationalization locale
    We’re using a third-party middleware product that allows us to write code in an embedded Python interpreter, and which exposes an API that we can call into. Some of these API calls allow us to load various kinds of file, and the loading code is implemented in C. File loading happens in a separate thread, and calls back into Python when the data is available. So far, all well and dandy.We’ve been i14ing (heh) our product, and one thing we’d like to do is format user-facing numerical output accord

  • cjm
    perl unit-testing localization internationalization error-handling
    In my module, I’ve got this code:croak(“unable to parse file: $!”);Then, in my tests, I want to check that I get the right error message when I attempt to parse a file that doesn’t exist:like(exception { HTML::Tree->new_from_file( “t/non_existent.html” ) },qr!^unable to parse file: No such file !,”opening missing file failed” );This works fine, as long as the tests are running in an English locale. But if you run the tests in a German locale, the error message will come back unable to parse

  • LocoNeko73
    php internationalization twig silex
    I’m trying to do some i18n on some Twig templates. The relevant code in index.php is as follows :// Twig $app->register(new Silex\Provider\TwigServiceProvider(), array(‘twig.path’ => __DIR__ . ‘/../src/views’, )); $twig = new \Twig_Environment($app[‘twig.loader.filesystem’]); $twig->addExtension(new \Twig_Extensions_Extension_I18n());// User Controller Service Provider for SimpleUser $app->register($u = new SimpleUser\UserServiceProvider()); $app[‘twig.loader.filesystem’]->addPath

  • svick
    java web-development internationalization
    Internationalized applications usually display links in header for translating in different languages, e.g.: Spanish | English | Italian.These links usually translate current page in the selected language, and usually the url includes the language: Questions:Does this only apply to static content? Is it possible to internationalize this way dynamic content? For instance, a page which results in some form submission, clicking a different language might re

  • MichaelT
    applications internationalization
    I have a application which will be available in 4 languages: French, German, Danish and English. All the text in the app will be translated, but should the EULA also be translated? What is the common way of handling this? The lawyer has accepted the english version of the EULA and I assume all the translated versions should also be accepted then. Is it okay just to use a English EULA?

  • jbaiter
    python internationalization gettext
    I am currently trying to implement internationalization in an application (Python 2.6) and have run into an error involving string formatting. A string marked translatable looks like this:foo = _(“I would like to have %d pounds of cheese” % amount)Running pygettext on my source tree then complains when it hits this line:$ pygettext . *** ./ Seen unexpected token “%”The resulting messages.pot file does not contain the string after pygettext has done its work. What is the way to go fo

  • Adrian Carneiro
    c# internationalization
    I’m looking for ways to implement internationalization in our web-based software. Of course, I’m not asking for a specific implementation, just a simple example that should guide me to the right (if there’s such a thing) direction.One thing that worries me, for instance, is DateTime handling. When users input Dates in a textbox, how should I validate that entry based on the current language settings (mm/dd/yyyy x dd/mm/yyyy)?What about the text itself, where should I store it. Of course I can cr

  • frankadelic localization resources internationalization globalization
    Is it possible to put resource files (.resx) within subfolders inside App_GlobalResources?For example:/App_GlobalResources/someresources/myfile.resx/App_GlobalResources/someresources/, are all the .resx files placed directly inside App_GlobalResources?If it is possible to use subfolders, how do you programmatically access resources within subfolders?

  • user1899201
    iphone ios storyboard xcode4.5
    I have been trying to get the variable for the keyboardType self.titleField.keyboardType When i use nslog it returns about 10 values that are either 0 or 4 I have implemented custom behavior for the number pad keyboard so i need to check if it’s the number pad or default keyboard that is showing up. I have also tried to use self.view.tag to set it by view instead of keyboard. The nslog for that returns all the tags of the previous view controllers that the application has been through. I think

  • Teo Sartori
    ios splash-screen storyboard ios5
    I have been trying to understand why my modally presented image is not being shown underlaid the transparent status bar. The _window.rootViewController is a UILayoutContainerView, part of the Tab view that is the first responder view defined in the Storyboard.When the presentViewController message is sent to the rootViewController i can see in the call stack thatUIWindowController transition:fromViewController:toViewController:target:didEndSelector:calls the setFrame of my coverImageViewControll

  • Kivin
    c# .net wpf storyboard
    I’m trying to solve a problem where I am running a ColorAnimation in a storyboard and the “To” value can only be provided by a static class.Basically, the desired outcome is:<ColorAnimation BeginTime=”0:00:00″ Duration=”0:00:00.333″Storyboard.TargetName=”border”Storyboard.TargetProperty=”(Background).(SolidColorBrush.Color)”To=”{Binding XYZ, Source={x:Static ZZZ}}” />Obviously this will crash since bindings can’t be placed in a ColorAnimation’s To value. I would consider making a duplicate

  • user1601259
    ios xcode storyboard uistoryboard uistoryboardsegue
    Since I’m using a tapku calendar I want to fire a manual segue when a date is pressed. So I instantiate the view controller that I want to segue to, the segue, and then perform the segue. DisplayScheduleViewController *vc = [[DisplayScheduleViewController alloc] init];mySegue = [[UIStoryboardSegue alloc] initWithIdentifier:@”Day G” source:self destination:vc];[self performSegueWithIdentifier:@”Day G” sender:self];}However, the program crashes once a date is pressed and this is the exception mess

  • Abizern
    xcode storyboard
    I just spent hours debugging an “unrecognized selector sent to instance” runtime error in IOS. As it turns out, the unrecognized selector was an erroneous Sent Event within a storyboard referencing a selector that I had since changed in a ViewController. I used the “Show the Search Navigator” tool to search the source code for the unrecognized selector and could not find it. Obviously (now) the error was in the storyboard.Is there a good way to search the storyboard for text that may provide

  • Toss Net
    windows-phone-7 xaml storyboard winrt-xaml
    is it possible to get the current color of the element<UserControl.Resources> <Storyboard x:Name=”SBFade”><ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames x:Name=”keyframes” Storyboard.TargetProperty=”(Panel.Background).(SolidColorBrush.Color)” Storyboard.TargetName=”LayoutRoot”><EasingColorKeyFrame KeyTime=”0″ Value=”#FF681D1D”/><EasingColorKeyFrame KeyTime=”0:0:0.6″ Value=”Gray”/></ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames> </Storyboard> </UserControl.Resources><Grid x:Name=

  • Paul R
    ios xcode layout storyboard css-float
    I want to put several image view in a row. And during runtime, I will show/hide the image view dynamically, is there anything I can set in the storyboard so that when one of them is hidden, the rest on its right will “float” to the left to fill its position. In html, I can style all div to float to do so, anything similar in iOS? Thanks.

  • rmaddy
    ios user-interface storyboard uitextfield
    Trying to manipulate the design of an app, I am attempting to change the thickness of a textfield. I am setting the textfield thickness at runtime (I don’t know the other way,) and if the value is greater than 0.2, it will square itself:// cornered rectangle self.tfHostname.layer.borderWidth=0.3; self.tfHostname.borderStyle=UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect; // still corneredIf the value is less or equal to 0.2://rounded with no color changes applied to border self.tfHostname.layer.borderWidth=0.2;Ho

  • Timur Mustafaev
    objective-c ios uiviewcontroller uitabbarcontroller storyboard
    I’m using Storyboard first time, and I’ve created UITabBarController application. I’ve got 4 UINavigationControllers in UITabBarController. At the start only first UINavigationController with root UIViewController initializes, but other 3 initizlize only when I select them. How to init them all? I need instance each of them at the start. For example I need to set data from first UIViewController to the fourth, but to do that now, I need to select it first. I’ve put breakpoints in each UIViewCont

  • Bot
    iphone ios5 ios4 xcode4.2 storyboard
    I created my application with Storyboard not realizing till it was to late that iOS4.3 devices will not be supported. Is there an option where I can copy the storyboard views into xibs or programmatically do it at runtime? What options do I have without completely starting over?Kinda makes storyboards useless since alot of people still use iOS4x

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