problem about mediaelement.js-Collection of common programming errors
jquery twitter-bootstrap mediaelement.js
Using mediaelement.js along with bootstrap.js I ran into an issue with Chrome consistently crashing.After removing the bootstrap components one by one the issue was from the dropdown component. Going a bit further, commenting out the following lines resolved the issue with Chrome crashing.Line 794: .on(‘.dropdown-menu’, function (e) { e.stopPropagation() }) Line 795: .on(‘’ , toggle, Dropdown.prototype.toggle)However, these two lines/events are necessary for the dro
Wemerson Guimaraes
flv mediaelement.js flvplayback flvplayer
I have a great echosystem with .FLV files, and need to play it, but my player does not works.<script src=”mediaelement/build/mediaelement-and-player.min.js”></script> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”mediaelement/build/mediaelementplayer.min.css” /><video width=”640″ height=”480″ id=”player2″ poster=”myposters/flv-video-poster.jpg” controls=”controls” preload=”none”><object width=”640″ height=”480″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” data=”mediaelement/build/flashmediaele
Tobias Kienzler
When I try to use the plugin in firefox 20.0 I receive console errors:HTTP “Content-Type” of “audio/mpeg” is not supported. Load of media resource 01._fly.mp3 failed.Afterwards, when I call setcurrenttime() or some other method I get:uncaught exception: Error in Actionscript. Use a try/catch block to find error.In Chrome everything works fine. Anyone can tell me how to solve this issue?Here is a code sample:<audio id=”player” style=”margin-top: 50px; “type=”audio/mp3″ src=”‘+song+'”> </
A couple quick questions:is the success event a “normalized” event for both native and flash/silverlight shims? The documented examples suggest it is only for when Flash/Silverlight objects are ready. (success doesn’t seem to fire on Android when Flash Player is installed and is either always active or on demand)setMuted doesn’t seem to work for Flash, if I add it to the success event it doesn’t work, and it seems to cause any other code in the success function to fail silently. I also tried to
jquery mediaelement.js
I’m having some conflicts within some code I just picked up to work with. It has the library AJS js loaded up and it is being used and I am trying to load up and use jQuery along with the mediaelement html5 video player. I can load everything together and use jQuery and use $ as long as I $.noConflict() before my document ready. However when I try to use the mediaelement resource and actually create my video player I am getting this error. I am initalizing the mediaelement player like so :vide
jquery mediaelement.js
Good morning, I try work with mediaelementjs video player. My html:<video id=”player” width=”758px” height=”400px” controls=”controls” autoplay preload=”auto”><source type=”video/flv” src=”media/demo.flv” /> </video>Javascript: var player = new MediaElementPlayer(“#player”,{success: function (mediaElement, domObject) {// call the play;}});I obtain this error:Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLEmbedElement> has no method ‘pauseMedia’ mejs.PluginMed
javascript mediaelement.js
I’m getting the following errors in different browsers. It seems to concern all the same problem of missing ‘loaded’ or ‘width’ object on line 1663 of mediaelement-and-player.js:// update loaded bar t.loaded.width( * percent);(mediaelement.js Version 2.1.5)It always occurs twice, once on the page loaded and once at the end of the played video.IE9:SCRIPT5007: Unable to get valueof the property ‘width’: object isnull or undefined mediaelement-and-player.js, line 1663character 4FF4.0
mediaelement.js playlist playlists
I tried to search the example of audio playlist in mediaelement.js. But i found none, is mediaelement.js supports audio playlist? If so, please kindly support me the sample code or links. Thank you very much.
I have a problem in my implemantation of mediaelementjs. I need to have a list of links with which to change the video source. The problem is that the second time I click hover the link, every time I click on the play button the debbugger say me “this.pluginApi.pauseMedia is not a function”. This happen in Firefox with flash fallback. This is my code to change video:<script type=”text/javascript”> var player = null; var videoCounter = 0; var videoSubsLang = ‘es’;function loadVideo(videoSou
javascript jquery html5 internet-explorer-8 mediaelement.js
I’ve looked through all the other questions posed here, and nothing has really solved my problem.At present the video will load and play in Chrome, Safari, FF, and IE9, but NOT IE8 which is the last browser I need to support. You can view the page here.I have been trying to use the Debug option, but not getting any help from that either. Here is what the debugger is telling me:Initializing… stage: 0x560 file: path/to/video.mp4 autoplay:true preload:true isvideo:true smoothing:false timerrate
javascript dom mediaelement.js ogg cortado
I made a few changes to the MEjs demo player, to enable playback of OGG in IE/Safari browsers, using the Cortado Java applet.I have play/pause working, and although getPlayPosition() isn’t getting the current position in milliseconds as described in the documentation, applet.currentTime and applet.duration work well for this purpose.I thought it would be simple to hook these up to the current position indicators on the mejs player, but I’m running into a problem. setCurrentTime on the object is
What could be causing this and how can I make it work?An error has occurred in the script on this page.Line: 1993Char: 3Error: ‘node’ is null or not an object Code: 0Url:mediaelement-and-player.jsThe relevant code in mediaelement-and-player.js is:// check for existing playerif (typeof t.node.player != ‘undefined’) {return t.node.player;} else {// attach player to DOM node for referencet.node.player = t;}and the statement causing the error (line 1993) is the one with the typeof operator.
According to what is stated on mediaelement.js website it should be easy to get player state. But I cannot figure out how to do it.I’m creating player like this and trying to read properties (the player itself is working without problems).var player = new MediaElementPlayer(‘.player_1’); player.pause(); log(player.paused); log(player.volume);But this fails – both paused and volume are undefined.I’m using latest 2.8.2 version.jsfiddle example:
firefox fullscreen mp4 mediaelement.js
In the demo page(mediaelementplayer.html / Single MP4 File) , i cant open the fullscreen mode on Firefox. The fullscreen button trigger a play or a pause action.In the console, the command mejs.players.mep_0.enterFullScreen(); return undefined if there’s only a mp4 fileDo you know how to fix it ? Thanks
We’re having problems with Chrome crashing, and it seems to be related to the html5 video player, is there any way to force MediaElement.js to use the flash player even if html5 is supported? I can do a browser test in jQuery if I can figure out what setting to pass to mediaelement.I’ve seen a few tantalizing suggestions in blogs and forums that this can be done, but I’m not seeing a specific option in the documentation. Any help would be very much appreciated!
firefox html5-audio mediaelement.js shoutcast
The shoutcast stream not working using mediaelement js audio player on latest firefox 21. Its working on other browsers like Chrome and IE.You check the link below. It was working earlier with older Firefox.Test link
php ajax internet-explorer internet-explorer-8 mediaelement.js
I have an absolutely crazy-making bug going on in IE8. At the moment, the following code works everywhere but IE8.If I run this in chrome, with the alerts enabled “success” fires. If I run it in IE “error” does.Sadly, in IE I can’t seem to track down any sort of verbose error message.Is there anyone who has figured this out? I’m going bonkers trying to figure it out.<?php function the_ajax(){ $video_embed = “<video id=’myvideo’ width=’$videowidth’ height=’$videoheight’ poster=’$large’ co
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