javascript,postmessage,web-worker,worker,domexceptionRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • raffi keklikian
    I’m having an issue with this basic conditional statement..When the var equals 9 then the script works but once hits 10 and above it refers to “running low” which is only for the number 5 and below…please help..Thank you.<script type=”text/javascript”>var inventory = “9”;if( inventory == “Sold Out” ){document.write(“<b>Sold Out</b>”);}else if( inventory >= “6” ){document.write(“<b>more than 5</b>”);}else if( inventory <= “5” ){document.write(“<b>runnin

  • Devashish
    javascript special-characters
    Getting JS1015: Unterminated string constant error in IE and Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL in Chrome with the following js code in case character ????var smsDataList = ${requestScope.smsDataList};${requestScope.smsDataList} contains the json string inside which ???? is present.Any solution to support all types of characters? Please note that this error is coming only in case of ???? and not because of any unclosed quotes.

  • user1584988
    javascript jquery
    Hey guys i really need some help with this! So i need to change an image when you click on it to another one. Essentially its a sound button so when its clicked it shows mute.So far I’m completely baffled and have no idea where to start i know i can use Jquery/Javascript. Please help me!! here is my code:<div id= “Mute”><img class=”BeforeClick”src=”images/BeforeClickMute.png” width=”140″ height=”126″/><img class=”AfterClick”src=”images/AfterClickMute.png” width=”140″ height=”126″

  • dogmatic69
    javascript html svg
    I have a bit of code something like the following showing an svg image on my site.<a href=””> <img src=””> </a>The svg file is something like the following:<svg width=”600″ height=”400″ xmlns=”” xmlns:xlink=””><g><title>Annotation</title><image xlink:href=”” id=”svg_1″ height=”400″ width=”600″ y=”0″ x=”

  • Serhyi Vynohradov
    php javascript html css
    I want to have a button, that logs out the user on click. But I don’t feel like creating a form for that, or making an “onclick” handler. Is there another way to do it?<p class=’loginposition normal’> .”$_SESSION[’email’]”.<form action=’/logout.php’ method=’post’><input class=’logout-submit button’ type=’submit’ style=’float:right;’ id=’logoutbtn’ value=’Log Out’></form> </p>”;I want them to be in one raw: [email protected] [Log Out]

  • Dave Kirk
    javascript jquery html css css3
    I have a html with inline css styling like this:<div class=”bgdiv” style=”background: url(‘×768/colorful-circles-and-drops.jpg’) local center center no-repeat transparent; background-size:100% 100%; width: 400px;height:400px”> I am some dummy text. </div>Which renders correctly, but if I change the height of the div to 500px via javascript it breaks down into several components of background like this$(document).ready(function () {$(‘.bgdiv’).

  • Temere
    javascript html
    I’m making a Javascript slideshow for my blog yet the array doesn’t seem to be working. Can someone please say what I’ve been doing wrong<SCRIPT type=”text/javascript”>var blog = new Array()blog[0]= “<h4>Sunday 17 of June 2012</h4><p title=’Blog’>Donec tempus risus eget ligula viverra eget placerat odio tincidunt. Duis nisl sem, scelerisque faucibus congue vitae, accumsan at lectus. Cras vestibulum arcu ut lorem luctus eu pharetra tortor ultricies. Nam iaculis orci mauris

  • Nick Carfagno
    javascript html
    so here is my code. It is a really simple shipping calculator. when I run it, all that displays is a messagebox asking the purchase price, and then it displays this ” â?< “. Anyone know what is happening?<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=”en”><head><title> Shipping Calculator</title><script > var purchasePrice = window.prompt(“Please enter the price of your purchase to calculate your shipping cost.”);var shippingPrice;function shippingMath(purchasePrice

  • user2964960
    javascript arrays design-patterns syntax
    I am having a issue in adding records to arrays, this is where the problem is:if(score(web[i].content, pattern) > 0){scoresArray.push({“url:” + web[i].url + “, score:” + score(web[i].content, pattern)});}the error report : SyntaxError: Unexpected token +This is the array that this peace of code is reading from:var web = [ {url : “”, content : “Loughborough University offers unidegree programmes and world class research.” } , {url : “”, content : “An alternative U

  • Raj
    I’m trying to create an array of key/value pairs by using the push method, but getting unexpected results.console.log prints this:books: [{“bookTitle”:”Mark Twain”}]Whereas I would expect this:books: [{“Tom Sawyer” : “Mark Twain”}]Here’s the code:var books = []; var bookTitle = “Tom Sawyer”; var author = “Mark Twain”;books.push({bookTitle : author})console.log(“books: %s”, JSON.stringify(books))I’ve tried books.bookTitle = author and books[bookTitle] = author, but the result is the same. Any he

  • Jason
    javascript jquery postmessage
    Odd issue. I am using jQuery .postMessage() to send messages from a secure <iframe> to the parent. Specifically I am sending a URL and have confirmed that the parent is receiving the URL – however, when I use try to set window.location to that URL, nothing happens.The sent url:*COLOR_FAMILY*Brown%5E1*CLSR_TYP*Lace-Up%5EThe actual url:*COLOR_FAMILY*Brown%5E1*CL

  • Soner Gönül
    c# postmessage
    I’m having a funny ol’ time with PostMessage, wondering if anybody could enlighten me.The method below processes the first left click but not the second, I did a bit of messing around and found that using a MessageBox and hitting OK even instantly provides the delay/release or whatever it is that’s needed to make the second left click process.public void MouseClick(IntPtr handle) {PostMessage(handle, (uint)WMessages.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, MAKELPARAM(521, 147));PostMessage(handle, (uint)WMessages.WM_

  • Roman
    c# copy postmessage
    I need to recieve data from some win application (not mine). Application window can be inactive at this time. Data I need is represented in table, so I am unable to use WM_GETTEXT, WM_COPY because they retrieve text only from texboxes, textareas, etc. I can manually make a selection at this table and all I need is just copy text from this selection by emulation of Ctrl+C to copy data to clipboard. I tried to send that key sequence this wayPostMessage(hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, 0x11, 0x001D0001); PostMess

  • Geray Suinov
    javascript jquery internet-explorer-9 postmessage
    My sender function:var parseData = JSON.stringify(requestData);iframe[0].contentWindow.postMessage({ request: parseData, request_id: dataOrign.length – 1 }, ‘*’);and function of receiving a request:$(window).on(“message”, function(e) {var requestData = JSON.parse(;}in IE 9 I have this error:0x800a03f6 – JavaScript runtime error: Invalid character in:var requestData = JSON.parse(;In other browsers everything works fine. tell me what the pr

  • Mariusz
    delphi service postmessage
    There is a problem I am unable to solve. I created two service applications in Delphi and tried to post messages within them. Of course, there are no windows in such applications and PostMessage needs a window handle parameter to send a message. Therefore, I created a window handle using the AllocateHWnd(MyMethod: TWndMethod) function and passed, as the ‘MyMethod’ parameter, a procedure I want to be called when a message is received. If it was a windowed application, PostMessage() called using t

  • dman
    javascript json web-worker postmessage
    I am using Javascript Web Workers. In the web worker, I have:function makeRequestChat(id) {var jsonObj;var xml = new XMLHttpRequest();“POST”, “/site/myapp/” + id, true);xml.onreadystatechange = function () {if (xml.readyState === 4 && xml.status === 200){var foo = chatQueues[id];foo.queue = id;var bar = JSON.stringify(foo);self.postMessage(bar);}}xml.send(null); }I am using copy for sending the json string. I get Uncaught Error: SyntaxError: DOM Exception 12 get.js:28 xml.onread

  • SF.
    javascript memory-leaks postmessage
    I have a page that may work as a standalone webpage or within a special “watchdog frame” to which it would be sending messages periodically using‘message’, ‘*’);The problem is if the page is loaded as standalone webpage, there will be nothing to capture these messages. Users can be expected to hold that page open for hours or even days at a time.Do these uncaught messages just vanish without a trace, or do they get queued or something like that, leaking the memory?

  • arkanciscan
    javascript postmessage web-worker worker domexception
    When writing the onmessage callback for a Web Worker I get an “Uncaught Error: SYNTAX_ERR: DOM Exception 12” in my console when I try to send another postMessage().var w = new Worker(url); w.onmessage = function(e) {if(’validate’){if(validateWork({postMessage(‘proceed’);}} }

  • Loko Web Design
    javascript jquery iframe data postmessage
    I’m using Josh Fraser’s Backwards compatible window.postMessage() ( and I’m having trouble.I have 2 iframes on a page and both iframes send different data to the same parent page. In other words, there are 2 XD.receivemessage functions getting 2 different messages from 2 different iframes. Here’s a shortened version of my code:<iframe id=”IFRAME1″ src=””></iframe> <ifram

  • juanpastas
    google-chrome postmessage
    With tampermonkey I am running this Javascript inside an iframe in my page:document.addEventListener(“message”, function(e){console.log(‘asd’); }, false);This way I could receive messages from parent window. I am using jQuery Mobile and have this HTML:<div data-role=”page” data-url=”/scraps/new?for=” tabindex=”0″ class=”ui-page ui-body-c ui-page-active” style=”min-height: 258px;”><p class=”notice”></p><p class=”alert”&g

  • Trann
    javascript html5 sqlite leaflet web-worker
    I have an HTML5 application that incorporates a few SQLite APIs to create an application that can:Read a sqlite database on a clients computer (based on user input) and load the contents to memory. Asynchronously load image blobs from the database to build a disconnected mapviewer using Leaflet.js / Openlayers.js Load N number of these sqlite databases in one session as layers within leaflet, where N is the maximum number of database that the client computer can handle in memory before crashingT

  • Wladimir Palant ?
    javascript firefox firefox-addon web-worker
    I’ve created a Firefox extension which provides an openDb function to create an SQLite database in the profile folder. My function is working fine. But it doesn’t work in a web worker(HTML5), the function isn’t defined there.My chrome.manifest file for your reference:component {12345678-1234-5678-abcd-12345678abcd} components/dblay.js contract;1 {12345678-1234-5678-abcd-12345678abcd} category JavaScript-global-property openDB;1How do I define my function in the web

  • Juhana
    javascript html5 web-worker
    I’m experimenting with web workers, and was wondering how well they would deal with embarassingly parallell problems. I therefore implemented Connaway’s Game of Life. (To have a bit more fun than doing a blur, or something. The problems would be the same in that case however.)At the moment I have one web worker performing iterations and posting back new ImageData for the UI thread to place in my canvas. Works nicely.My experiment doesn’t end there however, cause I have several CPU’s available an

  • garg
    javascript html5 html5-canvas web-worker
    When I run code that deals with imageData being passed to a web worker and then back, then Firefox works great but Chrome gives “Uncaught Error: DATA_CLONE_ERR: DOM Exception 25″Searching google suggests that older versions of Chrome used to work? I checked some more and it seemed as if I needed to run JSON.stringify and JSON.parse on the imagedata before sending it but then it stops working everywhere. The code that works in FF 9 is:image.js:var myImageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.w

  • dman
    javascript json web-worker postmessage
    I am using Javascript Web Workers. In the web worker, I have:function makeRequestChat(id) {var jsonObj;var xml = new XMLHttpRequest();“POST”, “/site/myapp/” + id, true);xml.onreadystatechange = function () {if (xml.readyState === 4 && xml.status === 200){var foo = chatQueues[id];foo.queue = id;var bar = JSON.stringify(foo);self.postMessage(bar);}}xml.send(null); }I am using copy for sending the json string. I get Uncaught Error: SyntaxError: DOM Exception 12 get.js:28 xml.onread

  • acudars
    angularjs factory web-worker worker angular-services
    I’m using AngularJS Seed and I want to see a working implementation of a Web Worker.I want to make a simple Web Worker work in order to understand it, but I’m running into an issue with the functionality.I have the Web Worker code in the services.js like so:’use strict’;/* Services */ var app = angular.module(‘’, []).app.factory(“HelloWorldService”,[‘$q’,function($q){var worker = new Worker(‘js/doWork.js’);var defer;worker.addEventListener(‘message’, function(e) {console.log(‘Worke

  • dman
    javascript ajax javascript-events xmlhttprequest web-worker
    I have this function in my web worker: function makeRequestChat(id) {var jsonObj;var xml = new XMLHttpRequest();“POST”, “/site/myapp/” + id, true);xml.onreadystatechange = function () {if (xml.readyState === 4 && xml.status === 200){jsonObj = JSON.parse(xml.responseText, function (key,value) { parseChat(key, value, id); });self.postMessage(“yes”);} } xml.send(null); }But the browser complains Uncaught Error: SyntaxError: DOM Exception 12 xml.onreadystatechange.This doesn’t mak

  • Joe
    javascript web-worker
    I have some javascript code like this,var worker = new Worker(“javascript/worker.js”);worker.onmessage = function(evt) {// stuff }worker.js looks like this,importScripts(“base.js”);function getImage() {$.ajax({url: ‘URL’dataType: “text/plain; charset=x-user-defined”,mimeType: “text/plain; charset=x-user-defined”,success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){callback();} }); }The worker.js file does not have jQuery included so that doesn’t work. If I add this to worker.js,importScripts(“jQuery.js”);

  • Christoph Brosdau
    javascript html5 drag-and-drop web-worker
    i want to use the synchroneous JS FileSystem API, therefore, this code has to be put to a webworker. the incoming data for the webworker are taken from a dragndrop event (dataTransfer.items) in order to be able to use chromes newest capabilitiy to upload folders. sadly, every try is canceled by chrome with a “Uncaught Error: DATA_CLONE_ERR: DOM Exception 25”.basically, its like this:var files=e.dataTransfer.items; [copying the DataTransferItemList]var worker=new Worker(…)worker.postMessage(fi

  • Fred
    jquery ajax html5 web-worker
    I’m wondering if I can use jQuery inside the web worker file. Google Chrome gives me this error: “Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined”.Here is the code: The parent file:var loader = new Worker(BASE_URL + “js/rss_loader_worker.js”); // Ask the worker to start loading the RSS from the server loader.postMessage(“loadRss”); // When receive the response from the server loader.onmessage = function (event) {console.log(; }The worker file:onmessage = function (event) {if ( ===

  • Andy Thomas
    java multithreading performance process worker
    I am implementing a worker pool in Java. This is essentially a whole load of objects which will pick up chunks of data, process the data and then store the result. Because of IO latency there will be significantly more workers than processor cores.The server is dedicated to this task and I want to wring the maximum performance out of the hardware (but no I don’t want to implement it in C++). The simplest implementation would be to have a single Java process which creates and monitors a number of

  • saGii
    ruby-on-rails-3 memory-management heroku worker
    I have a rails app deployed on heroku. We have ONE worker (jobs:work) which serially creates seven manager objects (one for each task) and runs methods on them in an infinite loop. This is what the main code looks like (the essential part of it anyway):loop dobeginManager.subclasses.each do |manager_klass| handling hereendsleep(1) endNone of the tasks do something like Model.all or such. I’ve read many articles about leaks and bloats in ruby and avoided most

  • Khaled Garbaya
    actionscript-3 flash flash-builder backgroundworker worker
    Hello I am trying to record the user sound using AS3 Worker everything works well when it comes to communication between the worker and the main scene but I think the record functionnality have and issue here I am using the Record Clash from ( and here’s is my code am I missing something :package objects {import;import flash.system.MessageChannel;import flash.system.Worker;import flash.system.WorkerDomain;import flash.utils.ByteAr

  • eeejay
    html5 mobile safari worker
    I cannot make an instance of Worker on Mobile Safari on an iPad with OS 4.2xThis is a very common and well-known HTML5 Web Worker demo: I try to run I get the error ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: WorkerThis demo works fine on desktop Safari. My understanding was that with OS 4.2x that HTML5 Web Workers would be supported on mobile safari. Does anyone know different?

  • user1618606
    linux apache2 vps worker
    I activated Apache Worker on my VPS and I’m having problems, ’cause the website is crashing when 3000 users are accessing the website. I’m using as counter.My Apache Worker configuration:KeepAlive On MaxKeepAliveRequests 0 KeepAliveTimeout 1<IfModule mpm_worker_module> ServerLimit 20000 StartServer 8000 MinSpareThreads 10400 MaxSpareThreads 14200 ThreadLimit 5 ThreadsPerChild 5 MaxClients 20000 MaxRequestsPerChild 0 </IfModule>The VPS have the

  • Andrew Marshall
    ruby-on-rails-3 heroku crash background-process worker
    I have an application written in Rails, deployed on Heroku. I used to have been working on 1 web dyno, but today I have published the app, the traffic is quite big so I decided to increase to 4 web dynos and 1 worker dynos. I don’t know why always when I do heroku ps it shows: Process State Command ——– ————– ——————————— web.1 up for 22s bundle exec rails server -p $PORT web.2 up for 36s bundle exe

  • Kay Nelson
    iis7 process worker
    We see the following exceptions in event viewer.An unhandled exception occurred and the process was terminated.Application ID: /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOTProcess ID: 3116Exception: System.NullReferenceExceptionMessage: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.StackTrace: at asyncResult)at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebClientAsyncResult.Complete()at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebClientProtocol.ProcessAsyncException(WebClientAsyncResult client, Exce

  • Jason Slocomb
    c# process worker http-status-code-503
    My knowledge of how processes are handled by the ASP.Net worker process is woefully inadequate. I’m hoping some of the experts out there can fill me in.If I crash the worker process with a System.OutOfMemoryException, what would the user experience be for other users who were being served by the same process? Would they get a blank screen? 503 error? I’m going to attempt to test this scenario with some other folks in our lab, but I thought I would float this out there. I will update with our res

  • James B
    android android-fragments worker
    I’m trying to learn how to use a fragment as a worker for an android activity. I have the following simple xml layout for my main activity:<LinearLayout xmlns:android=””android:layout_width=”fill_parent”android:layout_height=”fill_parent”android:orientation=”vertical” ><Buttonandroid:id=”@+id/update”android:layout_width=”wrap_content”android:layout_height=”wrap_content”android:text=”Press me” /><TextViewandroid:id=”@+id/text”android:layout

  • acudars
    angularjs factory web-worker worker angular-services
    I’m using AngularJS Seed and I want to see a working implementation of a Web Worker.I want to make a simple Web Worker work in order to understand it, but I’m running into an issue with the functionality.I have the Web Worker code in the services.js like so:’use strict’;/* Services */ var app = angular.module(‘’, []).app.factory(“HelloWorldService”,[‘$q’,function($q){var worker = new Worker(‘js/doWork.js’);var defer;worker.addEventListener(‘message’, function(e) {console.log(‘Worke

  • johntrepreneur
    jquery opera domexception
    I’m seeing this error “Unhandled DOMException: SYNTAX_ERR” intermittently on my webpage in Opera 12’s dragonfly dev tool. Its coming from the minified JQuery script upon page load (the links below have more detailed info). Only happens with the JQuery 1.8.0 release. Happens with both my downloaded copy and also with the GoogleApis hosted version too. The Opera forum says it’s a JQuery bug since it’s happening in Chrome developer tools too and on the JQuery forum it was closed as not an issue.I r

  • zoujyjs
    javascript jquery dom domexception
    I want to go through all the child elements of a div whose id is ‘imgDiv’, and replace all of them with a new element created by wrap the image with an parent anchor . Like <image src=…> to <a href=…><image …></a>. The code is as follows:$(document).ready(function(){var elem = $(‘.imgDiv’);$(elem).children(‘.image’).each(function(){var src = $(this).attr(‘src’);//get the src of a imageconsole.log(src);var fancyAnchor = $(document.createElement(‘a’)).addClass(‘fanc

  • Micha
    php javascript xmlhttprequest domexception
    I’m using the kineticjs library and i have a script which saves the stage as an image using the toDataURL method and uploads it onto the server with an XMLHttpReuest. All works as expected in getting the image saved onto the server but i cannot get the page to redirect or change once completed.My javascript/kineticjs code for generating the image is:function save() {stage.toDataURL({callback: function(dataUrl) {var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();“POST”,’upload_screenshot.php?newname=<?

  • Riki Lyng
    php xml domdocument appendchild domexception
    I am using DOMDocument to parse an XML file. I loop through the different Elements and see if any of them is missing and I fill an array with a createElement, with the error message. At the end I’m trying to appendChild that array but I always get the same error message:Uncaught exception ‘DOMException’ with message ‘Wrong Document Error’ DOMNode->appendChild(Object(DOMElement)) 1 {main} thrown in /xxx/xxx.php on line 235 PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method DOMElement::item() in /xxx/xx

  • Josh Unger
    javascript dom removechild domexception
    I have code which is roughly as follows (I removed some parts, as they are irrelevant):Library.focus = function(event) {var element, paragraph;element = event.srcElement;paragraph = document.createElement(“p”);paragraph.innerText = element.innerText;element.parentNode.insertBefore(paragraph, element); // Line #1element.parentNode.removeChild(element); // Line #2 };The issue I have, is that the last call which I’ve numbered as line #2 throws this:Uncaught Error: NOT_FOUN

  • arkanciscan
    javascript postmessage web-worker worker domexception
    When writing the onmessage callback for a Web Worker I get an “Uncaught Error: SYNTAX_ERR: DOM Exception 12” in my console when I try to send another postMessage().var w = new Worker(url); w.onmessage = function(e) {if(’validate’){if(validateWork({postMessage(‘proceed’);}} }

  • Ata Iravani
    javascript jquery jquery-ui-sortable domexception
    I’ve been using this tutorial to build a page where we can reorder and move div on a page:’ve modified it to be able to dynamically add some divs on the page but when trying to reorder/move some of the divs, I sometimes get this error: Uncaught Error: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: DOM Exception 3.Here’s my html:<div id=”columns”> <ul id=”column1″ class=”column”> </ul> <ul id=”column2″ class=”column”> </ul> <ul

  • Josh Unger
    javascript html5 getimagedata domexception
    I’m trying to get a feel for some image manipulation in HTML5. I am finding that when I try and use the getImageData method I get this JS exception thrown. I am using Chrome and running on localhost. Thanks!

  • BrianFreud
    javascript dom google-chrome domexception
    After getting an “Uncaught Error: NOT_FOUND_ERR: DOM Exception 8”, and having seen a few others of the DOM Exceptions recently, I’m wondering… Does anyone have a list of all possible DOM Exceptions, and what triggers each? Seems like that’d be a godsend for debugging, instead of searching to try and decipher YANDE (Yet Another New DOM Exception) each time I run into a new one.

  • Josh Unger
    javascript jquery html domexception
    I get the following error in Chrome’s developer tools window when I try to set a cookie using this jQuery plugin:Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18What does this error mean and how can I fix it? I get the same error when I use this jQuery plugin.

Web site is in building