How to host the google libphonenumber locally?-Collection of common programming errors

During development on my localhost, I am trying to self host the libphonenumber library. I am trying with the following:


This is working, but I still have a dependency to an externally hosted component: the closure library. I have tried using closure-lite, which is (apparently, I am new here) a quite complete version of the closure library, available for self-hosting. I have tried doing the following:


But the goog.proto2.Message is not available. I am getting the following errors:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Message' of undefined

The error comes from the phonemetadata.pb.js script:

goog.inherits(i18n.phonenumbers.NumberFormat, goog.proto2.Message);

What can I do to completely self-host the libphonenumber?